============ Installation ============ If you would like to subscribe to the low-volume, OpenClimateGIS mailing list, please fill out the `OpenClimateGIS Download Form`_. Filling out the form also helps us collect useful usage statistics. Anaconda Package ---------------- An `Anaconda `_ package is available through `conda-forge `_. Using the Package Manager +++++++++++++++++++++++++ Installation with optional dependencies: .. code-block:: sh conda install -c conda-forge ocgis esmpy mpi4py cf_units rtree nose mock Installation without optional dependencies: .. code-block:: sh conda install -c conda-forge ocgis Alternatively, NESII provides linux-64 and osx-64 builds for both OpenClimateGIS, ESMPy, and ICCLIM: .. code-block:: sh conda install -c nesii -c conda-forge ocgis esmpy icclim Using an Environment File +++++++++++++++++++++++++ An Anaconda `environment file `_ installing all OpenClimateGIS dependencies is available in the repository root. .. code-block:: sh cd conda env create -f environment.yml Building from Source -------------------- 1. Download the current release using the `OpenClimateGIS Download Form`_. 2. Extract the file using your favorite extraction utility. 3. Navigate into extracted directory. 4. Run the command: .. code-block:: sh [sudo] python setup.py install Testing the Installation ------------------------ It is recommended that a simple suite of tests are run to verify the new installation. Testing requires the Python ``nose`` library (https://nose.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) and ``mock`` (included by default with Python 3+): .. code-block:: sh [sudo] pip install nose mock # OR conda install nose mock Run tests: .. code-block:: sh python -c "from ocgis.test import run_simple; run_simple(verbose=False)" Optional dependencies may also be tested. If an optional dependency is not installed, a test failure will occur: .. code-block:: sh python -c "from ocgis.test import run_simple; run_simple(attrs=['simple', 'optional'], verbose=False)" Tests may also be ran with a setup command: .. code-block:: sh python setup.py test Please report any errors on the software's GitHub issue tracker. Configuring the :class:`~ocgis.GeomCabinet` ------------------------------------------- Set the path to the directory containing the shapefiles or shapefile folders using :ref:`env.DIR_GEOMCABINET `. You may also set the system environment variable ``OCGIS_DIR_GEOMCABINET``. Supported Python Versions ------------------------- Python versions 2.7, 3.6, and 3.7 are tested and supported. Versions 2.7 or 3.7 are recommended. Python 3.5 demonstrates undefined behavior with parallel operations using ``mpi4py``. Dependencies ------------ OpenClimateGIS is tested against the library versions listed below. Required ++++++++ ============== ======= ======================================== Package Name Version URL ============== ======= ======================================== ``numpy`` 1.15.0 http://www.numpy.org/ ``netCDF4`` 1.4.2 http://unidata.github.io/netcdf4-python/ ``gdal`` 2.3.2 https://pypi.python.org/pypi/GDAL/ ``pyproj`` https://github.com/jswhit/pyproj ``shapely`` 1.6.4 https://pypi.python.org/pypi/Shapely ``fiona`` 1.8.0 https://pypi.python.org/pypi/Fiona ``six`` 1.11.0 https://pypi.python.org/pypi/six ``setuptools`` 40.5.0 https://pypi.python.org/pypi/setuptools ============== ======= ======================================== Optional ++++++++ Optional dependencies are listed below. OpenClimateGIS will still operate without these libraries installed but functionality and performance may change. ============= ======= ====================================================== ================================================================================================================================= Package Name Version URL Usage ============= ======= ====================================================== ================================================================================================================================= ``ESMF`` 7.1.0r https://www.earthsystemcog.org/projects/esmpy/releases Supports regridding operations. ``mpi4py`` 3.0.0 http://mpi4py.readthedocs.io/en/stable/ Required for parallel execution. ``rtree`` 0.8.3 https://pypi.python.org/pypi/Rtree/ Constructs spatial indexes at runtime. Useful for complicated GIS operations (i.e. large or complex polygons for subsetting) ``cf_units`` 2.0.2 https://github.com/SciTools/cf_units Allows unit transformations. ``icclim`` 4.2.10 http://icclim.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ Calculation of the full suite of European Climate Assessment (ECA) indices with optimized code implementation. ``nose`` 1.3.7 https://nose.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ Run unit tests. ``mock`` 2.0.0 https://pypi.python.org/pypi/mock/ Run unit tests. ============= ======= ====================================================== ================================================================================================================================= Building from Source ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dependencies may be built entirely from source. An (outdated) `bash script`_ is available on GitHub. Uninstalling ------------ The ``uninstall`` command will simply provide you with the directory location of the OpenClimateGIS package. This must be manually removed. .. code-block:: sh python setup.py uninstall .. _bash script: https://github.com/NCPP/ocgis/blob/master/misc/sh/install_geospatial.sh .. _source: https://github.com/NCPP/ocgis .. _OpenClimateGIS Download Form: http://cli.re/openclimategisdownloadform