Source code for shapely.geometry.multipolygon

"""Collections of polygons and related utilities

import sys

if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
    range = xrange

from ctypes import c_void_p, cast

from shapely.geos import lgeos
from shapely.geometry.base import BaseMultipartGeometry, geos_geom_from_py
from shapely.geometry import polygon
from shapely.geometry.proxy import CachingGeometryProxy

__all__ = ['MultiPolygon', 'asMultiPolygon']

class MultiPolygon(BaseMultipartGeometry):

    """A collection of one or more polygons
    If component polygons overlap the collection is `invalid` and some
    operations on it may fail.
    geoms : sequence
        A sequence of `Polygon` instances

    def __init__(self, polygons=None, context_type='polygons'):
        polygons : sequence
            A sequence of (shell, holes) tuples where shell is the sequence
            representation of a linear ring (see and holes is
            a sequence of such linear rings

        Construct a collection from a sequence of coordinate tuples

          >>> ob = MultiPolygon( [
          ...     (
          ...     ((0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 1.0), (1.0, 1.0), (1.0, 0.0)), 
          ...     [((0.1,0.1), (0.1,0.2), (0.2,0.2), (0.2,0.1))]
          ...     )
          ... ] )
          >>> len(ob.geoms)
          >>> type(ob.geoms[0]) == Polygon
        super(MultiPolygon, self).__init__()

        if not polygons:
            # allow creation of empty multipolygons, to support unpickling
        elif context_type == 'polygons':
            self._geom, self._ndim = geos_multipolygon_from_polygons(polygons)
        elif context_type == 'geojson':
            self._geom, self._ndim = geos_multipolygon_from_py(polygons)

    def shape_factory(self, *args):
        return polygon.Polygon(*args)

    def __geo_interface__(self):
        allcoords = []
        for geom in self.geoms:
            coords = []
            for hole in geom.interiors:
        return {
            'type': 'MultiPolygon',
            'coordinates': allcoords

    def svg(self, scale_factor=1., fill_color=None):
        """Returns group of SVG path elements for the MultiPolygon geometry.

        scale_factor : float
            Multiplication factor for the SVG stroke-width.  Default is 1.
        fill_color : str, optional
            Hex string for fill color. Default is to use "#66cc99" if
            geometry is valid, and "#ff3333" if invalid.
        if self.is_empty:
            return '<g />'
        if fill_color is None:
            fill_color = "#66cc99" if self.is_valid else "#ff3333"
        return '<g>' + \
            ''.join(p.svg(scale_factor, fill_color) for p in self) + \

class MultiPolygonAdapter(CachingGeometryProxy, MultiPolygon):
    context = None
    _other_owned = False

    def __init__(self, context, context_type='polygons'):
        self.context = context
        if context_type == 'geojson':
            self.factory = geos_multipolygon_from_py
        elif context_type == 'polygons':
            self.factory = geos_multipolygon_from_polygons

    def _ndim(self):
            # From array protocol
            array = self.context[0][0].__array_interface__
            n = array['shape'][1]
            assert n == 2 or n == 3
            return n
        except AttributeError:
            # Fall back on list
            return len(self.context[0][0][0])

def asMultiPolygon(context):
    """Adapts a sequence of objects to the MultiPolygon interface"""
    return MultiPolygonAdapter(context)

def geos_multipolygon_from_py(ob):
    """ob must provide Python geo interface coordinates."""
    L = len(ob)
    assert L >= 1
    N = len(ob[0][0][0])
    assert N == 2 or N == 3

    subs = (c_void_p * L)()
    for l in range(L):
        geom, ndims = polygon.geos_polygon_from_py(ob[l][0], ob[l][1:])
        subs[l] = cast(geom, c_void_p)
    return (lgeos.GEOSGeom_createCollection(6, subs, L), N)

def geos_multipolygon_from_polygons(arg):
    ob must be either a MultiPolygon, sequence or array of sequences 
    or arrays.
    if isinstance(arg, MultiPolygon):
        return geos_geom_from_py(arg)

    obs = getattr(arg, 'geoms', arg)
    obs = [ob for ob in obs
           if ob and not (isinstance(ob, polygon.Polygon) and ob.is_empty)]
    L = len(obs)

    # Bail immediately if we have no input points.
    if L <= 0:
        return (lgeos.GEOSGeom_createEmptyCollection(6), 3)

    exemplar = obs[0]
        N = len(exemplar[0][0])
    except TypeError:
        N = exemplar._ndim
    assert N == 2 or N == 3

    subs = (c_void_p * L)()

    for i, ob in enumerate(obs):
        if isinstance(ob, polygon.Polygon):
            shell = ob.exterior
            holes = ob.interiors
            shell = ob[0]
            holes = ob[1]

        geom, ndims = polygon.geos_polygon_from_py(shell, holes)
        subs[i] = cast(geom, c_void_p)

    return (lgeos.GEOSGeom_createCollection(6, subs, L), N)

# Test runner
def _test():
    import doctest

if __name__ == "__main__":