Source code for ocgis.spatial.grid

import abc
import itertools
from collections import OrderedDict

import numpy as np
import ocgis
import six
from ocgis import Variable, vm
from ocgis.base import get_dimension_names, raise_if_empty, AbstractOcgisObject, get_variable_names, \
from ocgis.constants import WrappedState, VariableName, KeywordArgument, GridAbstraction, DriverKey, \
    GridChunkerConstants, RegriddingRole, Topology, DMK, CFName
from ocgis.environment import ogr, env
from ocgis.exc import GridDeficientError, EmptySubsetError, AllElementsMaskedError, RequestableFeature
from ocgis.spatial.base import AbstractXYZSpatialContainer
from ocgis.spatial.geomc import AbstractGeometryCoordinates, PolygonGC, PointGC, LineGC
from ocgis.util.helpers import get_formatted_slice, get_iter
from ocgis.variable.base import get_dslice, get_dimension_lengths
from ocgis.variable.dimension import Dimension
from ocgis.variable.geom import GeometryVariable, get_masking_slice, GeometryProcessor
from ocgis.vmachine.mpi import MPI_SIZE
from shapely.geometry import Polygon, Point, box
from shapely.geometry.base import BaseGeometry, BaseMultipartGeometry

CreateGeometryFromWkb, Geometry, wkbGeometryCollection, wkbPoint = ogr.CreateGeometryFromWkb, ogr.Geometry, \
                                                                   ogr.wkbGeometryCollection, ogr.wkbPoint

_NAMES_2D = ['ocgis_yc', 'ocgis_xc']

class GridGeometryProcessor(GeometryProcessor):
    def __init__(self, grid, subset_geometry, hint_mask, keep_touches=False, use_bounds=True):
        if hint_mask is not None:
            assert hint_mask.ndim == 2
            assert hint_mask.dtype == np.bool

        self.use_bounds = use_bounds
        self.grid = grid
        self.hint_mask = hint_mask
        geometry_iterable = self.get_geometry_iterable()
        super(GridGeometryProcessor, self).__init__(geometry_iterable, subset_geometry, keep_touches=keep_touches)

    def get_geometry_iterable(self):
        grid = self.grid
        hint_mask = self.hint_mask
        is_vectorized = grid.is_vectorized
        if self.use_bounds:
            abstraction = grid.abstraction
            abstraction = 'point'

        if abstraction == 'point':
            x_data = grid.x.get_value()
            y_data = grid.y.get_value()
            for idx_row, idx_col in itertools.product(*[list(range(ii)) for ii in grid.shape]):
                if hint_mask is not None and hint_mask[idx_row, idx_col]:
                    yld = None
                    if is_vectorized:
                        y = y_data[idx_row]
                        x = x_data[idx_col]
                        y = y_data[idx_row, idx_col]
                        x = x_data[idx_row, idx_col]
                    yld = Point(x, y)
                yield (idx_row, idx_col), yld
        elif abstraction == 'polygon':
            if grid.has_bounds:
                # We want geometries for everything even if masked.
                x_bounds = grid.x.bounds.get_value()
                y_bounds = grid.y.bounds.get_value()
                range_row = list(range(grid.shape[0]))
                range_col = list(range(grid.shape[1]))
                if is_vectorized:
                    for row, col in itertools.product(range_row, range_col):
                        if hint_mask is not None and hint_mask[row, col]:
                            polygon = None
                            min_x, max_x = np.min(x_bounds[col, :]), np.max(x_bounds[col, :])
                            min_y, max_y = np.min(y_bounds[row, :]), np.max(y_bounds[row, :])
                            polygon = box(min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y)
                        yield (row, col), polygon
                    # TODO: We should be able to avoid the creation of this corners array.
                    corners = np.vstack((y_bounds, x_bounds))
                    corners = corners.reshape([2] + list(x_bounds.shape))
                    for row, col in itertools.product(range_row, range_col):
                        if hint_mask is not None and hint_mask[row, col]:
                            polygon = None
                            current_corner = corners[:, row, col]
                            coords = np.hstack((current_corner[1, :].reshape(-1, 1),
                                                current_corner[0, :].reshape(-1, 1)))
                            polygon = Polygon(coords)
                        yield (row, col), polygon
                msg = 'A grid must have bounds/corners to construct polygons. Consider using "set_extrapolated_bounds".'
                raise GridDeficientError(msg)
            raise NotImplementedError(abstraction)

[docs]@six.add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta) class AbstractGrid(AbstractOcgisObject): """ Base class for grid objects. :param abstraction: The grid abstraction to use. If ``'auto'`` (the default), use the highest order abstraction available. :type abstraction: :attr:`ocgis.constants.Topology` """ def __init__(self, abstraction=KeywordArgument.Defaults.ABSTRACTION): if abstraction is None: raise ValueError("'abstraction' may not be None.") self.abstraction = abstraction @property def abstraction(self): """ Get or set the spatial abstraction for the grid. :param abstraction: The grid's overloaded or highest order topology or spatial abstraction. :attr:`~ocgis.constants.Topology.AUTO` should not be returned. :type abstraction: :attr:`~ocgis.constants.Topology`. :rtype: :attr:`~ocgis.constants.Topology` """ abstraction = self.dimension_map.get_grid_abstraction() if abstraction == Topology.AUTO: abstraction = self._get_auto_abstraction_() return abstraction @abstraction.setter def abstraction(self, abstraction): if not abstraction == Topology.AUTO: self.dimension_map.set_grid_abstraction(abstraction) @property def abstractions_available(self): """ Get the topologies / spatial abstractions available on the object. Tuple elements are of type :attr:`ocgis.constants.Topology`. :rtype: tuple """ return self._get_available_abstractions_()
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def get_abstraction_geometry(self, **kwargs): """ Get the abstraction geometry variable for the grid. :param kwargs: Keyword arguments to the geometry get method. See :meth:`~ocgis.Grid.get_point` for example. :rtype: :class:`~ocgis.GeometryVariable` """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def is_abstraction_available(self, abstraction): """ Return ``True`` if the spatial abstraction is available on the grid. :param abstraction: The spatial abstraction to check. :type abstraction: :attr:`ocgis.constants.GridAbstraction` :rtype: bool """ return abstraction in self._get_available_abstractions_()
@abc.abstractmethod def _get_auto_abstraction_(self): raise NotImplementedError @abc.abstractmethod def _get_available_abstractions_(self): raise NotImplementedError @abc.abstractmethod def _gc_create_index_bounds_(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class Grid(AbstractGrid, AbstractXYZSpatialContainer): """ Grids are structured, rectilinear x/y-coordinate representations. x/y-coordinate variables may have bounds. The z-coordinate is supported only to allow its access from the grid. All subsetting operations, slicing, etc. occurs only on the x/y-coordinates. :param x: The grid's x-coordinate. :type x: :class:`~ocgis.Variable` :param y: The grid's y-coordinate. :type y: :class:`~ocgis.Variable` :param z: The grid's z-coordinate. No grid operations manipulate the z-coordinate. It is present on the grid for convenience. :type z: :class:`~ocgis.Variable` :param str abstraction: The grid's spatial abstraction. ============= ====================================================================================================== Value Description ============= ====================================================================================================== ``'auto'`` Automatically choose spatial abstraction. `'polygon'` if x/y-coordinates have bounds and `'point'` if they do not. ``'point'`` Use representative value from x/y-coordinate variables to construct point geometries. Typically this is considered the center value. ``'polygon'`` Use bounds from x/y-coordinates to construct polygon geometries. ============= ====================================================================================================== :param crs: See :class:`~ocgis.variable.geom.AbstractSpatialObject` :param parent: The parent field for the grid. :type parent: :class:`~ocgis.Field` :param mask: The mask variable for the grid. Coordinate variables should not be masked. The mask must be managed independently. The mask variable should use the its mask to indicate masked values. :param sequence pos: If coordinate variables ``x`` and ``y`` are two-dimensional, these are the dimension indices for them in the grid's dimensions. Defaults to ``(0, 1)`` or `(y/latitude, x/longitude)`. :type mask: :class:`~ocgis.Variable` """ # TODO: Should this respond to level (i.e. ndim=3)? ndim = 2 _point_name = VariableName.GEOMETRY_POINT _polygon_name = VariableName.GEOMETRY_POLYGON
[docs] def __init__(self, x=None, y=None, z=None, pos=(0, 1), **kwargs): kwargs = kwargs.copy() kwargs[KeywordArgument.X] = x kwargs[KeywordArgument.Y] = y kwargs[KeywordArgument.Z] = z kwargs[KeywordArgument.POS] = pos abstraction = kwargs.pop(KeywordArgument.ABSTRACTION, KeywordArgument.Defaults.ABSTRACTION) # Structured grids are always considered isomorphic. kwargs[DMK.IS_ISOMORPHIC] = True AbstractXYZSpatialContainer.__init__(self, **kwargs) AbstractGrid.__init__(self, abstraction=abstraction) if env.SET_GRID_AXIS_ATTRS: self.x.attrs[CFName.AXIS] = 'X' self.y.attrs[CFName.AXIS] = 'Y' if self.z is not None: self.z.attrs[CFName.AXIS] = 'Z'
[docs] def __getitem__(self, slc): """ :param slc: The slice sequence with indices corresponding to: ===== ================== Index Description ===== ================== 0 row/y dimension 1 column/x dimension ===== ================== ``slc`` may also be a dictionary with grid dimensions as keys. :returns: Shallow copy of the sliced grid. :rtype: :class:`~ocgis.Grid` """ if self.has_shared_dimension: raise ValueError('Grid coordinate variables may not have shared dimensions when slicing.') if not isinstance(slc, dict): slc = get_dslice(self.dimensions, slc) ret = self.copy() new_parent = ret.parent[slc] ret.parent = new_parent return ret
[docs] def __setitem__(self, slc, grid): """ Set the grid values and mask to match ``grid`` in the index space defined by ``slc``. :param slc: The set slice for the target. Must have length matching the grid dimension count. :type slc: `sequence` of :class:`slice`-like object :param grid: The grid object containing the values to set in the target. """ slc = get_formatted_slice(slc, self.ndim) if self.is_vectorized: y_slc, x_slc = slc self.x[x_slc] = grid.x self.y[y_slc] = grid.y else: self.x[slc] = grid.x self.y[slc] = grid.y if grid.mask_variable is not None: new_mask = grid.get_mask(create=True) current_mask = self.get_mask(create=True) current_mask[slc] = new_mask self.set_mask(current_mask)
@property def dtype(self): """ :return: Representative data type for the grid. This is pulled from the archetype variable. :rtype: type """ return self.archetype.dtype @property def has_allocated_abstraction_geometry(self): """ :return: ``True`` if the geometry abstraction variable is allocated on the grid. :rtype: bool """ if self.abstraction == 'point': return self.has_allocated_point elif self.abstraction == 'polygon': return self.has_allocated_polygon else: raise NotImplementedError(self.abstraction) @property def has_allocated_point(self): """ :return: ``True`` if the point variable is allocated on the grid. :rtype: bool """ if self._point_name in self.parent: return True else: return False @property def has_allocated_polygon(self): """ :return: ``True`` if the polygon variable is allocated on the grid. :rtype: bool """ if self._polygon_name in self.parent: return True else: return False @property def has_bounds(self): """ Return ``True`` if the grid coordinate variables have bounds. :rtype: bool """ return self.archetype.has_bounds @property def has_shared_dimension(self): """Return ``True`` if the x/y dimensions are equal.""" return len(set(get_dimension_names(self.dimensions))) != len(self.dimensions) @property def is_vectorized(self): """ :return: ``True`` if the grid is vectorized (factorized). Vectorized grids have one-dimensional x- and coordinate variables. :rtype: bool """ ndim = self.archetype.ndim if ndim == 1: ret = True else: ret = False return ret @property def shape(self): """ :rtype: :class:`tuple` of :class:`int` """ return get_dimension_lengths(self.dimensions)
[docs] def copy(self): """ :return: shallow copy of the grid :rtype: :class:`~ocgis.Grid` """ ret = super(AbstractGrid, self).copy() ret.parent = ret.parent.copy() return ret
[docs] def diagnostics(self, plot_xy=False, scatter_xy=False, unique_xy=False, verbose=False, plot_var=None): """Print some grid diagnostics. This is designed to be customized.""" assert self.is_vectorized xv = self.x.get_value() yv = self.y.get_value() x_unique = np.unique(xv) y_unique = np.unique(yv) lines = ['Structured Grid:'] sub = [' shape= {}'.format(self.shape), ' size= {}'.format(np.product(self.shape)), ' variables= {}'.format(get_variable_names([self.y, self.x])), ' dimensions= {}'.format(get_dimension_names(self.dimensions)), 'is_vectorized= {}'.format(self.is_vectorized), ' shape_unique= {}'.format((y_unique.size, x_unique.size)) ] if unique_xy: assert self.shape[0] == self.shape[1] uset = set() for ii in range(self.shape[0]): if ii % 100 == 0: if verbose: print('{} of {}'.format(ii, self.shape[0])) uset.update([(xv[ii], yv[ii])]) sub.append(' unique_xy= {}'.format(len(set(uset)))) sub = [' | {}'.format(s) for s in sub] lines.extend(sub) for l in lines: print(l) print('') print('Dimension Map:') self.dimension_map.pprint(as_dict=True) if plot_xy: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt assert self.is_vectorized f, axarr = plt.subplots(2) for ii, t in enumerate(['x', 'y']): axarr[ii].plot(np.arange(self.shape[ii]), getattr(self, t).get_value()) axarr[ii].set_ylabel(t) axarr[0].set_title('Factorized Grid Coordinate Values') axarr[1].set_xlabel('Index'.format(t)) if scatter_xy: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.scatter(self.x.get_value(), self.y.get_value()) plt.title('X/Y Scatter Plot') plt.xlabel('x Coordinate Value') plt.ylabel('y Coordinate Value') if plot_var is not None: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt assert self.is_vectorized var = getattr(self, plot_var) plt.scatter(np.arange(var.shape[0]), var.get_value()) plt.xlabel('Index') plt.ylabel('Value') plt.title('Value Plot: {}'.format(
[docs] def extract(self, clean_break=False): """ Extract the grid from its parent collection. See :meth:`~ocgis.Variable.extract` for documentation. """ new_parent = self.parent.copy() original_parent = self.parent members = get_variable_names(self.get_member_variables()) for v in self.parent.values(): if not in members: new_parent.remove_variable(v, remove_bounds=False) if clean_break: to_remove = [] for v in original_parent.values(): if in members: to_remove.append( for tr in to_remove: original_parent.remove_variable(tr, remove_bounds=False) self.parent = new_parent return self
[docs] def expand(self): """ If the grid is vectorized/factorized (spatial coordinate represented using one-dimensional arrays), convert spatial coordinates to two-dimensional arrays. If the grid is already two-dimensional, pass through. """ expand_grid(self)
[docs] def get_abstraction_geometry(self, **kwargs): """ Get the abstraction geometry variable for the grid. :param kwargs: Keyword arguments to the geometry get method. See :meth:`~ocgis.Grid.get_point` for example. :rtype: :class:`~ocgis.GeometryVariable` """ if self.abstraction == GridAbstraction.POINT: ret = self.get_point(**kwargs) elif self.abstraction == GridAbstraction.POLYGON: ret = self.get_polygon(**kwargs) else: raise NotImplementedError(self.abstraction) return ret
[docs] def get_distributed_slice(self, slc, **kwargs): """ Slice the grid in parallel and return a shallow copy. This is collective across the current :class:`~ocgis.OcgVM`. :param slc: See :meth:`~ocgis.Grid.__getitem__`. :param kwargs: Keyword arguments to :meth:`~ocgis.Variable.get_distributed_slice`. :rtype: :class:`~ocgis.AbstractGrid` """ # TODO: This should be generalized for grid objects and use a standardized set of dimensions. raise_if_empty(self) if self.has_shared_dimension: raise ValueError('Grid coordinate variables may not have shared dimensions when slicing.') if isinstance(slc, dict): y_slc = slc[self.dimensions[0].name] x_slc = slc[self.dimensions[1].name] slc = [y_slc, x_slc] ret = self.copy() if self.is_vectorized: dummy_var = Variable(name='__ocgis_dummy_var__', dimensions=ret.dimensions) ret.parent.add_variable(dummy_var) ret.parent = dummy_var.get_distributed_slice(slc, **kwargs).parent ret.parent.pop( else: ret.parent = self.archetype.get_distributed_slice(slc, **kwargs).parent return ret
[docs] def get_nearest(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_abstraction_geometry().get_nearest(*args, **kwargs).parent.grid
def get_point(self, value=None, mask=None): return get_geometry_variable(self, value=value, mask=mask, use_bounds=False) def get_polygon(self, value=None, mask=None): return get_geometry_variable(self, value=value, mask=mask, use_bounds=True)
[docs] def get_spatial_index(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_abstraction_geometry().get_spatial_index(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_report(self): """ :return: sequence of strings containing explanatory grid information :rtype: :class:`list` of :class:`str` """ if is None: projection = 'NA (no coordinate system)' sref = projection else: projection = sref = lines = ['Spatial Reference = {0}'.format(sref), 'Proj4 String = {0}'.format(projection), 'Extent = {0}'.format(self.extent), 'Resolution = {0}'.format(self.resolution)] return lines
[docs] def get_spatial_subset_operation(self, spatial_op, subset_geom, return_slice=False, use_bounds='auto', original_mask=None, keep_touches='auto', cascade=True, optimized_bbox_subset=False, apply_slice=True): """ Perform intersects or intersection operations on the grid object. :param str spatial_op: Either an ``'intersects'`` or an ``'intersection'`` spatial operation. :param subset_geom: The subset Shapely geometry. All geometry types are accepted. :type subset_geom: :class:`shapely.geometry.base.BaseGeometry` :param bool return_slice: If ``True``, also return the slices used to limit the grid's extent. :param use_bounds: If ``'auto'`` (the default), use bounds if they are available to construct polygon objects for the intersects operation. :type use_bounds: :class:`bool` | :class:`str` :param original_mask: An optional mask to use as a hint for spatial operation. ``True`` values are excluded from spatial consideration. :type original_mask: :class:`numpy.ndarray` :param keep_touches: If ``'auto'`` (the default), keep geometries that touch only if the grid's spatial abstraction is point. :type keep_touches: :class:`bool` | :class:`str` :param cascade: If ``True`` (the default), set the mask across all variables in the grid's parent collection. :param optimized_bbox_subset: If ``True``, perform an optimized bounding box subset on the grid. This will only use the grid's representative coordinates ignoring bounds, geometries, etc. :param apply_slice: If ``True`` (the default), apply the slice to the grid object in addition to updating its mask. :return: If ``return_slice`` is ``False`` (the default), return a shallow copy of the sliced grid. If ``return_slice`` is ``True``, this will be a tuple with the subsetted object as the first element and the slice used as the second. If ``spatial_op`` is ``'intersection'``, the returned object is a geometry variable. :rtype: :class:`~ocgis.Grid` | :class:`~ocgis.GeometryVariable` | :class:`tuple` of ``(<returned object>, <slice used>)`` """ # TODO: This should be merged with geometry coordinates spatial subset operation. raise_if_empty(self) try: subset_geom.prepare() except AttributeError: if not isinstance(subset_geom, BaseGeometry): msg = 'Only Shapely geometries allowed for subsetting. Subset type is "{}".'.format( type(subset_geom)) raise ValueError(msg) else: subset_geom = subset_geom.get_value()[0] # Flag indicating presence of mask on grid prior to subsetting. If there is a mask, we always want to maintain # it. If not, only add a mask if some values will be masked. if self.get_mask() is None: original_grid_has_mask = False else: original_grid_has_mask = True if use_bounds is True and self.abstraction == 'point': msg = '"use_bounds" is True and grid abstraction is "point". Only a polygon abstraction may use bounds ' \ 'during a spatial subset operation.' raise ValueError(msg) if not isinstance(subset_geom, BaseGeometry): msg = 'Only Shapely geometries allowed for subsetting. Subset type is "{}".'.format( type(subset_geom)) raise ValueError(msg) if use_bounds == 'auto': if self.abstraction == 'polygon': use_bounds = True else: use_bounds = False if spatial_op == 'intersection': perform_intersection = True else: perform_intersection = False if keep_touches == 'auto': if self.abstraction == 'point' or not use_bounds: keep_touches = True else: keep_touches = False buffer_value = None if original_mask is None: if not optimized_bbox_subset: buffer_value = self.resolution * 1.25 if isinstance(subset_geom, BaseMultipartGeometry): geom_itr = subset_geom else: geom_itr = [subset_geom] for ctr, geom in enumerate(geom_itr): if not optimized_bbox_subset: geom = geom.buffer(buffer_value).envelope single_hint_mask = get_hint_mask_from_geometry_bounds(self, geom.bounds, invert=False) if ctr == 0: hint_mask = single_hint_mask else: hint_mask = np.logical_or(hint_mask, single_hint_mask) hint_mask = np.invert(hint_mask) original_mask = hint_mask if not optimized_bbox_subset: mask = self.get_mask() if mask is not None: original_mask = np.logical_or(mask, hint_mask) ret = self.copy() if original_grid_has_mask: ret.set_mask(ret.get_mask().copy()) if optimized_bbox_subset: if original_mask is not None and original_mask.any(): # TODO: OPTIMIZE: Can we avoid the cascade? There is no reason to cascade the mask if it is going to be sliced off anyway. ret.set_mask(original_mask, cascade=True) sliced_grid, _, the_slice = get_masking_slice(original_mask, ret, apply_slice=apply_slice) sliced_grid_mask = sliced_grid.get_mask() if not original_grid_has_mask and sliced_grid_mask is not None and not sliced_grid_mask.any(): sliced_grid.set_mask(None) else: fill_mask = original_mask geometry_fill = None # If everything is masked, there is no reason to load the grid geometries. if not original_mask.all(): if perform_intersection: geometry_fill = np.zeros(fill_mask.shape, dtype=object) if vm.size > 1: new_intersects_target = subset_geom.intersection(box(*self.extent).buffer(1e-6)) else: new_intersects_target = subset_geom gp = GridGeometryProcessor(self, new_intersects_target, original_mask, keep_touches=keep_touches, use_bounds=use_bounds) for idx, intersects_logical, current_geometry in gp.iter_intersects(): fill_mask[idx] = not intersects_logical if perform_intersection and intersects_logical: geometry_fill[idx] = current_geometry.intersection(subset_geom) if perform_intersection: if geometry_fill is None: if use_bounds: name = self._polygon_name else: name = self._point_name geometry_variable = GeometryVariable(name=name) else: if use_bounds: geometry_variable = ret.get_polygon(value=geometry_fill, mask=fill_mask) else: geometry_variable = ret.get_point(value=geometry_fill, mask=fill_mask) ret.parent.add_variable(geometry_variable, force=True) sliced_grid, sliced_mask, the_slice = get_masking_slice(fill_mask, ret, apply_slice=apply_slice) # Only modify the outgoing mask if any values are masked. sliced_mask_value = sliced_mask.get_value() if sliced_mask_value is not None and sliced_mask_value.any(): sliced_grid.set_mask(sliced_mask_value, cascade=cascade) if perform_intersection: obj_to_ret = sliced_grid.parent[] else: obj_to_ret = sliced_grid if return_slice: ret = (obj_to_ret, the_slice) else: ret = obj_to_ret return ret
def get_value_stacked(self): y = self.y.get_value() x = self.x.get_value() if self.is_vectorized: x, y = np.meshgrid(x, y) fill = np.zeros([2] + list(y.shape)) fill[0, :, :] = y fill[1, :, :] = x return fill
[docs] def iter_records(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get_abstraction_geometry().iter_records(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def remove_bounds(self): """Set the grid coordinate variable bounds to ``None``.""" self.x.set_bounds(None) self.y.set_bounds(None) dmap = self.dimension_map dmap.set_bounds(DMK.X, None) dmap.set_bounds(DMK.Y, None)
def reorder(self): if self.wrapped_state != WrappedState.WRAPPED: raise ValueError('Only wrapped coordinates may be reordered.') if self.is_empty: return self reorder_dimension = self.dimensions[1].name varying_dimension = self.dimensions[0].name if self.dimensions[1].dist and MPI_SIZE > 1: raise ValueError('The reorder dimension may not be distributed.') # Reorder indices identify where the index translation occurs. wrapped = self.x.get_value() if self.is_vectorized: wrapped = wrapped.reshape(1, -1) shift_indices = np.zeros(self.shape[0], dtype=int) for row_index in range(wrapped.shape[0]): the_split_index = None for ctr, element in enumerate(wrapped[row_index].flat): if element < 0: the_split_index = ctr break shift_indices[row_index] = the_split_index if self.is_vectorized: shift_indices[:] = shift_indices[0] reorder_array(shift_indices, self.x.get_value().reshape(1, -1), get_dimension_names(self.dimensions), reorder_dimension, varying_dimension) # Reorder all arrays that have the reorder and varying dimension. for var in list(self.parent.values()): arr_dimension_names = get_dimension_names(var.dimensions) if reorder_dimension in arr_dimension_names and varying_dimension in arr_dimension_names: reorder_array(shift_indices, var.get_value(), arr_dimension_names, reorder_dimension, varying_dimension) if var.has_masked_values: mask = var.get_mask() if mask is not None: reorder_array(shift_indices, mask, arr_dimension_names, reorder_dimension, varying_dimension) var.set_mask(mask)
[docs] def set_extrapolated_bounds(self, name_x_variable, name_y_variable, name_dimension): """ Extrapolate corners from grid centroids. :param str name_x_variable: Name for the x-coordinate bounds variable. :param str name_y_variable: Name for the y-coordinate bounds variable. :param str name_dimension: Name for the bounds/corner dimension. """ self.x.set_extrapolated_bounds(name_x_variable, name_dimension) self.y.set_extrapolated_bounds(name_y_variable, name_dimension) self.parent = self.y.parent
[docs] def update_crs(self, *args, **kwargs): self.expand() super(AbstractGrid, self).update_crs(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def write(self, *args, **kwargs): """ See :meth:`~ocgis.Field.write`. """ self.parent.write(*args, **kwargs)
def _get_auto_abstraction_(self): if self.has_bounds: ret = GridAbstraction.POLYGON else: ret = GridAbstraction.POINT return ret def _get_available_abstractions_(self): ret = [GridAbstraction.POINT] if self.archetype.has_bounds: ret.append(GridAbstraction.POLYGON) return ret def _get_canonical_dimension_map_(self, field=None, create=False): if field is None: field = self.parent return field.dimension_map def _get_dimensions_(self): """ Grid dimensions are always: ===== ================== Index Description ===== ================== 0 row/y-dimension 1 column/x-dimension ===== ================== See superclass for additional documentation. """ dmap = self._get_canonical_dimension_map_() ydim_name = dmap.get_dimension(DMK.Y)[0] xdim_name = dmap.get_dimension(DMK.X)[0] dimensions = self.parent.dimensions ret = (dimensions[ydim_name], dimensions[xdim_name]) return ret def _get_extent_(self): if self.is_empty: return None if self.is_vectorized: if self.has_bounds: row = self.y.bounds.v() col = self.x.bounds.v() else: row = self.y.v() col = self.x.v() else: if self.has_bounds: row = col = else: row = col = minx = col.min() miny = row.min() maxx = col.max() maxy = row.max() return minx, miny, maxx, maxy def _get_is_empty_(self): return self.parent.is_empty @staticmethod def _gc_create_global_indices_(global_shape, **kwargs): return np.arange(1, six.moves.reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, global_shape) + 1, **kwargs).reshape(*global_shape, order='C') def _gc_create_index_bounds_(self, regridding_role, host_attribute_variable, parent, slices, split_dimension, bounds_dimension): raise_if_empty(self) constants_gci = GridChunkerConstants.IndexFile if regridding_role == RegriddingRole.DESTINATION: name_x_bounds = constants_gci.NAME_X_DST_BOUNDS_VARIABLE name_y_bounds = constants_gci.NAME_Y_DST_BOUNDS_VARIABLE erole_x = constants_gci.ESMF_ROLE_DST_BOUNDS_X erole_y = constants_gci.ESMF_ROLE_DST_BOUNDS_Y elif regridding_role == RegriddingRole.SOURCE: name_x_bounds = constants_gci.NAME_X_SRC_BOUNDS_VARIABLE name_y_bounds = constants_gci.NAME_Y_SRC_BOUNDS_VARIABLE erole_x = constants_gci.ESMF_ROLE_SRC_BOUNDS_X erole_y = constants_gci.ESMF_ROLE_SRC_BOUNDS_Y else: raise NotImplementedError(regridding_role) host_attribute_variable.attrs[name_x_bounds] = name_x_bounds host_attribute_variable.attrs[name_y_bounds] = name_y_bounds xb = Variable(name=name_x_bounds, dimensions=[split_dimension, bounds_dimension], attrs={'esmf_role': erole_x}, dtype=env.NP_INT) yb = Variable(name=name_y_bounds, dimensions=[split_dimension, bounds_dimension], attrs={'esmf_role': erole_y}, dtype=env.NP_INT) # x_name = self.x.dimensions[0].name # y_name = self.y.dimensions[0].name x_name = self.dimension_map.get_dimension(DMK.X)[0] y_name = self.dimension_map.get_dimension(DMK.Y)[0] for idx, slc in enumerate(slices): xb.get_value()[idx, :] = slc[x_name].start, slc[x_name].stop yb.get_value()[idx, :] = slc[y_name].start, slc[y_name].stop parent.add_variable(xb) parent.add_variable(yb) def _gc_initialize_(self, regridding_role): pass def _gc_nchunks_dst_(self, grid_chunker): try: ret = super(Grid, self)._gc_nchunks_dst_(grid_chunker) except NotImplementedError: if self.ndim != 2: raise NotImplementedError('Only implemented for two dimensions.') else: ret = (10, 10) return ret def _initialize_parent_(self, *args, **kwargs): return self._get_parent_class_()(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class GridUnstruct(AbstractGrid): """ Unstructured grids manage operations across geometry coordinate objects. It overloads some operations but generally delegates complex operations to underlying geometry coordinate objects. It will broadcast operations across multiple geometry coordinate objects as necessary. Hence, geometry coordinate objects' documentation should be used when interpreting unstructured grid operations. :param geoms: One or more geometry coordinate variables for representing the unstructured grid. If ``None``, use the parent's dimension map to construct the object. :type geoms: sequence of :class:`~ocgis.spatial.geomc.AbstractGeometryCoordinates` | None :param abstraction: See :attr:`ocgis.spatial.grid.AbstractGrid.abstraction`. :param parent: The parent field object. Required if not geometry coordinate objects are provided. :type parent: :class:`~ocgis.Field` """ __internal_attrs__ = ('__customizers__', 'abstraction', 'abstractions_available', 'archetype', 'coordinate_variables', 'dimension_map', 'geoms', 'get_abstraction_geometry', 'reduce_global', 'update_crs', '_get_auto_abstraction_', '_get_available_abstractions_', '_gc_create_index_bounds_') __customizers__ = {Topology.POLYGON: PolygonGC, Topology.LINE: LineGC, Topology.POINT: PointGC}
[docs] def __init__(self, geoms=None, abstraction=GridAbstraction.AUTO, parent=None): if geoms is None: dimension_map = parent.dimension_map if dimension_map.has_topology: topologies = dimension_map.get_available_topologies() c = self.__customizers__ poss = [c[p] for p in c.keys() if p in topologies] else: poss = [] geoms = [p(parent=parent) for p in poss] if len(geoms) == 0: raise GridDeficientError('Cannot construct any geometry coordinate objects from parent') self.geoms = tuple(get_iter(geoms, dtype=AbstractGeometryCoordinates)) # Quick test to make sure the parents of the geometry coordinate objects are the same reference. geoms = self.geoms t = id(geoms[0].parent) for g in geoms: assert t == id(g.parent) # Let the geometry coordinate objects know they are hosted. They will return grids instead of themselves # following the return format decorator. for g in geoms: g.hosted = True # Always overload the driver to UGRID if the current driver is not unstructured. driver_klass = self.dimension_map.get_driver(as_class=True) if not is_unstructured_driver(driver_klass): self.dimension_map.set_driver(DriverKey.NETCDF_UGRID) super(GridUnstruct, self).__init__(abstraction=abstraction)
[docs] def __getattribute__(self, name): if name == '__internal_attrs__' or name in self.__internal_attrs__: ret = object.__getattribute__(self, name) else: ret = getattr(self.archetype, name) return ret
@property def archetype(self): hierarchy = [GridAbstraction.POLYGON, GridAbstraction.LINE, GridAbstraction.POINT] possible = {g.abstraction: g for g in self.geoms} if self.abstraction == GridAbstraction.AUTO: for h in hierarchy: try: return possible[h] except KeyError: continue else: return possible[self.abstraction] @property def coordinate_variables(self): """ See :meth:`~ocgis.collection.field.Field.coordinate_variables` """ ret = [] for g in self.geoms: for c in g.coordinate_variables: if not in ret: ret.append(c) return tuple(ret) @property def dimension_map(self): return self.geoms[0].dimension_map
[docs] def get_abstraction_geometry(self): arch = self.archetype geoms = [g[1] for g in arch.iter_geometries()] mask = self.get_mask() kwargs = {} kwargs[KeywordArgument.VALUE] = geoms kwargs[KeywordArgument.MASK] = mask kwargs[KeywordArgument.CRS] = kwargs[KeywordArgument.ATTRS] = {'axis': 'ocgis_geom'} kwargs[KeywordArgument.DIMENSIONS] = self.element_dim ret = GeometryVariable(**kwargs) return ret
[docs] def reduce_global(self, *args, **kwargs): """See :meth:`ocgis.spatial.geomc.AbstractGeometryCoordinates.reduce_global`""" # Reductions are only important for higher-level abstractions (i.e. polygons). Polygons and lines should share # coordinate arrays. for a in self.abstractions_available.values(): a = a.reduce_global(*args, **kwargs) return a.parent.grid
def update_crs(self, *args, **kwargs): for g in self.geoms: g.update_crs(*args, **kwargs) def _get_auto_abstraction_(self): return list(self.abstractions_available.keys())[0] def _get_available_abstractions_(self): hierarchy = [GridAbstraction.POLYGON, GridAbstraction.LINE, GridAbstraction.POINT] possible = {g.abstraction: g for g in self.geoms} ret = OrderedDict() for h in hierarchy: if h in possible: ret[h] = possible[h] return ret def _gc_create_index_bounds_(self, *args, **kwargs): pass
def arr_intersects_bounds(arr, lower, upper, keep_touches=True, section_slice=None): assert lower <= upper if section_slice is not None: ret = np.zeros(arr.shape, dtype=bool) arr = arr[section_slice] if keep_touches: arr_lower = arr >= lower arr_upper = arr <= upper else: arr_lower = arr > lower arr_upper = arr < upper if section_slice is None: ret = np.logical_and(arr_lower, arr_upper) else: ret[section_slice] = np.logical_and(arr_lower, arr_upper) return ret def update_crs_with_geometry_collection(src_sr, to_sr, value_row, value_col): """ Update coordinate vectors in place to match the destination coordinate system. :param src_sr: The source coordinate system. :type src_sr: :class:`osgeo.osr.SpatialReference` :param to_sr: The destination coordinate system. :type to_sr: :class:`osgeo.osr.SpatialReference` :param value_row: Vector of row or Y values. :type value_row: :class:`numpy.ndarray` :param value_col: Vector of column or X values. :type value_col: :class:`numpy.ndarray` """ geomcol = Geometry(wkbGeometryCollection) for ii in range(value_row.shape[0]): point = Geometry(wkbPoint) point.AddPoint(value_col[ii], value_row[ii]) geomcol.AddGeometry(point) geomcol.AssignSpatialReference(src_sr) geomcol.TransformTo(to_sr) for ii, geom in enumerate(geomcol): value_col[ii] = geom.GetX() value_row[ii] = geom.GetY() def get_polygon_geometry_array(grid, fill): is_vectorized = grid.is_vectorized if grid.has_bounds: # We want geometries for everything even if masked. x_bounds = grid.x.bounds.get_value() y_bounds = grid.y.bounds.get_value() range_row = list(range(grid.shape[0])) range_col = list(range(grid.shape[1])) if is_vectorized: for row, col in itertools.product(range_row, range_col): min_x, max_x = np.min(x_bounds[col, :]), np.max(x_bounds[col, :]) min_y, max_y = np.min(y_bounds[row, :]), np.max(y_bounds[row, :]) polygon = box(min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y) fill[row, col] = polygon else: # TODO: We should be able to avoid the creation of this corners array. corners = np.vstack((y_bounds, x_bounds)) corners = corners.reshape([2] + list(x_bounds.shape)) for row, col in itertools.product(range_row, range_col): current_corner = corners[:, row, col] coords = np.hstack((current_corner[1, :].reshape(-1, 1), current_corner[0, :].reshape(-1, 1))) polygon = Polygon(coords) fill[row, col] = polygon else: msg = 'A grid must have bounds/corners to construct polygons. Consider using "set_extrapolated_bounds".' raise GridDeficientError(msg) return fill def get_point_geometry_array(grid, fill): """Create geometries for all the underlying coordinates regardless if the data is masked.""" x_data = grid.x.get_value() y_data = grid.y.get_value() is_vectorized = grid.is_vectorized for idx_row, idx_col in itertools.product(*[list(range(ii)) for ii in grid.shape]): if is_vectorized: y = y_data[idx_row] x = x_data[idx_col] else: y = y_data[idx_row, idx_col] x = x_data[idx_row, idx_col] pt = Point(x, y) fill[idx_row, idx_col] = pt return fill def get_geometry_variable(grid, value=None, mask=None, use_bounds=True): is_empty = grid.is_empty if is_empty: mask = None value = None else: if mask is None: mask = grid.get_mask() if value is None: gp = GridGeometryProcessor(grid, None, mask, use_bounds=use_bounds) itr = gp.get_geometry_iterable() value = np.zeros(grid.shape, dtype=object) for idx, geometry in itr: if geometry is not None: value[idx] = geometry if grid.abstraction == 'point': name = grid._point_name else: name = grid._polygon_name ret = GeometryVariable(name=name, value=value, mask=mask, attrs={'axis': 'ocgis_geom'}, dimensions=grid.dimensions, return ret def grid_update_mask(grid, bounds_sequence, keep_touches=True): minx, miny, maxx, maxy = bounds_sequence res_x = get_coordinate_boolean_array(grid.x, keep_touches, maxx, minx) res_y = get_coordinate_boolean_array(grid.y, keep_touches, maxy, miny) try: res = np.invert(np.logical_and(res_x.reshape(*grid.shape), res_y.reshape(*grid.shape))) if np.all(res): raise AllElementsMaskedError grid.set_mask(res) except AllElementsMaskedError: raise EmptySubsetError('grid') def remove_nones(target): ret = [x for x in target if x is not None] return ret def get_coordinate_boolean_array(grid_target, keep_touches, max_target, min_target): target_centers = grid_target.get_value() res_target = np.array(arr_intersects_bounds(target_centers, min_target, max_target, keep_touches=keep_touches)) res_target = res_target.reshape(-1) return res_target def get_hint_mask_from_geometry_bounds(grid, bbox, invert=True): grid_x = grid.x.get_value() grid_y = grid.y.get_value() minx, miny, maxx, maxy = bbox select_x = np.logical_and(grid_x >= minx, grid_x <= maxx) select_y = np.logical_and(grid_y >= miny, grid_y <= maxy) if grid.is_vectorized: select_y_expanded = np.zeros(grid.shape, dtype=bool) select_x_expanded = np.zeros(grid.shape, dtype=bool) for ii in range(grid.shape[0]): select_y_expanded[ii, :] = select_y[ii] for jj in range(grid.shape[1]): select_x_expanded[:, jj] = select_x[jj] select_x, select_y = select_x_expanded, select_y_expanded select = np.logical_and(select_x, select_y) if invert: select = np.invert(select) return select def grid_set_geometry_variable_on_parent(func, grid, name, alloc_only=False): dimensions = [ for d in grid.dimensions] ret = get_geometry_variable(func, grid, name=name, attrs={'axis': 'geom'}, alloc_only=alloc_only, dimensions=dimensions) return ret def grid_set_mask_cascade(grid): members = grid.get_member_variables(include_bounds=True) grid.parent.set_mask(grid.mask_variable, exclude=members) def expand_grid(grid): y = grid.y x = grid.x grid_is_empty = grid.is_empty for target in [y, x]: if target.has_mask: if target.has_masked_values: raise RequestableFeature("Grid expansion with coordinate variable masks not supported") else: target.set_mask(None) if y.ndim == 1: if y.has_bounds: if not grid_is_empty: original_y_bounds = y.bounds.get_value() original_x_bounds = x.bounds.get_value() original_bounds_dimension_name = y.bounds.dimensions[-1].name has_bounds = True name_y = name_x = else: has_bounds = False if not grid_is_empty: new_x_value, new_y_value = np.meshgrid(x.get_value(), y.get_value()) new_dimensions = [y.dimensions[0], x.dimensions[0]] x.set_bounds(None) x._value = None x.set_dimensions(new_dimensions) if not grid_is_empty: x.set_value(new_x_value) y.set_bounds(None) y._value = None y.set_dimensions(new_dimensions) if not grid_is_empty: y.set_value(new_y_value) if has_bounds: grid._original_bounds_dimension_name = original_bounds_dimension_name new_y_bounds = np.zeros((original_y_bounds.shape[0], original_x_bounds.shape[0], 4), dtype=original_y_bounds.dtype) new_x_bounds = new_y_bounds.copy() for idx_y, idx_x in itertools.product(list(range(original_y_bounds.shape[0])), list(range(original_x_bounds.shape[0]))): new_y_bounds[idx_y, idx_x, 0:2] = original_y_bounds[idx_y, 0] new_y_bounds[idx_y, idx_x, 2:4] = original_y_bounds[idx_y, 1] new_x_bounds[idx_y, idx_x, 0] = original_x_bounds[idx_x, 0] new_x_bounds[idx_y, idx_x, 1] = original_x_bounds[idx_x, 1] new_x_bounds[idx_y, idx_x, 2] = original_x_bounds[idx_x, 1] new_x_bounds[idx_y, idx_x, 3] = original_x_bounds[idx_x, 0] new_bounds_dimensions = new_dimensions + [Dimension('corners', size=4)] y.set_bounds(Variable(name=name_y, value=new_y_bounds, dimensions=new_bounds_dimensions)) x.set_bounds(Variable(name=name_x, value=new_x_bounds, dimensions=new_bounds_dimensions)) assert y.ndim == 2 assert x.ndim == 2 def reorder_array(reorder_indices, arr, arr_dimensions, reorder_dimension, varying_dimension): """ :param reorder_indices: Sequence of shift indices with same dimension as ``varying_dimension``. The shift index is a single integer value. Values in ``arr`` having indices >= to the shift index or translated such that the shift index in the original array is now zero in the reordered array. :type reorder_indices: sequence of integers :param arr: Array to reorder. :type arr: :class:`numpy.core.multiarray.ndarray` :param arr_dimensions: Dimension names for ``arr``. :type arr_dimensions: sequence of strings :param str reorder_dimension: The dimension in ``arr`` to reorder. :param str varying_dimension: The dimension in ``arr`` across which the ``reorder_dimension`` varies. :return: An in-place reordered array. :rtype: :class:`numpy.core.multiarray.ndarray` """ reorder_index = arr_dimensions.index(reorder_dimension) varying_index = arr_dimensions.index(varying_dimension) itrs = [None] * arr.ndim for idx in range(len(arr.shape)): if idx == reorder_index: itrs[idx] = [slice(None)] else: itrs[idx] = list(range(arr.shape[idx])) for yld in itertools.product(*itrs): curr_varying_index = yld[varying_index] the_split_index = reorder_indices[curr_varying_index] view_to_reorder = arr.__getitem__(yld) original_to_reorder = view_to_reorder.copy() offset = view_to_reorder.shape[0] - the_split_index view_to_reorder[0:offset] = original_to_reorder[the_split_index:] view_to_reorder[offset:] = original_to_reorder[0:the_split_index]