Source code for ocgis.spatial.geomc

import abc
import logging
from collections import deque

import numpy as np
import six
from ocgis import env, vm
from ocgis.base import raise_if_empty, is_unstructured_driver
from ocgis.constants import KeywordArgument, GridAbstraction, VariableName, AttributeName, GridChunkerConstants, \
    RegriddingRole, DMK, MPITag, DriverKey, ConversionTarget, MPI_EMPTY_VALUE
from ocgis.exc import RequestableFeature
from ocgis.spatial.base import AbstractXYZSpatialContainer
from ocgis.util.helpers import get_formatted_slice, arange_from_dimension, create_unique_global_array
from ocgis.util.logging_ocgis import ocgis_lh
from ocgis.variable.base import get_dslice, Variable
from ocgis.variable.dimension import create_distributed_dimension
from ocgis.variable.geom import GeometryProcessor, GeometryVariable
from ocgis.vmachine.mpi import cancel_free_requests
from shapely.geometry import Point, Polygon
from shapely.geometry.base import BaseGeometry, BaseMultipartGeometry
from shapely.geometry.linestring import LineString
from shapely.geometry.multipolygon import MultiPolygon

def format_gridunstruct_return(func):
    """Allows operations on geometry coordinate objects to return their parent grid."""

    def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
        obj = args[0]
        result = func(*args, **kwargs)
        if obj.hosted:
            if isinstance(result, tuple):
                to_format = result[0]
                is_tuple = True
                to_format = result
                is_tuple = False
            if isinstance(to_format, AbstractGeometryCoordinates):
                to_format = to_format.parent.grid
            if is_tuple:
                ret = tuple([to_format] + list(result)[1:])
                ret = to_format
            ret = result
        return ret

    return wrapped

[docs]@six.add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta) class AbstractGeometryCoordinates(AbstractXYZSpatialContainer): """ Superclass for geometry coordinate objects. These objects manage coordinate arrays for subsetting and conversion. :param x: The x-coordinate variable. Required if no parent is provided. :type x: :class:`~ocgis.Variable` :param y: The y-coordinate variable. Required if no parent is provided. :type y: :class:`~ocgis.Variable` :param z: The z-coordinate variable. Not required. :type z: :class:`~ocgis.Variable` :param cindex: The element node connectivity variable. If provided, this is used to index into coordinate variables ``x``, ``y``, and/or ``z``. If this is ``None``, use coordinate variables' first dimension as the element dimension (ragged arrays). If ``'auto'`` (the default), attempt to retrieve an appropriate variable from the dimension map. :type cindex: None | :class:`~ocgis.Variable` | str :param bool packed: If ``True``, the element node connectivity variable has been de-duplicated. :param start_index: If ``'auto'``, attempt to retrieve this value from the element node connectivity variable. The default is ``0`` if it cannot be found. An integer may also be provided. :type start_index: int | str :param bool hosted: If ``False``, this object is not hosted by an unstructured grid. If ``True``, it is hosted by an unstructured grid object. Hosted objects will return their parents for some classes of operations. :param dict kwargs: Optional keyword arguments to the superclass. """ def __init__(self, x=None, y=None, z=None, cindex='auto', packed=True, start_index='auto', hosted=False, **kwargs): self._start_index = start_index self.packed = packed self.hosted = hosted kwargs = kwargs.copy() kwargs[KeywordArgument.X] = x kwargs[KeywordArgument.Y] = y kwargs[KeywordArgument.Z] = z # The mask requires working with the element dimension which is dependent on the element connectivity index if # present. mask = kwargs.pop(KeywordArgument.MASK, None) super(AbstractGeometryCoordinates, self).__init__(**kwargs) # Always overload the driver to UGRID if the current driver is not unstructured. driver_klass = self.dimension_map.get_driver(as_class=True) if not is_unstructured_driver(driver_klass): self.dimension_map.set_driver(DriverKey.NETCDF_UGRID) if cindex == 'auto': dmap = self._get_canonical_dimension_map_(field=self.parent) cindex = dmap.get_variable(DMK.ELEMENT_NODE_CONNECTIVITY, parent=self.parent, nullable=True) self.cindex = cindex if cindex is not None: if not self.is_empty and == and self.abstraction != GridAbstraction.POINT: msg = 'The element and node dimensions must have different names.' raise ValueError(msg) # Set the spatial mask following work with element connectivity to avoid a race condition. if mask is not None: self.set_mask(mask) def __getitem__(self, slc): slc = get_formatted_slice(slc, self.ndim) if not isinstance(slc, dict): slc = get_dslice(self.dimensions, slc) ret = self.copy() new_parent = ret.parent[slc] ret.parent = new_parent return ret @abc.abstractproperty def abstraction(self): """ Return the generic abstraction for the geometry coordinates following :class:`~ocgis.constants.GridAbstraction.` """ @property def cindex(self): """ Provides an index into coordinate variables to extract coordinate values for elements. When setting, the first dimension is considered the representative element count dimension. :rtype: None | :class:`~ocgis.Variable` """ dmap = self._get_canonical_dimension_map_(self.parent, create=False) return dmap.get_variable(DMK.ELEMENT_NODE_CONNECTIVITY, parent=self.parent, nullable=True) @cindex.setter def cindex(self, value): """ :param value: The coordinate index variable of integer type. :type value: `~ocgis.Variable` || NoneType """ dmap = self._get_canonical_dimension_map_(self.parent, create=False) dmap.set_variable(DMK.ELEMENT_NODE_CONNECTIVITY, value, pos=0) if value is not None: self.parent.add_variable(value, force=True) if AttributeName.START_INDEX not in value.attrs: if self._start_index == 'auto': sindex = self.driver._start_index else: sindex = self._start_index value.attrs[AttributeName.START_INDEX] = sindex @property def element_dim(self): """ Get the element dimension. The size of the dimension is equivalent to the element count. :rtype: :class:`~ocgis.Dimension` """ raise_if_empty(self) return self.parent.driver.get_element_dimension(self) @property def has_bounds(self): """ Always return ``False``. Geometry coordinate objects will never have bounds. :rtype: bool """ return False @property def has_multi(self): """ If ``True``, this object represents multi-geometries (multi-polygon for example). :rtype: bool """ return self.multi_break_value is not None @property def is_vectorized(self): """ Always return ``False``. Geometry coordinates are never vectorized. :rtype: bool """ return False @property def multi_break_value(self): """ The break value to use for determining multi-geometries. :return: int | None """ return self.parent.driver.get_multi_break_value(self.cindex) @property def ndim(self): """ Get the representative dimension. This is typically ``1``. :rtype: int """ return self.archetype.ndim @property def node_dim(self): """ Get the node dimension. :rtype: :class:`~ocgis.Dimension` """ return self.archetype.dimensions[0] @property def shape(self): """ Get the current size of the element dimension as a tuple. For example: ``(5,)``. :rtype: tuple """ return tuple([self.element_dim.size_current]) @property def start_index(self): """ Get the start index. ``0`` is the default. For data written and read from Fortran natively, this is often ``1``. This will attempt to read an attribute from the element node connectivity variable called :attr:`ocgis.constants.AttributeName.START_INDEX`. :rtype: int """ if self._start_index == 'auto': cindex = self.cindex if cindex is not None: ret = cindex.attrs[AttributeName.START_INDEX] else: ret = 0 else: ret = self._start_index return ret @property def topology(self): """Alias of :attr:`~ocgis.spatial.geomc.AbstractGeometryCoordinates.abstraction`.""" return self.abstraction @abc.abstractproperty def __shapely_geometry_class__(self): """ Return the class to use for constructing Shapely geometry objects. >>> return Polygon :return: :class:`~shapely.geometry.base.BaseGeometry` """ @property def __shapely_multipart_class__(self): """ Return the Shapely multipart geometry class to use for creating multi-geometry objects. >>> return MultiPolygon :return: :class:`~shapely.geometry.base.BaseMultipartGeometry` """ raise NotImplementedError @abc.abstractproperty def __use_bounds_intersects_optimizations__(self): """Return ``True`` if bounds optimizations should be used."""
[docs] def convert_to(self, target=ConversionTarget.GEOMETRY_VARIABLE, **kwargs): """ Convert the geometry coordinate object to various targets. :param target: The destination conversion target. :type target: :attr:`~ocgis.constants.ConversionTarget` :param dict kwargs: Keyword arguments for the creation of the destination object. :return: Varies depending on the conversion target. """ kwargs = kwargs.copy() if target == ConversionTarget.GEOMETRY_VARIABLE: from ocgis.variable.geom import GeometryVariable kwargs[KeywordArgument.VALUE] = list(self.iter_geometries(with_index=False)) kwargs[KeywordArgument.DIMENSIONS] = [self.element_dim] if is not None: kwargs[KeywordArgument.CRS] = ret = GeometryVariable(**kwargs) else: raise RequestableFeature(target) return ret
[docs] def get_geometry_iterable(self, use_mask=True, hint_mask=None, use_memory_optimizations=None, with_index=True): """ Yield a tuple composed of the current iterator index and Shapely geometry object. If the geometry is masked, the geometry will be ``None``. For example: ``(2, <Polygon>)`` or ``(3, None)`` if masked. :param bool use_mask: If ``True``, use a mask for iteration. This is retrieved from the object if ``hint_mask`` is ``None``. If ``False``, do not use the mask for iteration yielding underlying data if the object is mask. :param hint_mask: If ``None``, use the object's mask. If a boolean array, use this as the mask as opposed to the object's mask. The array must have the same dimension as ``self``. :type hint_mask: None | :class:`numpy.ndarray` :param use_memory_optimizations: If ``None``, default to :attr:`ocgis.env.USE_MEMORY_OPTIMIZATIONS`. If ``True``, do not eagerly load coordinates. If ``False``, load all coordinates into memory improving performance by limiting IO. :type use_memory_optimizations: None | bool :param bool with_index: If ``False``, do not yield the current iteration index. :return: tuple(int, <Shapely geometry>) | <Shapely geometry> """ if use_memory_optimizations is None: use_memory_optimizations = env.USE_MEMORY_OPTIMIZATIONS if use_memory_optimizations and self.cindex is not None: use_memory_optimizations = True else: use_memory_optimizations = False if self.cindex is None: cindex = None has_multi = False mbv = None else: cindex = self.cindex.get_value() has_multi = self.has_multi mbv = self.multi_break_value if mbv is not None: assert mbv < 0 xvar = self.x.extract() yvar = self.y.extract() if self.has_z: zvar = self.z.extract() if not use_memory_optimizations: x_value = xvar.get_value() y_value = yvar.get_value() if self.has_z and not use_memory_optimizations: z_value = zvar.get_value() else: z_value = None if self.has_mask: mask_value = self.get_mask() else: mask_value = None if hint_mask is not None: if mask_value is None: mask_value = hint_mask else: mask_value = np.logical_or(mask_value, hint_mask) has_mask = self.has_mask has_z = self.has_z get_shapely_geometry = self.get_shapely_geometry get_element_node_connectivity_by_index = self.get_element_node_connectivity_by_index start_index = self.start_index for idx in range(len(self.element_dim)): if use_mask and has_mask: is_masked = mask_value[idx] else: is_masked = False geom = None if not is_masked: if cindex is not None: ec_idx = get_element_node_connectivity_by_index(cindex, idx) if start_index > 0: ec_idx -= start_index else: ec_idx = idx collected = deque() if has_multi: mitr = iter_multipart_coordinates(ec_idx, mbv) else: mitr = [ec_idx] for comp_coords in mitr: z = None if use_memory_optimizations: x = xvar[comp_coords].get_value()[0] y = yvar[comp_coords].get_value()[0] if has_z: z = zvar[comp_coords].get_value()[0] else: x = x_value[comp_coords] y = y_value[comp_coords] if has_z: z = z_value[comp_coords] if has_z: geom = get_shapely_geometry(x, y, z) else: geom = get_shapely_geometry(x, y) collected.append(geom) if has_multi: geom = self.__shapely_multipart_class__(collected) else: geom = collected[0] if with_index: yield idx, geom else: yield geom
[docs] def get_distributed_slice(self, slc, **kwargs): """ Slice a distributed object. :param slc: A slice-like object. :type slc: <varying> :param dict kwargs: Optional arguments to :meth:`~ocgis.Variable.get_distributed_slice`. :rtype: :class:`ocgis.spatial.geomc.AbstractGeometryCoordinates` """ slc = get_formatted_slice(slc, self.ndim) if self.cindex is None: target = self.x else: target = self.cindex if len(slc) != target.ndim: dslc = get_dslice(self.dimensions, slc) for dim in target.dimensions: if not in dslc: dslc[] = slice(None) slc = [dslc[] for dim in target.dimensions] new_parent = target.get_distributed_slice(slc, **kwargs).parent ret = self.copy() ret.parent = new_parent return ret
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def get_element_node_connectivity_by_index(self, element_connectivity, idx): """ Return something that can be used for indexing into coordinate arrays to retrieve the coordinates for the current element. :param element_connectivity: An element connectivity array with the first dimension/axis as the element dimension. :type element_connectivity: :class:`numpy.ndarray` :param int idx: The element index. :rtype: <used as NumPy index> """
[docs] def get_nearest(self, target, return_indices=False): raise RequestableFeature("'get_nearest' is not implemented.")
[docs] def get_shapely_geometry(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Return a Shapely geometry object. :rtype: :class:`shapely.geometry.base.BaseGeometry` """ return self.__shapely_geometry_class__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_spatial_index(self): raise NotImplementedError
@format_gridunstruct_return def get_spatial_subset_operation(self, spatial_op, subset_geom, return_slice=False, original_mask=None, keep_touches=True, cascade=True, optimized_bbox_subset=False, apply_slice=True, geom_name=None): """ Perform intersects or intersection operations on the object. :param str spatial_op: Either an ``'intersects'`` or an ``'intersection'`` spatial operation. :param subset_geom: A scalar (single geometry) geometry variable or Shapely geometry to use in the spatial operation. All geometry types are accepted. :type subset_geom: :class:`~ocgis.GeometryVariable` | :class:`shapely.geometry.base.BaseGeometry` :param bool return_slice: If ``True``, also return the slices used to limit the grid's extent. :param original_mask: An optional mask to use as a hint for spatial operation. ``True`` values are excluded from spatial consideration. :type original_mask: :class:`numpy.ndarray` :param keep_touches: If ``True`` (the default), keep geometries that touch the subset geometry. :type keep_touches: :class:`bool` :param cascade: If ``True`` (the default), set the mask across all variables in the grid's parent collection. :param optimized_bbox_subset: If ``True``, perform an optimized bounding box subset on the grid. This will only use the grid's representative coordinates ignoring bounds, geometries, etc. :param bool apply_slice: If ``True`` (the default), apply the slice to the grid object in addition to updating its mask. :param str geom_name: If provided, use this name for the output geometry variable if this is an intersection operation. :return: If ``return_slice`` is ``False`` (the default), return a shallow copy of the sliced grid. If ``return_slice`` is ``True``, this will be a tuple with the subsetted object as the first element and the slice used as the second. If ``spatial_op`` is ``'intersection'``, the returned object is a geometry variable. :rtype: :class:`~ocgis.Grid` | :class:`~ocgis.GeometryVariable` | :class:`tuple` of ``(<returned object>, <slice used>)`` """ # TODO: Merge this with the grid's spatial operation. if optimized_bbox_subset and spatial_op == 'intersection': raise ValueError("'optimized_bbox_subset' must be False when performing an intersection") raise_if_empty(self) try: subset_geom = subset_geom.prepare() except AttributeError: if not isinstance(subset_geom, BaseGeometry): msg = 'Only Shapely geometries allowed for subsetting. Subset type is "{}".'.format( type(subset_geom)) raise ValueError(msg) else: subset_geom = subset_geom.get_value()[0] if self.get_mask() is None: original_has_mask = False else: original_has_mask = True if geom_name is None: geom_name = get_default_geometry_variable_name(self) if spatial_op == 'intersection': perform_intersection = True else: perform_intersection = False if original_mask is None and self.__use_bounds_intersects_optimizations__: if isinstance(subset_geom, BaseMultipartGeometry): geom_itr = subset_geom else: geom_itr = [subset_geom] x = self.x.get_value() y = self.y.get_value() if self.has_z: z = self.z.get_value() else: z = None for ctr, geom in enumerate(geom_itr): if geom.has_z: coords = np.array(geom.exterior.coords) z_coords = coords[:, 2] z_bounds = z_coords.min(), z_coords.max() else: z_bounds = None single_hint_mask = get_xyz_select(x, y, geom.bounds, z=z, z_bounds=z_bounds, keep_touches=keep_touches) if ctr == 0: hint_mask = single_hint_mask else: hint_mask = np.logical_or(hint_mask, single_hint_mask) hint_mask = np.invert(hint_mask) original_mask = hint_mask if not optimized_bbox_subset: mask = self.get_mask() if mask is not None: original_mask = np.logical_or(mask, hint_mask) elif not self.__use_bounds_intersects_optimizations__: original_mask = np.zeros(self.element_dim.size, dtype=bool) ret = self.copy() if original_has_mask: ret.set_mask(ret.get_mask().copy()) if optimized_bbox_subset: the_slice = np.invert(original_mask) sliced_obj = ret.get_distributed_slice(the_slice) else: fill_mask = original_mask geometry_fill = None # If everything is masked, there is no reason to load the grid geometries. if not original_mask.all(): if perform_intersection: geometry_fill = np.zeros(fill_mask.shape, dtype=object) gp = GeometryProcessor(self.get_geometry_iterable(hint_mask=original_mask), subset_geom, keep_touches=keep_touches) for idx, intersects_logical, current_geometry in gp.iter_intersects(): fill_mask[idx] = not intersects_logical if perform_intersection and intersects_logical: geometry_fill[idx] = current_geometry.intersection(subset_geom) if perform_intersection: if geometry_fill is None: geometry_variable = GeometryVariable(name=geom_name) else: geometry_variable = GeometryVariable(name=geom_name, value=geometry_fill, mask=fill_mask, dimensions=ret.element_dim) ret.parent.add_variable(geometry_variable, force=True) the_slice = np.invert(fill_mask) if apply_slice: sliced_obj = ret.get_distributed_slice(the_slice) else: sliced_obj = ret sliced_mask_value = sliced_obj.get_mask() # Only modify the outgoing mask if any values are masked. if sliced_mask_value is not None and sliced_mask_value.any(): sliced_obj.set_mask(sliced_mask_value, cascade=cascade) # The element dimension needs to be updated to account for fancy slicing which may leave some ranks empty. new_element_dimension_name = if sliced_obj.is_empty: new_element_dimension_size = 0 new_element_dimension_src_idx = None else: element_dim = sliced_obj.element_dim new_element_dimension_size = element_dim.size new_element_dimension_src_idx = element_dim._src_idx new_element_dimension = create_distributed_dimension(new_element_dimension_size, name=new_element_dimension_name, src_idx=new_element_dimension_src_idx) sliced_obj.parent.dimensions[] = new_element_dimension if perform_intersection: obj_to_ret = sliced_obj.parent[] else: obj_to_ret = sliced_obj if return_slice: ret = (obj_to_ret, the_slice) else: ret = obj_to_ret return ret def iter_geometries(self, **kwargs): for yld in self.get_geometry_iterable(**kwargs): yield yld
[docs] def iter_records(self, use_mask=True): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def reduce_global(self): """ De-duplicate and reindex (reset start index) an element node connectivity variable. Operation is collective across the current VM. The new node dimension is distributed. Return a shallow copy of `self` for convenience. :rtype: :class:`~ocgis.spatial.geomc.AbstractGeometryCoordinates` """ ocgis_lh(msg='entering reduce_global', logger='geomc', level=logging.DEBUG) raise_if_empty(self) if self.cindex is None: raise ValueError('A coordinate index is required to reduce coordinates.') ocgis_lh(msg='starting reduce_reindex_coordinate_index', logger='geomc', level=logging.DEBUG) new_cindex, uidx = reduce_reindex_coordinate_index(self.cindex, start_index=self.start_index) ocgis_lh(msg='finished reduce_reindex_coordinate_index', logger='geomc', level=logging.DEBUG) new_cindex = Variable(, value=new_cindex, dimensions=self.cindex.dimensions) ret = self.copy() if self.start_index == 1: uidx -= 1 new_parent = self.x[uidx].parent cdim = new_parent[].dimensions[0] new_node_dimension = create_distributed_dimension(cdim.size,, src_idx=cdim._src_idx) new_parent.dimensions[] = new_node_dimension new_parent[].extract(clean_break=True) ret.parent = new_parent ret.cindex = new_cindex ocgis_lh(msg='exiting reduce_global', logger='geomc', level=logging.DEBUG) return ret
def _get_dimensions_(self): return tuple([self.element_dim]) def _get_extent_(self): # Get the x and y coordinate values. x, y = self.x.v(), self.y.v() return x.min(), y.min(), x.max(), y.max() def _get_is_empty_(self): return self.parent.is_empty @staticmethod def _gc_create_global_indices_(*args, **kwargs): return None def _gc_initialize_(self, regridding_role): if regridding_role == RegriddingRole.SOURCE: name = GridChunkerConstants.IndexFile.NAME_SRCIDX_GUID elif regridding_role == RegriddingRole.DESTINATION: name = GridChunkerConstants.IndexFile.NAME_DSTIDX_GUID else: raise NotImplementedError(regridding_role) element_dim = self.element_dim src_index = arange_from_dimension(element_dim, start=1, dtype=env.NP_INT) src_index_var = Variable(name=name, value=src_index, dimensions=element_dim) self.parent.add_variable(src_index_var) def _gc_nchunks_dst_(self, grid_chunker): try: ret = super(AbstractGeometryCoordinates, self)._gc_nchunks_dst_(grid_chunker) except NotImplementedError: ret = (100,) return ret def _initialize_parent_(self, *args, **kwargs): return self._get_parent_class_()(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class PointGC(AbstractGeometryCoordinates): abstraction = GridAbstraction.POINT __shapely_geometry_class__ = Point __use_bounds_intersects_optimizations__ = True
[docs] @staticmethod def get_element_node_connectivity_by_index(element_connectivity, idx): idx = element_connectivity[idx, ...].flatten()[0] return idx
[docs]class LineGC(AbstractGeometryCoordinates): abstraction = GridAbstraction.LINE __shapely_geometry_class__ = LineString __use_bounds_intersects_optimizations__ = False
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): raise RequestableFeature
[docs] @staticmethod def get_element_node_connectivity_by_index(element_connectivity, idx): raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class PolygonGC(AbstractGeometryCoordinates): abstraction = GridAbstraction.POLYGON __shapely_geometry_class__ = Polygon __shapely_multipart_class__ = MultiPolygon __use_bounds_intersects_optimizations__ = False
[docs] def get_element_node_connectivity_by_index(self, element_connectivity, idx): # TODO: OPTIMIZE: Driver-specific method to load polygon coordinate indices. # ESMF unstructured uses counts... if self.dimension_map.get_driver() == DriverKey.NETCDF_ESMF_UNSTRUCT: num_element_conn_value = self.parent['numElementConn'].get_value() if idx == 0: start = 0 else: start = num_element_conn_value[0:idx].sum() stop = num_element_conn_value[0:idx + 1].sum() ret = element_connectivity[start:stop] else: ret = element_connectivity[idx, ...].flatten() if element_connectivity.dtype == object: ret = ret[0].flatten() # TODO: /OPTIMIZE return ret
[docs] def get_shapely_geometry(self, *args, **kwargs): if len(args) == 3: x, y, z = args else: x, y = args z = None x = x.reshape(-1, 1) y = y.reshape(-1, 1) if z is None: stup = (x, y) else: z = z.reshape(-1, 1) stup = (x, y, z) c = np.hstack(stup) return self.__shapely_geometry_class__(c, **kwargs)
def create_buffer_array(value=MPI_EMPTY_VALUE, dtype='i'): return np.array([value], dtype=dtype) def create_Irecv(source, tag, dtype='i', mtype=None): if mtype is None: mtype = vm.get_mpi_type(np.int32) buf = create_buffer_array(dtype=dtype) req = vm.comm.Irecv([buf, mtype], source=source, tag=tag) return buf, req def create_Irecv_dct(ranks, tag): ret = {} for rank in ranks: data, req = create_Irecv(rank, tag) ret[rank] = {'data': data, 'req': req} return ret def create_Isend(dest, tag, value=MPI_EMPTY_VALUE, dtype='i', mtype=None): from mpi4py import MPI if mtype is None: mtype = MPI.INT buf = create_buffer_array(value=value, dtype=dtype) req = vm.comm.Isend([buf, mtype], dest=dest, tag=tag) return buf, req def get_default_geometry_variable_name(gc): possible = {GridAbstraction.POINT: VariableName.GEOMETRY_POINT, GridAbstraction.LINE: VariableName.GEOMETRY_LINE, GridAbstraction.POLYGON: VariableName.GEOMETRY_POLYGON} return possible[gc.abstraction] def get_xyz_select(x, y, bounds, z=None, z_bounds=None, invert=False, keep_touches=True): from ocgis.spatial.grid import arr_intersects_bounds minx, miny, maxx, maxy = bounds select_x = arr_intersects_bounds(x, minx, maxx, keep_touches=keep_touches) select_y = arr_intersects_bounds(y, miny, maxy, keep_touches=keep_touches) select = np.logical_and(select_x, select_y) if z_bounds is not None: minz, maxz = z_bounds select_z = arr_intersects_bounds(z, minz, maxz, keep_touches=keep_touches) select = np.logical_and(select, select_z) if invert: select = np.invert(select) return select def iter_multipart_coordinates(arr, mbv): """ Split an array by a multi-part break value generating the sections that when combined create the original array. :param arr: Array containing multi-part break values (it doesn't have to contain them). :type arr: :class:`numpy.ndarray` :param int mbv: The multi-part break value. Typically this is a negative integer. :return: :class:`numpy.ndarray` """ w = np.where(arr == mbv)[0] l = len(arr) w = np.hstack((w, [l])) start = 0 for idx, iw in enumerate(w): slc = slice(start, iw) start = iw + 1 yld = arr.__getitem__(slc) yield yld def reduce_reindex_coordinate_index(cindex, start_index=0): """ Reindex a subset of global coordinate indices contained in the ``cindex`` variable. The starting index value (``0`` or ``1``) is set by ``start_index`` for the re-indexing procedure. Function will not respect masks. The function returns a two-element tuple: * First element --> A :class:`numpy.ndarray` with the same dimension as ``cindex`` containing the new indexing. * Second element --> A :class:`numpy.ndarray` containing the unique indices that may be used to reduce an external coordinate storage variable or array. :param cindex: A variable containing coordinate index integer values. This variable may be distributed. This may also be a NumPy array. :type cindex: :class:`~ocgis.Variable` | :class:`~numpy.ndarray` :param int start_index: The first index to use for the re-indexing of ``cindex``. This may be ``0`` or ``1``. :rtype: tuple """ ocgis_lh(msg='entering reduce_reindex_coordinate_index', logger='geomc', level=logging.DEBUG) # Get the coordinate index values as a NumPy array. try: ocgis_lh(msg='calling cindex.get_value()', logger='geomc', level=logging.DEBUG) ocgis_lh(msg='cindex.has_allocated_value={}'.format(cindex.has_allocated_value), logger='geomc', level=logging.DEBUG) ocgis_lh(msg='cindex.dimensions[0]={}'.format(cindex.dimensions[0]), logger='geomc', level=logging.DEBUG) cindex = cindex.get_value() ocgis_lh(msg='finished cindex.get_value()', logger='geomc', level=logging.DEBUG) except AttributeError: # Assume this is already a NumPy array. pass # Only work with 1D arrays. cindex = np.atleast_1d(cindex) # Used to return the coordinate index to the original shape of the incoming coordinate index. original_shape = cindex.shape cindex = cindex.flatten() # Create the unique coordinate index array. ocgis_lh(msg='calling create_unique_global_array', logger='geomc', level=logging.DEBUG) if vm.size > 1: u = np.array(create_unique_global_array(cindex)) else: u = np.unique(cindex) ocgis_lh(msg='finished create_unique_global_array', logger='geomc', level=logging.DEBUG) # Synchronize the data type for the new coordinate index. lrank = vm.rank if lrank == 0: dtype = u.dtype else: dtype = None dtype = vm.bcast(dtype) # Flag to indicate if the current rank has any unique values. has_u = len(u) > 0 # Create the new coordinate index. new_u_dimension = create_distributed_dimension(len(u), name='__new_u_dimension__') new_u = arange_from_dimension(new_u_dimension, start=start_index, dtype=dtype) # Create a hash for the new index. This is used to remap the old coordinate index. if has_u: uidx = {ii: jj for ii, jj in zip(u, new_u)} else: uidx = None vm.barrier() # Construct local bounds for the rank's unique value. This is used as a cheap index when ranks are looking for # index overlaps. if has_u: local_bounds = min(u), max(u) else: local_bounds = None # Put a copy for the bounds indexing on each rank. lb_global = vm.gather(local_bounds) lb_global = vm.bcast(lb_global) # Find the vm ranks the local rank cares about. It cares if unique values have overlapping unique bounds. overlaps = [] for rank, lb in enumerate(lb_global): if rank == lrank: continue if lb is not None: contains = lb[0] <= cindex contains = np.logical_and(lb[1] >= cindex, contains) if np.any(contains): overlaps.append(rank) # Ranks must be able to identify which ranks will be asking them for data. global_overlaps = vm.gather(overlaps) global_overlaps = vm.bcast(global_overlaps) destinations = [ii for ii, jj in enumerate(global_overlaps) if vm.rank in jj] # MPI communication tags used in the algorithm. tag_search = MPITag.REDUCE_REINDEX_SEARCH tag_success = MPITag.REDUCE_REINDEX_SUCCESS tag_child_finished = MPITag.REDUCE_REINDEX_CHILD_FINISHED tag_found = MPITag.REDUCE_REINDEX_FOUND # Fill array for the new coordinate index. new_cindex = np.empty_like(cindex) # vm.barrier_print('starting run_rr') # Fill the new coordinate indexing. if lrank == 0: run_rr_root(new_cindex, cindex, uidx, destinations, tag_child_finished, tag_found, tag_search, tag_success) else: run_rr_nonroot(new_cindex, cindex, uidx, destinations, has_u, overlaps, tag_child_finished, tag_found, tag_search, tag_success) # vm.barrier_print('finished run_rr') # Return array to its original shape. new_cindex = new_cindex.reshape(*original_shape) vm.barrier() return new_cindex, u def run_rr_nonroot(new_cindex, cindex, uidx, destinations, has_u, overlaps, tag_child_finished, tag_found, tag_search, tag_success): # Fill each value in the coordinate index. for idx, ii in enumerate(cindex.flat): # if idx % 100 == 0: # vm.rank_print('{} of {}'.format(idx+1, cindex.shape[0])) try: # If this rank has unique indices, try to retrieve the new indexing from its unique indexing hash. if has_u: new_cindex_value = uidx[ii] # Jump into the search loop if there are no unique indices on the local rank. else: raise KeyError except KeyError: new_cindex_value = None # Keep searching and waiting for the response from the overlap ranks. # while new_cindex_value is None: # Send the value to find to each of the destination ranks. assert ii != MPI_EMPTY_VALUE assert ii >= 0 # vm.rank_print('idx', idx, 'sending to:', overlaps, 'receiving from:', destinations) search_reqs = [create_Isend(orank, tag_search, value=ii) for orank in overlaps] # for s in search_reqs: # s.Test() # vm.rank_print('receiving from:', destinations) sent = search_for_destinations(destinations, uidx, tag_found, tag_search) for s in search_reqs: # vm.rank_print('waiting for search request', 'idx', idx, s[0]) s[1].wait() # vm.rank_print('overlaps', overlaps, 'destinations', destinations) # time.sleep(100) for overlap_rank in overlaps: data, req = create_Irecv(overlap_rank, tag_found) req.wait() # if req.Test(): if data[0] != MPI_EMPTY_VALUE: new_cindex_value = data[0] for s in sent: s[1].wait() # for s in search_reqs: # s.wait() # Free the search requests to avoid any race conditions in data buffers. # cancel_free_requests(search_reqs) # Fill the new coordinate index array with the found value. assert new_cindex_value is not None new_cindex[idx] = new_cindex_value # Continue searching for destination ranks until the success signal is received from the root rank. _, req_child_finished = create_Isend(0, tag_child_finished) _, req_success = create_Irecv(0, tag_success) while not req_success.Test(): sent = search_for_destinations(destinations, uidx, tag_found, tag_search) for s in sent: s[1].wait() # Wait until the child finished tag is received by the parent. req_child_finished.wait() def run_rr_root(new_cindex, cindex, uidx, destinations, tag_child_finished, tag_found, tag_search, tag_success): # Tracks when ranks are finished. children_finished = [False] * vm.size children_finished[0] = True # Fill the new coordinate index. The root rank will always fully map itself. for idx, ii in enumerate(cindex.flat): new_cindex[idx] = uidx[ii] success = False # Open channels for child finished signals. children_finished_reqs = create_Irecv_dct(vm.ranks, tag_child_finished) while not success: # Check for any requests from destination ranks. These ranks need a value that may be on this rank. sent = search_for_destinations(destinations, uidx, tag_found, tag_search) for s in sent: s[1].wait() # Check if children have finished. If they have finished. Send the success signal to other participating ranks. for idx, rank in enumerate(vm.ranks): if not children_finished[idx]: req_child_finished = children_finished_reqs[rank]['req'] if req_child_finished.Test(): children_finished[rank] = True if all(children_finished): success = True for rank in vm.ranks: if rank != 0: _, req = create_Isend(rank, tag_success) req.wait() def search_for_destinations(dest_ranks, uidx, tag_found, tag_search): assert isinstance(dest_ranks, list) sent = [] for dest_rank in dest_ranks: data, req = create_Irecv(dest_rank, tag_search) # data = np.array([MPI_EMPTY_VALUE], dtype='i') # buf = [data, MPI.INT] # req = vm.comm.Irecv(buf, source=dest_rank, tag=tag_search) # req.wait() if req.Test(): search_value = data[0] # if data == MPI_EMPTY_VALUE: # print('rank=', vm.rank, 'bad data from rank:', dest_rank) assert search_value != MPI_EMPTY_VALUE assert search_value is not None assert search_value >= 0 # vm.rank_print('search_value', search_value) local_uidx = uidx.get(search_value, MPI_EMPTY_VALUE) send_res = create_Isend(dest_rank, tag_found, value=local_uidx) sent.append(send_res) else: cancel_free_requests([req]) return sent