Source code for

import itertools
import logging
from abc import ABCMeta
from collections import OrderedDict
from copy import deepcopy

import netCDF4 as nc
import numpy as np
import six
from netCDF4._netCDF4 import VLType, MFDataset, MFTime
from ocgis import constants, vm
from ocgis import env
from ocgis.base import orphaned, raise_if_empty
from ocgis.collection.field import Field
from ocgis.constants import MPIWriteMode, DimensionMapKey, KeywordArgument, DriverKey, CFName, SourceIndexType, \
from ocgis.driver.base import AbstractDriver, driver_scope
from ocgis.exc import ProjectionDoesNotMatch, PayloadProtectedError, NoDataVariablesFound, \
from ocgis.util.helpers import itersubclasses, get_iter, get_formatted_slice, get_by_key_list, is_auto_dtype, get_group
from ocgis.util.logging_ocgis import ocgis_lh
from ocgis.variable.base import SourcedVariable, ObjectType, get_slice_sequence_using_local_bounds
from import CFCoordinateReferenceSystem, CoordinateReferenceSystem, CFRotatedPole, CFSpherical, \
from ocgis.variable.dimension import Dimension
from ocgis.variable.temporal import TemporalVariable
from ocgis.vmachine.mpi import OcgDist

[docs]class DriverNetcdf(AbstractDriver): """ Driver for netCDF files that avoids any hint of metadata. Driver keyword arguments (``driver_kwargs``) to the request dataset: * Any keyword arguments to dataset or multi-file dataset creation. """ extensions = ('.*\.nc', 'http.*') key = DriverKey.NETCDF output_formats = 'all' common_extension = 'nc' @property def data_model(self): return self.metadata_source['file_format'] @staticmethod def get_data_variable_names(group_metadata, group_dimension_map): return tuple() @classmethod def get_variable_for_writing_temporal(cls, temporal_variable): return temporal_variable.value_numtime def get_variable_value(self, variable): return get_value_from_request_dataset(variable) @classmethod def write_variable(cls, var, dataset, write_mode=MPIWriteMode.NORMAL, **kwargs): """ Write a variable to an open netCDF dataset object. :param var: Variable object. :param dataset: Open netCDF dataset object. :param kwargs: Arguments to netCDF variable creation with additional keyword arguments below. :keyword bool file_only: (``=False``) If ``True``, do not write the value to the output file. Create an empty netCDF file. :keyword bool unlimited_to_fixed_size: (``=False``) If ``True``, convert the unlimited dimension to a fixed size. """ # There should never be any write operations associated with an empty variable. raise_if_empty(var) # Write the parent collection if available on the variable. if not var.is_orphaned: parent_kwargs = {} parent_kwargs[KeywordArgument.VARIABLE_KWARGS] = kwargs return var.parent.write(dataset, **parent_kwargs) assert isinstance(dataset, nc.Dataset) file_only = kwargs.pop(KeywordArgument.FILE_ONLY, False) unlimited_to_fixed_size = kwargs.pop(KeywordArgument.UNLIMITED_TO_FIXED_SIZE, False) # No data should be written during a global write. Data will be filled in during the append process. if write_mode == MPIWriteMode.TEMPLATE: file_only = True if is None: msg = 'A variable "name" is required.' raise ValueError(msg) # Dimension creation should not occur during a fill operation. The dimensions and variables have already been # created. if write_mode != MPIWriteMode.FILL: dimensions = var.dimensions dtype = cls.get_variable_write_dtype(var) if isinstance(dtype, ObjectType): dtype = dtype.create_vltype(dataset, dimensions[0].name + '_VLType') # Assume we are writing string data if the data type is object. elif dtype == str or var.is_string_object: dtype = 'S1' if len(dimensions) > 0: # Special handling for string variables. if dtype == 'S1': max_length = var.string_max_length_global assert max_length is not None dimensions = [var.dimensions[0], Dimension('{}_ocgis_slen'.format(, max_length)] dimensions = list(dimensions) # Convert the unlimited dimension to fixed size if requested. for idx, d in enumerate(dimensions): if d.is_unlimited and unlimited_to_fixed_size: dimensions[idx] = Dimension(, size=var.shape[idx]) break # Create the dimensions. for dim in dimensions: create_dimension_or_pass(dim, dataset, write_mode=write_mode) dimensions = [ for d in dimensions] # Only use the fill value if something is masked. is_nc3 = dataset.data_model.startswith('NETCDF3') if ((len(dimensions) > 0 and var.has_masked_values) and ( write_mode == MPIWriteMode.TEMPLATE or not file_only)) or ( is_nc3 and not var.has_allocated_value and len( dimensions) > 0) or (env.USE_NETCDF4_MPI and var.has_mask and vm.size > 1): fill_value = cls.get_variable_write_fill_value(var) else: # Copy from original attributes. if '_FillValue' not in var.attrs: fill_value = None else: fill_value = cls.get_variable_write_fill_value(var) if write_mode == MPIWriteMode.FILL: ncvar = dataset.variables[] else: ncvar = dataset.createVariable(, dtype, dimensions=dimensions, fill_value=fill_value, **kwargs) if write_mode == MPIWriteMode.ASYNCHRONOUS: # Tell NC4 we are writing the variable in parallel ncvar.set_collective(True) # Do not fill values on file_only calls. Also, only fill values for variables with dimension greater than zero. if not file_only and not var.is_empty and not isinstance(var, CoordinateReferenceSystem): if not var.is_string_object and isinstance(var.dtype, ObjectType) and not isinstance(var, TemporalVariable): bounds_local = var.dimensions[0].bounds_local for idx in range(bounds_local[0], bounds_local[1]): ncvar[idx] = np.array(var.get_value()[idx - bounds_local[0]]) else: fill_slice = get_slice_sequence_using_local_bounds(var) data_value = cls.get_variable_write_value(var) # Only write allocated values. if data_value is not None: if var.dtype == str or var.is_string_object: for idx in range(fill_slice[0].start, fill_slice[0].stop): try: curr_value = data_value[idx - fill_slice[0].start] except Exception as e: msg = "Variable name is '{}'. Original message: ".format( + str(e) raise e.__class__(msg) for sidx, sval in enumerate(curr_value): ncvar[idx, sidx] = sval elif var.ndim == 0: ncvar[:] = data_value else: try: ncvar.__setitem__(fill_slice, data_value) except Exception as e: msg = "Variable name is '{}'. Original message: ".format( + str(e) raise e.__class__(msg) # Only set variable attributes if this is not a fill operation. if write_mode != MPIWriteMode.FILL: var.write_attributes_to_netcdf_object(ncvar) if var.units is not None: ncvar.setncattr('units', str(var.units)) dataset.sync() @classmethod def _write_variable_collection_main_(cls, vc, opened_or_path, write_mode, **kwargs): assert write_mode is not None dataset_kwargs = kwargs.get('dataset_kwargs', {}) variable_kwargs = kwargs.get('variable_kwargs', {}) # When filling a dataset, we use append mode. if write_mode == MPIWriteMode.FILL: mode = 'a' else: mode = 'w' # For an asynchronous write, treat everything like a single rank. if write_mode == MPIWriteMode.ASYNCHRONOUS: possible_ranks = [0] else: possible_ranks = vm.ranks # Write the data on each rank. for idx, rank_to_write in enumerate(possible_ranks): # The template write only occurs on the first rank. if write_mode == MPIWriteMode.TEMPLATE and rank_to_write != 0: pass # If this is not a template write, fill the data. elif write_mode == MPIWriteMode.ASYNCHRONOUS or vm.rank == rank_to_write: with driver_scope(cls, opened_or_path=opened_or_path, mode=mode, **dataset_kwargs) as dataset: # Write global attributes if we are not filling data. if write_mode != MPIWriteMode.FILL: vc.write_attributes_to_netcdf_object(dataset) # This is the main variable write loop. variables_to_write = get_variables_to_write(vc) for variable in variables_to_write: # Load the variable's data before orphaning. The variable needs its parent to know which # group it is in. variable.load() # Call the individual variable write method in fill mode. Orphaning is required as a # variable will attempt to write its parent first. with orphaned(variable, keep_dimensions=True): variable.write(dataset, write_mode=write_mode, **variable_kwargs) # Recurse the children. for child in list(vc.children.values()): if write_mode != MPIWriteMode.FILL: group = nc.Group(dataset, else: group = dataset.groups[] child.write(group, write_mode=write_mode, **kwargs) dataset.sync() vm.barrier() def _get_metadata_main_(self): with driver_scope(self) as ds: ret = parse_metadata(ds) return ret @classmethod def _get_write_modes_(cls, the_vm, **kwargs): dataset_kwargs = kwargs.get(KeywordArgument.DATASET_KWARGS, {}) ret = AbstractDriver._get_write_modes_(the_vm, **kwargs) if env.USE_NETCDF4_MPI and the_vm.size > 1: if dataset_kwargs.get('format', 'NETCDF4') == 'NETCDF4' and dataset_kwargs.get('parallel', True): ret = [MPIWriteMode.ASYNCHRONOUS] return ret def _init_variable_from_source_main_(self, variable, variable_object): init_variable_using_metadata_for_netcdf(variable, self.rd.metadata) @staticmethod def _open_(uri, mode='r', **kwargs): """ :rtype: object """ kwargs = kwargs.copy() group_indexing = kwargs.pop('group_indexing', None) lvm = kwargs.pop('vm', vm) if isinstance(uri, six.string_types): # Open the dataset in parallel if we want to use the netCDF MPI capability. It may not be available even in # parallel. if mode == 'w' and lvm.size > 1: if kwargs.get('format', 'NETCDF4') == 'NETCDF4': if kwargs.get('parallel') is None and env.USE_NETCDF4_MPI: kwargs['parallel'] = True if kwargs.get('parallel') and kwargs.get('comm') is None: kwargs['comm'] = lvm.comm ret = nc.Dataset(uri, mode=mode, **kwargs) # tdk:FIX: this should be enabled for MFDataset as well. see # netcdf4 >= 1.4.0 always returns masked arrays. This is inefficient and is turned off by default by ocgis. if hasattr(ret, 'set_always_mask'): ret.set_always_mask(False) else: ret = nc.MFDataset(uri, **kwargs) if group_indexing is not None: for group_name in get_iter(group_indexing): ret = ret.groups[group_name] return ret
[docs]@six.add_metaclass(ABCMeta) class AbstractDriverNetcdfCF(DriverNetcdf): def create_dimension_map(self, group_metadata, strict=False): dmap = super(AbstractDriverNetcdfCF, self).create_dimension_map(group_metadata, strict=strict) # Check for time, level, and realization variables. This involves checking for the presence of any bounds # variables. axes = {'realization': 'R', 'time': 'T', 'level': 'Z'} entries = self._create_dimension_map_entries_dict_(axes, group_metadata, strict) self._update_dimension_map_with_entries_(entries, dmap) # Check for coordinate system variables. This will check every variable. crs_name = get_coordinate_system_variable_name(self, group_metadata) if crs_name is not None: dmap.set_crs(crs_name) # Check for a spatial mask. variables = group_metadata['variables'] for varname, var in variables.items(): if 'ocgis_role' in var.get('attrs', {}): if var['attrs']['ocgis_role'] == 'spatial_mask': dmap.set_spatial_mask(varname, attrs=var['attrs']) break return dmap @staticmethod def _create_dimension_map_entries_dict_(axes, group_metadata, strict, attr_name='axis'): variables = group_metadata['variables'] check_bounds = list(axes.keys()) if 'realization' in check_bounds: check_bounds.pop(check_bounds.index('realization')) # Get the main entry for each axis. for k, v in list(axes.items()): axes[k] = create_dimension_map_entry(v, variables, strict=strict, attr_name=attr_name) # Attempt to find bounds for each entry (ignoring realizations). for k in check_bounds: if axes[k] is not None: keys = ['bounds'] if k == 'time': keys += ['climatology'] bounds_var = get_by_key_list(variables[axes[k]['variable']]['attrs'], keys) if bounds_var is not None: if bounds_var not in variables: msg = 'Bounds listed for variable "{0}" but the destination bounds variable "{1}" does not exist.'. \ format(axes[k]['variable'], bounds_var) ocgis_lh(msg, logger='nc.driver', level=logging.WARNING) bounds_var = None axes[k]['bounds'] = bounds_var entries = {k: v for k, v in list(axes.items()) if v is not None} return entries def _get_crs_main_(self, group_metadata): return get_crs_variable(group_metadata, self.rd.rotated_pole_priority) @staticmethod def _update_dimension_map_with_entries_(entries, dimension_map): for k, v in entries.items(): variable_name = v.pop('variable') dimension_map.set_variable(k, variable_name, **v)
[docs]class DriverNetcdfCF(AbstractDriverNetcdfCF): """ Metadata-aware netCDF driver interpreting CF-Grid by default. """ key = DriverKey.NETCDF_CF _esmf_fileformat = 'GRIDSPEC' _default_crs = env.DEFAULT_COORDSYS _priority = True @staticmethod def array_resolution(value, axis): """See :meth:`ocgis.driver.base.AbstractDriver.array_resolution`""" if value.size == 1: return 0.0 else: resolution_limit = constants.RESOLUTION_LIMIT is_vectorized = value.ndim == 1 if is_vectorized: target = np.abs(np.diff(np.abs(value[0:resolution_limit]))) else: if axis == 0: target = np.abs(np.diff(np.abs(value[:, 0:resolution_limit]), axis=axis)) elif axis == 1: target = np.abs(np.diff(np.abs(value[0:resolution_limit, :]), axis=axis)) else: raise NotImplementedError(axis) ret = np.mean(target) return ret def create_dimension_map(self, group_metadata, strict=False): dmap = super(DriverNetcdfCF, self).create_dimension_map(group_metadata, strict=strict) # Get dimension variable metadata. This involves checking for the presence of any bounds variables. axes = {'x': 'X', 'y': 'Y'} entries = self._create_dimension_map_entries_dict_(axes, group_metadata, strict, attr_name='axis') self._update_dimension_map_with_entries_(entries, dmap) # Hack to get the original coordinate system. Tell the driver to get rotated pole if it can from the metadata. original_rpp = self.rd.rotated_pole_priority try: self.rd.rotated_pole_priority = True raw_crs = self.get_crs(group_metadata) finally: self.rd.rotated_pole_priority = original_rpp # Swap out correct axis variables for spherical as opposed to rotated latitude longitude if not self.rd.rotated_pole_priority and isinstance(raw_crs, CFRotatedPole): crs = self.get_crs(group_metadata) if isinstance(crs, CFSpherical): axes = {DimensionMapKey.X: {'value': CFName.StandardName.LONGITUDE, 'axis': 'X'}, DimensionMapKey.Y: {'value': CFName.StandardName.LATITUDE, 'axis': 'Y'}} crs_entries = self._create_dimension_map_entries_dict_(axes, group_metadata, strict, attr_name=CFName.STANDARD_NAME) self._update_dimension_map_with_entries_(crs_entries, dmap) env.SET_GRID_AXIS_ATTRS = False env.COORDSYS_ACTUAL = raw_crs return dmap @staticmethod def get_data_variable_names(group_metadata, group_dimension_map): axes_needed = [DimensionMapKey.TIME, DimensionMapKey.X, DimensionMapKey.Y] dvars = [] dimension_names_needed = [] for axis in axes_needed: axis_variable = group_dimension_map.get_variable(axis) if axis_variable is None: # A required axis is missing in the dimension map. Hence, there are no dimensioned variables in the # group. return tuple() else: dimension_names_needed += group_dimension_map.get_dimension(axis) dimension_names_needed = set(dimension_names_needed) for vk, vv in list(group_metadata['variables'].items()): variable_dimension_names = set(vv['dimensions']) intersection = dimension_names_needed.intersection(variable_dimension_names) if len(intersection) == len(axes_needed): dvars.append(vk) return tuple(dvars) def get_distributed_dimension_name(self, dimension_map, dimensions_metadata, decomp_type=DecompositionType.OCGIS): x_variable = dimension_map.get_variable(DimensionMapKey.X) y_variable = dimension_map.get_variable(DimensionMapKey.Y) if x_variable and y_variable: dimension_name_x = dimension_map.get_dimension(DimensionMapKey.X)[0] if decomp_type == DecompositionType.OCGIS: dimension_name_y = dimension_map.get_dimension(DimensionMapKey.Y)[0] sizes = np.zeros(2, dtype={'names': ['dim', 'size'], 'formats': [object, int]}) sizes[0] = (dimension_name_x, dimensions_metadata[dimension_name_x]['size']) sizes[1] = (dimension_name_y, dimensions_metadata[dimension_name_y]['size']) max_index = np.argmax(sizes['size']) ret = sizes['dim'][max_index] elif decomp_type == DecompositionType.ESMF: ret = dimension_name_x else: raise NotImplementedError(decomp_type) else: ret = None return ret @staticmethod def get_grid(field): from ocgis import Grid try: ret = Grid(parent=field) except GridDeficientError: ret = None return ret @staticmethod def _gc_iter_dst_grid_slices_(grid_chunker, yield_idx=None): slice_store = [] ydim_name = grid_chunker.dst_grid.dimensions[0].name xdim_name = grid_chunker.dst_grid.dimensions[1].name dst_grid_shape_global = grid_chunker.dst_grid.shape_global for idx in range(grid_chunker.dst_grid.ndim): splits = grid_chunker.nchunks_dst[idx] size = dst_grid_shape_global[idx] slices = create_slices_for_dimension(size, splits) slice_store.append(slices) for ctr, (slice_y, slice_x) in enumerate(itertools.product(*slice_store)): if yield_idx is not None and yield_idx != ctr: if ctr > yield_idx: break else: continue yield {ydim_name: create_slice_from_tuple(slice_y), xdim_name: create_slice_from_tuple(slice_x)} @classmethod def _get_field_write_target_(cls, field): """Collective!""" ocgis_lh(level=10, logger="", msg="entering _get_field_write_target_") if is not None: grid = field.grid if grid is not None: # If any grid pieces are masked, ensure the mask is created across all grids. has_mask = vm.gather(grid.has_mask) if vm.rank == 0: if any(has_mask): create_mask = True else: create_mask = False else: create_mask = None create_mask = vm.bcast(create_mask) if create_mask and not grid.has_mask: grid.get_mask(create=True) # Putting units on bounds for netCDF-CF can confuse some parsers. if grid.has_bounds: field = field.copy() field.x.bounds.attrs.pop('units', None) field.y.bounds.attrs.pop('units', None) # Remove the current coordinate system if this is a dummy coordinate system. if env.COORDSYS_ACTUAL is not None: field = field.copy() field.set_crs(env.COORDSYS_ACTUAL, should_add=True) return field
def create_slice_from_tuple(tup): return slice(tup[0], tup[1]) def create_slices_for_dimension(size, splits): ompi = OcgDist(size=splits) dimname = 'foo' ompi.create_dimension(dimname, size, dist=True) ompi.update_dimension_bounds() slices = [] for rank in range(splits): dimension = ompi.get_dimension(dimname, rank=rank) slices.append(dimension.bounds_local) return slices def parse_metadata(rootgrp, fill=None): if fill is None: fill = OrderedDict() if 'groups' not in fill: fill['groups'] = OrderedDict() update_group_metadata(rootgrp, fill) for group in list(rootgrp.groups.values()): new_fill = fill['groups'][] = OrderedDict() parse_metadata(group, fill=new_fill) return fill def read_from_collection(target, request_dataset, parent=None, name=None, source_name=constants.UNINITIALIZED, uid=None): # Allow an empty variable renaming map. This occurs when there are no visible data variables to the metadata # parser. try: rename_variable_map = request_dataset.rename_variable_map except NoDataVariablesFound: rename_variable_map = {} ret = Field(attrs=get_netcdf_attributes(target), parent=parent, name=name, source_name=source_name, uid=uid) pred = request_dataset.predicate for varname, ncvar in target.variables.items(): if pred is not None and not pred(varname): continue source_name = varname name = rename_variable_map.get(varname, varname) sv = SourcedVariable(name=name, request_dataset=request_dataset, parent=ret, source_name=source_name) ret[name] = sv for group_name, ncgroup in list(target.groups.items()): child = read_from_collection(ncgroup, request_dataset, parent=ret, name=group_name, uid=uid) ret.add_child(child) return ret def init_variable_using_metadata_for_netcdf(variable, metadata): source = get_group(metadata,, has_root=False) desired_name = variable.source_name var = source['variables'][desired_name] if vm.is_null: variable.convert_to_empty() else: # Update data type and fill value. if is_auto_dtype(variable._dtype) or var.get('dtype_packed') is not None: var_dtype = var['dtype'] desired_dtype = deepcopy(var_dtype) if isinstance(var_dtype, VLType): desired_dtype = ObjectType(var_dtype) elif var['dtype_packed'] is not None: desired_dtype = deepcopy(var['dtype_packed']) variable._dtype = desired_dtype if variable._fill_value == 'auto': if var.get('fill_value_packed') is not None: desired_fill_value = var['fill_value_packed'] else: desired_fill_value = var.get('fill_value') variable._fill_value = deepcopy(desired_fill_value) variable_attrs = variable._attrs # Offset and scale factors are not supported by OCGIS. The data is unpacked when written to a new output file. # TODO: Consider supporting offset and scale factors for write operations. exclude = ['add_offset', 'scale_factor'] for k, v in list(var.get('attrs', {}).items()): if k in exclude: continue if k not in variable_attrs: variable_attrs[k] = deepcopy(v) # The conform units to value should be the default units value. Units will be converted on variable load. conform_units_to = var.get('conform_units_to') if conform_units_to is not None: variable_attrs['units'] = conform_units_to def get_coordinate_system_variable_name(driver_object, group_metadata): rd = driver_object.rd crs_name = None if rd._has_assigned_coordinate_system: if rd._crs is not None: crs_name = else: crs = driver_object.get_crs(group_metadata) if crs is not None: crs_name = return crs_name def get_value_from_request_dataset(variable): if variable.protected: raise PayloadProtectedError( rd = variable._request_dataset with driver_scope(rd.driver) as source: if is not None: for vg in if vg is None: continue else: source = source.groups[vg] desired_name = variable.source_name or rd.variable # Reference the variable in the source dataset. ncvar = source.variables[desired_name] # Allow multi-unit time values for temporal variables. if isinstance(variable, TemporalVariable) and isinstance(source, MFDataset) and rd.format_time: # MFTime may fail if time_bnds do not have a calendar attribute. # Use rd.dimension_map.set_bounds('time', None) to disable indexing on time_bnds. try: ncvar = MFTime(ncvar, units=variable.units, calendar=variable.calendar) except TypeError: # Older versions of netcdf4-python do not support the calendar argument. ncvar = MFTime(ncvar, units=variable.units) ret = get_variable_value(ncvar, variable.dimensions) return ret def get_variables_to_write(vc): from ocgis.variable.geom import GeometryVariable ret = [] for variable in vc.values(): if isinstance(variable, GeometryVariable): continue else: ret.append(variable) return ret def get_variable_value(variable, dimensions): if dimensions is not None and len(dimensions) > 0: to_format = [None] * len(dimensions) for idx in range(len(dimensions)): current_dimension = dimensions[idx] si_type = current_dimension._src_idx_type if si_type is None: if current_dimension.bounds_local is None: to_insert = slice(0, len(current_dimension)) else: to_insert = slice(*current_dimension.bounds_local) elif si_type == SourceIndexType.FANCY: to_insert = current_dimension._src_idx elif si_type == SourceIndexType.BOUNDS: to_insert = slice(*current_dimension._src_idx) else: raise NotImplementedError(si_type) to_format[idx] = to_insert slc = get_formatted_slice(to_format, len(dimensions)) else: slc = slice(None) try: ret = variable.__getitem__(slc) except IndexError: # TODO: Hack! Slicing the top-level MFTime variable does not work with multifiles. ret = super(MFTime, variable).__getitem__(slc) return ret def create_dimension_or_pass(dim, dataset, write_mode=MPIWriteMode.NORMAL): if not in dataset.dimensions: if dim.is_unlimited: size = None elif write_mode in (MPIWriteMode.TEMPLATE, MPIWriteMode.ASYNCHRONOUS): lower, upper = dim.bounds_global size = upper - lower else: size = dim.size dataset.createDimension(, size) def get_crs_variable(metadata, rotated_pole_priority, to_search=None): found = [] variables = metadata['variables'] for vname, var in list(variables.items()): if to_search is not None: if vname not in to_search: continue for potential in itersubclasses(CFCoordinateReferenceSystem): try: crs = potential.load_from_metadata(vname, metadata, strict=False) found.append(crs) break except ProjectionDoesNotMatch: continue fset = set([ for f in found]) if len(fset) > 1: msg = 'Multiple coordinate systems found. There should be only one.' raise ValueError(msg) elif len(fset) == 0: crs = None else: crs = found[0] # Allow spherical coordinate systems to overload rotated pole if they are present in the metadata. if not rotated_pole_priority and isinstance(crs, CFRotatedPole): try: crs = CFSpherical.load_from_metadata(None, metadata, depth=2) except ProjectionDoesNotMatch: # No spherical coordinate system data available. Fall back on previous crs. pass # If there is no CRS, check for OCGIS coordinate systems. if crs is None: try: crs = AbstractProj4CRS.load_from_metadata(metadata) except ProjectionDoesNotMatch: pass return crs def create_dimension_map_entry(src, variables, strict=False, attr_name='axis'): """ Create a dimension map entry dictionary by searching variable metadata using attribute constraints. :param src: The source information to use for constructing the entry. If ``src`` is a dictionary, it must have two entries. The key ``'value'`` corresponds to the string attribute value. The key ``'axis'`` is the representative axis to assign the source value (for example ``'X'`` or ``'Y'``). :type src: str | dict :param dict variables: The metadata entries for the group's variables. :param bool strict: If ``False``, do not use a strict interpretation of metadata. Allow some standard approaches for handling metadata exceptions. :param str attr_name: Name of the attribute to use for checking the attribute values form ``src``. :return: dict """ if isinstance(src, dict): axis = src['axis'] attr_value = src['value'] else: axis = src attr_value = src axis_vars = [] for variable in list(variables.values()): vattrs = variable.get('attrs', {}) if vattrs.get(attr_name) == attr_value: if len(variable['dimensions']) == 0: pass else: axis_vars.append(variable['name']) # Try to find by default names. if not strict and len(axis_vars) == 0: possible_names = CFName.get_axis_mapping().get(axis, []) for pn in possible_names: if pn in list(variables.keys()): axis_vars.append(variables[pn]['name']) if len(axis_vars) == 1: var_name = axis_vars[0] dims = list(variables[var_name]['dimensions']) if not strict: # Use default index positions for X/Y dimensions. if axis in ('X', 'Y') and len(dims) > 1: if axis == 'Y': dims = [dims[0]] elif axis == 'X': dims = [dims[1]] ret = {'variable': var_name, DimensionMapKey.DIMENSION: dims} elif len(axis_vars) > 1: msg = 'Multiple axis (axis="{}") possibilities found using variable(s) "{}". Use a dimension map to specify ' \ 'the appropriate coordinate dimensions.' ocgis_lh(msg.format(axis, axis_vars), level=logging.WARN, logger='', force=True) ret = None else: ret = None return ret def get_netcdf_attributes(target): attributes = OrderedDict() for attname in target.ncattrs(): try: attributes[attname] = target.getncattr(attname) except AttributeError: # TODO: Report bug to netCDF4-python. # May fail for multi-file datasets. Try to access the underlying dictionary. attributes[attname] = target.__dict__[attname] return attributes def remove_netcdf_attribute(filename, variable_name, attr_name): with driver_scope(DriverNetcdf, opened_or_path=filename, mode='a') as ds: var = ds[variable_name] var.delncattr(attr_name) def update_group_metadata(rootgrp, fill): global_attributes = get_netcdf_attributes(rootgrp) fill.update({'global_attributes': global_attributes}) # get file format fill.update({'file_format': rootgrp.file_format}) # get variables variables = OrderedDict() for key, value in rootgrp.variables.items(): subvar = OrderedDict() for attr in value.ncattrs(): subvar.update({attr: getattr(value, attr)}) # Remove scale factors and offsets from the metadata. if 'scale_factor' in subvar: dtype_packed = value[0].dtype fill_value_packed =[], dtype=dtype_packed).fill_value else: dtype_packed = None fill_value_packed = None # Attempt to find the fill value. try: fill_value = value.__dict__['_FillValue'] except KeyError: try: fill_value = value.fill_value except AttributeError: try: fill_value = value.missing_value except AttributeError: fill_value = 'auto' value_dtype = value.dtype try: value_datatype = value.datatype except AttributeError: # This is a fickle property for some reason. bekozi does not know if it is version related or not present # on standard non-VLType variables. Maybe both. Either way, this is the best way to detect VLType variables. value_datatype = None if isinstance(value_datatype, VLType): the_dtype = ObjectType(value_dtype) else: the_dtype = value_dtype variables.update({key: {'dimensions': value.dimensions, 'attrs': subvar, 'dtype': the_dtype, 'name': value._name, 'fill_value': fill_value, 'dtype_packed': dtype_packed, 'fill_value_packed': fill_value_packed}}) fill.update({'variables': variables}) # get dimensions dimensions = OrderedDict() for key, value in rootgrp.dimensions.items(): subdim = {key: {'name': key, 'size': len(value), 'isunlimited': value.isunlimited()}} dimensions.update(subdim) fill.update({'dimensions': dimensions})