Source code for ocgis.driver.nc_ugrid

from ocgis import Variable, constants
from ocgis.constants import DriverKey, DMK, VariableName, Topology, KeywordArgument, DecompositionType
from ocgis.driver.base import AbstractUnstructuredDriver
from import DriverNetcdfCF

[docs]class DriverNetcdfUGRID(AbstractUnstructuredDriver, DriverNetcdfCF): """ Driver for NetCDF data following the UGRID convention. It will also interpret CF convention for axes not overloaded by UGRID. """ _esmf_fileformat = 'UGRID' esmf_grid_class = constants.ESMFGridClass.MESH _priority = False key = DriverKey.NETCDF_UGRID @staticmethod def create_host_attribute_variable(dimension_map, name=VariableName.UGRID_HOST_VARIABLE): point = dimension_map.get_topology(Topology.POINT) dkeys = [DMK.X, DMK.Y, DMK.LEVEL] face_coordinates = None if point is not None and point != Topology.AUTO: x_repr, y_repr, z_repr = [point.get_variable(k) for k in dkeys] if x_repr is not None: face_coordinates = [x_repr, y_repr] if z_repr is not None: face_coordinates.append(z_repr) face_coordinates = ' '.join(face_coordinates) poly = dimension_map.get_topology(Topology.POLYGON) z = None if poly is not None: x, y, z = [poly.get_variable(k) for k in dkeys] node_coordinates = [x, y] if z is not None: node_coordinates.append(z) node_coordinates = ' '.join(node_coordinates) face_node_connectivity = poly.get_variable(DMK.ELEMENT_NODE_CONNECTIVITY) else: node_coordinates = None if z is None: dimension = 2 else: dimension = 3 locations = [] if point is not None: locations.append('face') if poly is not None: locations.append('node') locations = ' '.join(locations) attrs = {'standard_name': 'mesh_topology', 'cf_role': 'mesh_topology', 'dimension': dimension, 'locations': locations, 'node_coordinates': node_coordinates, 'face_coordinates': face_coordinates} if poly is not None: attrs['face_node_connectivity'] = face_node_connectivity return Variable(name=name, attrs=attrs) def create_dimension_map(self, group_metadata, strict=False): dmap = super(DriverNetcdfUGRID, self).create_dimension_map(group_metadata, strict=strict) variables = group_metadata['variables'] # Find the attribute host. attr_host = None for v in variables.values(): if v['attrs'].get('cf_role') == 'mesh_topology': attr_host = v dmap.set_variable(DMK.ATTRIBUTE_HOST, v['name'], attrs=v['attrs'].copy()) if attr_host is None: raise ValueError('Attribute host variable not found on UGRID file.') # Check for representative coordinates. target_host_attr = 'face_coordinates' set_coordinate_dmap_variables(attr_host, dmap, target_host_attr, variables, Topology.POINT) # Check for nodes. target_host_attr = 'node_coordinates' has_nodes = set_coordinate_dmap_variables(attr_host, dmap, target_host_attr, variables, Topology.POLYGON) if has_nodes: face_node_connectivity = attr_host['attrs'].get('face_node_connectivity') tdmap = dmap.get_topology(Topology.POLYGON) tdmap.set_variable(DMK.ELEMENT_NODE_CONNECTIVITY, face_node_connectivity, dimension=variables[face_node_connectivity]['dimensions'][0]) return dmap def get_distributed_dimension_name(self, dimension_map, dimensions_metadata, decomp_type=DecompositionType.OCGIS): ret = None poly = dimension_map.get_topology(Topology.POLYGON, create=False) if poly is not None: ret = poly.get_variable(DMK.ELEMENT_NODE_CONNECTIVITY) if ret is not None: ret = poly.get_dimension(DMK.ELEMENT_NODE_CONNECTIVITY)[0] if ret is None: line = dimension_map.get_topology(Topology.LINE, create=False) if line is not None: ret = line.get_variable(DMK.ELEMENT_NODE_CONNECTIVITY) if ret is not None: ret = line.get_dimension(DMK.ELEMENT_NODE_CONNECTIVITY)[0] if ret is None: point = dimension_map.get_topology(Topology.POLYGON, create=False) if point is not None: ret = point.get_dimension(DMK.X)[0] if ret is None: msg = 'Cannot identify distributed dimension. Checked element, x, and representative x dimensions.' raise ValueError(msg) return ret @classmethod def _get_field_write_target_(cls, field): """Collective!""" if is not None: attr_host = field.dimension_map.get_variable(DMK.ATTRIBUTE_HOST) if attr_host is None or attr_host not in field: attr_host = cls.create_host_attribute_variable(field.dimension_map) field.dimension_map.set_variable(DMK.ATTRIBUTE_HOST, attr_host) field.add_variable(attr_host) return field
def set_coordinate_dmap_variables(attr_host, dmap, target_host_attr, variables, topology): """ Set coordinate variables on the target dimension map. This will pass-through if the the target host attribute contains no coordinate variable names. Return ``True`` if the dimension map was updated. :param dict attr_host: The attribute host variable metadata. :param dmap: Dimension map to set variable on. :type dmap: :class:`~ocgis.DimensionMap` :param str target_host_attr: Name of the host attribute containing coordinate variable names. :param dict variables: Group-level metadata for variables. :param topology: The destination topology for setting on the dimension map. :type topology: :class:`~ocgis.constants.Topology` :rtype: bool """ coordinates = attr_host.get('attrs', {}).get(target_host_attr) ret = False dmap_keys = [DMK.X, DMK.Y, DMK.LEVEL] if coordinates is not None: coordinates = coordinates.split(' ') tdmap = dmap.get_topology(topology, create=True) for idx, fc in enumerate(coordinates): tdmap.set_variable(dmap_keys[idx], fc, dimension=variables[fc][KeywordArgument.DIMENSIONS][0]) ret = True return ret