Source code for ocgis.exc

from ocgis import messages

[docs]class OcgException(Exception): """Base class for all OCGIS exceptions.""" def __init__(self, message=None): self.message = message def __str__(self): return self.message
[docs]class OcgWarning(Warning): """Base class for all OCGIS warnings."""
[docs]class BoundsAlreadyAvailableError(OcgException): """Raised when an attempt is made to extrapolate bounds and they are already present.""" def __str__(self): msg = 'Bounds/corners already available.' return msg
[docs]class CannotFormatTimeError(OcgException): """ Raised when datetime objects from numeric are blocked by "format_time". """ def __init__(self, property_name): self.property_name = property_name def __str__(self): msg = 'Attempted to retrieve datetime values from "{0}" with "format_time" as "False". Set "format_time" to "True".'.format( self.property_name) return msg
[docs]class MaskedDataFound(OcgException): """Raised when data is masked.""" def __str__(self): msg = 'Data is masked.' return msg
[docs]class MultipleElementsFound(OcgException): """ Raised when multiple elements are encountered in a :class:`ocgis.interface.base.dimension.spatial.SpatialDimension` object. :param sdim: The incoming spatial dimension object. :type sdim: :class:`ocgis.interface.base.dimension.spatial.SpatialDimension` """ def __init__(self, sdim): self.sdim = sdim def __str__(self): msg = 'Shape of the spatial dimension object is: {0}'.format(self.sdim.shape) return msg
[docs]class RequestableFeature(OcgException): """Raised when a feature is not implemented but could be provided there is a use case available.""" def __init__(self, message=None): from ocgis import constants self.message = 'This feature is not implemented. Do you need it? Please post an issue: {}. {}' if message is None: second_format = '' else: second_format = "Custom message is: '{}'".format(message) self.message = self.message.format(constants.GITHUB_ISSUES, second_format)
[docs]class ShapeError(OcgException): """ Raised when an array has an incompatible shape with an operation. """
[docs]class SingleElementError(ShapeError): """ Raised when an operation requires more than a single element. """
[docs]class CalculationException(OcgException): def __init__(self, function_klass, message=None): self.function_klass = function_klass OcgException.__init__(self, message=message) def __str__(self): msg = 'The function class "{0}" raised an exception with message: "{1}"'.format(self.function_klass.__name__, self.message) return (msg)
[docs]class VariableInCollectionError(OcgException): def __init__(self, variable_or_name): try: name = except AttributeError: name = variable_or_name = name def __str__(self): msg = 'Variable name already in collection: {0}'.format( return msg
[docs]class VariableShapeMismatch(OcgException): def __init__(self, variable, collection_shape): self.variable = variable self.collection_shape = collection_shape def __str__(self): msg = 'Variable with alias "{0}" has shape {1}. Collection shape is {2}'.format(self.variable.alias, self.variable.shape, self.collection_shape) return msg
[docs]class SampleSizeNotImplemented(CalculationException): pass
[docs]class InterpreterException(OcgException): pass
[docs]class InterpreterNotRecognized(InterpreterException): pass
[docs]class EmptyIterationError(OcgException): def __init__(self, obj): self.message = 'Iteration on the object "{0}" requested, but the object is empty.'.format(obj)
[docs]class CFException(OcgException): pass
[docs]class ProjectionCoordinateNotFound(CFException): def __init__(self, target): self.message = 'The projection coordinate "{0}" was not found in the dataset.'.format(target)
[docs]class ProjectionDoesNotMatch(CFException): pass
[docs]class CRSDepthNotImplemented(CFException): """Raised when a CRS depth check is not supported.""" def __init__(self, depth): self.message = "Depth check not supported: {}".format(depth)
[docs]class DimensionNotFound(CFException): def __init__(self, name): self.message = "Dimension not found: '{}'".format(name)
[docs]class DefinitionValidationError(OcgException): """Raised when validation fails on :class:`~ocgis.OcgOperations`. :param ocg_argument: The origin of the exception. :type ocg_argument: :class:`ocgis.driver.definition.AbstractParameter`, str :param msg: The message related to the exception to display in the exception's template. :type msg: str """ def __init__(self, ocg_argument, msg): self.ocg_argument = ocg_argument fmt = ('OcgOperations validation raised an exception on the argument/operation ' '"{0}" with the message: {1}') try: msg = fmt.format(, msg) except AttributeError: try: msg = fmt.format(ocg_argument._name, msg) except AttributeError: msg = fmt.format(ocg_argument, msg) self.message = msg
[docs]class ParameterFormattingError(OcgException): pass
[docs]class UniqueIdNotFound(OcgException): def __init__(self): self.message = 'No unique ids found.'
[docs]class DummyDimensionEncountered(OcgException): pass
[docs]class ResolutionError(OcgException): pass
[docs]class SubsetException(OcgException): """Base class for all subset exceptions.""" pass
[docs]class OcgisEnvironmentError(OcgException): def __init__(self, env_parm, msg): self.env_parm = env_parm self.msg = msg def __str__(self): new_msg = 'Error when setting the ocgis.env variable {0}. The message is: {1}'.format(, self.msg) return (new_msg)
[docs]class SpatialWrappingError(OcgException): """Raised for errors related to wrapping or unwrapping a geographic coordinate system.""" pass
[docs]class MaskedDataError(SubsetException): def __init__(self): self.message = 'Geometric intersection returned all masked values.'
[docs]class ExtentError(SubsetException): def __init__(self, message=None): self.message = message or 'Geometry intersection is empty.'
[docs]class TemporalExtentError(SubsetException): def __init__(self): self.message = 'Temporal subset returned empty.'
[docs]class EmptyDataNotAllowed(SubsetException): """Raised when the empty set for a geometry is returned and ``allow_empty`` is ``False``.""" def __init__(self): self.message = 'Intersection returned empty, but empty data not allowed.'
[docs]class EmptyData(SubsetException): def __init__(self, message=None, origin=None): self.message = message or 'Empty data returned.' self.origin = origin
[docs]class EmptySubsetError(SubsetException): def __init__(self, origin=None): self.origin = origin def __str__(self): msg = 'A subset operation on variable "{0}" returned empty.'.format(self.origin) return msg
[docs]class AllElementsMaskedError(OcgException): """Raised when all elements are masked.""" def __str__(self): return "All elements are masked."
[docs]class PayloadProtectedError(OcgException): def __init__(self, name): = name super(PayloadProtectedError, self).__init__() def __str__(self): return 'Payload with name "{}" may not be loaded from source until "protected" is False.'.format(
[docs]class NoUnitsError(OcgException): """Raised when a :class:`cfunits.Units` object is constructed from ``None``.""" def __init__(self, variable, message=None): self.variable = variable super(NoUnitsError, self).__init__(message=message) def __str__(self): if self.message is None: msg = 'Variable "{0}" has not been assigned units in the source metadata. Set the "units" attribute to continue.' msg = msg.format(self.variable) else: msg = self.message return (msg)
[docs]class UnitsValidationError(OcgException): """Raised when units validation fails.""" def __init__(self, variable, required_units, calculation_key): self.variable = variable self.required_units = required_units self.calculation_key = calculation_key def __str__(self): msg = ('There was an error in units validation for calculation with key "{3}". The units on variable "{0}" ' '(units="{2}") do not match the required units "{1}". The units should be conformed or overloaded if ' 'incorrectly attributed.').format(self.variable.alias, self.required_units, self.variable.units, self.calculation_key) return msg
[docs]class IncompleteSeasonError(OcgException): def __init__(self, season, year=None, month=None): self.season = season self.year = year self.month = month def __str__(self): if self.year is not None: msg = 'The season specification "{0}" is missing the year "{1}".'.format(self.season, self.year + 1) if self.month is not None: msg = 'The season specification "{0}" is missing the month "{1}".'.format(self.season, self.month) return msg
[docs]class VariableNotFoundError(OcgException): """Raised when a variable name is not found in the target dataset.""" def __init__(self, uri, variable): self.uri = uri self.variable = variable def __str__(self): msg = 'The variable "{0}" was not found in the dataset with URI: {1}'.format(self.variable, self.uri) return msg
[docs]class VariableNotInCollection(OcgException): """Raised when a variable is not present in a collection.""" def __init__(self, variable_name): self.message = "The variable '{}' was not found in the collection.".format(variable_name)
[docs]class RegriddingError(OcgException): """Raised for exceptions related to ESMPy-enabled regridding.""" pass
[docs]class CornersInconsistentError(RegriddingError): """Raised when corners are not available on all sources and/or destination fields.""" pass
[docs]class RequestValidationError(OcgException): """Raised when validation fails on a parameter when creating a :class:`~ocgis.RequestDataset` object.""" def __init__(self, keyword, message): self.keyword = keyword self.message = message def __str__(self): message = 'Validation failed on the parameter "{0}" with the message: {1}'.format(self.keyword, self.message) return message
[docs]class NoDataVariablesFound(RequestValidationError): """Raised when no data variables are found in the target dataset.""" def __init__(self): super(NoDataVariablesFound, self).__init__('variable', messages.M1)
[docs]class NoInteriorsError(OcgException): def __init__(self, message=None): if message is None: message = 'Polygon has no holes or interiors. Nothing to do.' super(NoInteriorsError, self).__init__(message)
[docs]class GridDeficientError(OcgException): """Raised when a grid is missing parameters necessary to create a geometry array."""
[docs]class DimensionMismatchError(OcgException): """Raised when a variable's dimensions do not match those in the existing collection.""" def __init__(self, dim_name, vc_name, message=None): self.dim_name = dim_name self.vc_name = vc_name super(DimensionMismatchError, self).__init__(message) def __str__(self): msg = 'The dimension "{}" does not match the dimension in variable collection "{}".'.format(self.dim_name, self.vc_name) return msg
[docs]class DimensionsRequiredError(OcgException): """Raised when a variable requires dimensions.""" def __init__(self, message=None): if message is None: message = "Variables with dimension count greater than 0 (ndim > 0) require dimensions. Initialize the " \ "variable with dimensions or call 'create_dimensions' before size inquiries (i.e. ndim, shape)." super(DimensionsRequiredError, self).__init__(message=message)
[docs]class OcgDistError(OcgException): """Raised for MPI-related exceptions."""
[docs]class EmptyObjectError(OcgException): """Raised when an empty object is not allowed."""
[docs]class SubcommNotFoundError(OcgDistError): """Raised when a subcommunicator is not found.""" def __init__(self, name): message = "Subcommunicator '{}' not found.".format(name) super(SubcommNotFoundError, self).__init__(message=message)
[docs]class SubcommAlreadyCreatedError(OcgDistError): """Raised when a subcommunicator name already exists.""" def __init__(self, name): message = "Subcommunicator '{}' already created.".format(name) super(SubcommAlreadyCreatedError, self).__init__(message=message)
[docs]class CRSNotEquivalenError(OcgException): """Raised when coordinate systems are not equivalent (not compatible for transform).""" def __init__(self, lhs, rhs): msg = '{} is not equivalent to {}.'.format(lhs, rhs) super(CRSNotEquivalenError, self).__init__(message=msg)
[docs]class DimensionMapError(OcgException): """Raised when there is an issue with a dimension map entry.""" def __init__(self, entry_key, message): msg = "Error with entry key '{}': {}".format(entry_key, message) super(DimensionMapError, self).__init__(message=msg)
[docs]class VariableMissingMetadataError(OcgException): """Raised when variable metadata cannot be found.""" def __init__(self, variable_name): msg = 'Variable is missing metadata: {}'.format(variable_name) super(VariableMissingMetadataError, self).__init__(message=msg)
[docs]class WrappedStateEvalTargetMissing(OcgException): """Raised when attempting to retrieve the wrapped state of a field and no evaluation target is available.""" def __init__(self): super(WrappedStateEvalTargetMissing, self).__init__(message='Target has no spatial information to evaluate.')