Source code for ocgis.regrid.base

import logging
import os
from collections import OrderedDict
from copy import deepcopy

import ESMF
import numpy as np
from ocgis import constants, Dimension, RequestDataset, vm
from ocgis import env
from ocgis.base import AbstractOcgisObject, get_dimension_names, iter_dict_slices
from ocgis.collection.field import Field
from ocgis.constants import DMK, GridChunkerConstants, DecompositionType, MPIOps
from ocgis.exc import RegriddingError, CornersInconsistentError
from ocgis.spatial.grid import Grid, expand_grid
from ocgis.spatial.spatial_subset import SpatialSubsetOperation
from ocgis.util.broadcaster import broadcast_scope, broadcast_variable
from ocgis.util.helpers import get_esmf_corners_from_ocgis_corners, create_ocgis_corners_from_esmf_corners
from ocgis.util.logging_ocgis import ocgis_lh
from ocgis.variable.base import Variable
from import Spherical, create_crs

[docs]class RegridOperation(AbstractOcgisObject): """ Execute a regrid operation handling spatial subsetting and coordinate system transformations. :param field_src: The source field to regrid. :type field_src: :class:`ocgis.Field` :param field_dst: The destination regrid field. :type field_dst: :class:`ocgis.Field` :param subset_field: If provided, use this field to subset the regridding fields. :type subset_field: :class:`ocgis.Field` :param regrid_options: A dictionary of keyword options to pass to :func:`~ocgis.regrid.base.regrid_field`. :type regrid_options: dict :param bool revert_dst_crs: If ``True``, revert the destination grid coordinate system if it needed to be transformed. Typically, a number of source fields are regridded to a common destination and this transform should only occur once. """ def __init__(self, field_src, field_dst, subset_field=None, regrid_options=None, revert_dst_crs=False): assert isinstance(field_src, Field) assert isinstance(field_dst, Field) assert isinstance(subset_field, (Field, type(None))) self.field_dst = field_dst self.field_src = field_src self.subset_field = subset_field self.revert_dst_crs = revert_dst_crs if regrid_options is None: self.regrid_options = {} else: self.regrid_options = regrid_options
[docs] def execute(self): """ Execute regridding operation. :rtype: :class:`ocgis.Field` """ regrid_destination, backtransform_dst_crs = self._get_regrid_destination_() regrid_source, backtransform_src_crs = self._get_regrid_source_() # Regrid the input field. ocgis_lh(logger='regrid', msg='Creating regridded field...', level=logging.INFO) regridded_source = regrid_field(regrid_source, regrid_destination, **self.regrid_options) if backtransform_src_crs is not None: regridded_source.update_crs(backtransform_src_crs) # self.field_src.update_crs(backtransform_src_crs) if backtransform_dst_crs is not None and self.revert_dst_crs: self.field_dst.update_crs(backtransform_dst_crs) return regridded_source
def _get_regrid_destination_(self): """ Prepare destination field for regridding. :rtype: (:class:`~ocgis.Field`, :class:`~ocgis.CoordinateReferenceSystem` or ``None``) """ # Transform the coordinate system of the regrid destination. ################################################### # Update the regrid destination coordinate system must be updated to match the source. if != Spherical(): ocgis_lh(logger='regrid', msg='updating regrid destination to spherical. regrid destination crs is: {}'.format(, level=logging.DEBUG) backtransform_crs = deepcopy( self.field_dst.update_crs(Spherical()) else: backtransform_crs = None # Spatially subset the regrid destination. ##################################################################### if self.subset_field is None: ocgis_lh(logger='regrid', msg='no spatial subsetting', level=logging.DEBUG) regrid_destination = self.field_dst else: ss = SpatialSubsetOperation(self.field_dst) regrid_destination = ss.get_spatial_subset('intersects', self.subset_field.geom, use_spatial_index=env.USE_SPATIAL_INDEX, select_nearest=False) return regrid_destination, backtransform_crs def _get_regrid_source_(self): # Update the source coordinate system to spherical. if != Spherical(): ocgis_lh(logger='regrid', msg='updating regrid source to spherical. regrid source crs is: {}'.format(, level=logging.DEBUG) backtransform_crs = deepcopy( self.field_src.update_crs(Spherical()) else: backtransform_crs = None return self.field_src, backtransform_crs
def get_ocgis_grid_from_esmf_grid(egrid): """ Create an OCGIS grid from an ESMF grid. :param egrid: The input ESMF grid to convert to an OCGIS grid. :type egrid: :class:`ESMF.Grid` :return: :class:`~ocgis.Grid` """ dmap = egrid._ocgis['dimension_map'] edims = list(egrid._ocgis['dimnames']) odims = egrid._ocgis['dimnames_backref'] coords = egrid.coords[ESMF.StaggerLoc.CENTER] var_x = Variable(name=dmap.get_variable(DMK.X), value=coords[0], dimensions=edims) var_y = Variable(name=dmap.get_variable(DMK.Y), value=coords[1], dimensions=edims) # Build OCGIS corners array if corners are present on the ESMF grid object. has_corners = esmf_grid_has_corners(egrid) if has_corners: corner = egrid.coords[ESMF.StaggerLoc.CORNER] if egrid.periodic_dim == 0: xcorner = np.zeros([corner[0].shape[0] + 1, corner[0].shape[1]], dtype=corner[0].dtype) xcorner[0:corner[0].shape[0], :] = corner[0] xcorner[-1, :] = corner[0][0, :] ycorner = np.zeros([corner[1].shape[0] + 1, corner[1].shape[1]], dtype=corner[1].dtype) ycorner[0:corner[1].shape[0], :] = corner[1] ycorner[-1, :] = corner[1][0, :] else: xcorner = corner[0] ycorner = corner[1] ocorner_x = create_ocgis_corners_from_esmf_corners(xcorner) ocorner_y = create_ocgis_corners_from_esmf_corners(ycorner) cdims = deepcopy(edims) cdims.append(constants.DEFAULT_NAME_CORNERS_DIMENSION) vocorner_x = Variable(name=dmap.get_bounds(DMK.X), value=ocorner_x, dimensions=cdims) vocorner_y = Variable(name=dmap.get_bounds(DMK.Y), value=ocorner_y, dimensions=cdims) crs = get_crs_from_esmf(egrid) ogrid = Grid(x=var_x, y=var_y, crs=crs) # Does the grid have a mask? has_mask = False if egrid.mask is not None: if egrid.mask[ESMF.StaggerLoc.CENTER] is not None: has_mask = True if has_mask: # if there is a mask, update the grid values egrid_mask = egrid.mask[ESMF.StaggerLoc.CENTER] egrid_mask = np.invert(egrid_mask.astype(bool)) ogrid.set_mask(egrid_mask) ogrid.parent.dimension_map = dmap if tuple(odims) != tuple(edims): broadcast_variable(var_x, odims) broadcast_variable(var_y, odims) if has_corners: broadcast_variable(vocorner_x, list(odims) + [constants.DEFAULT_NAME_CORNERS_DIMENSION]) broadcast_variable(vocorner_y, list(odims) + [constants.DEFAULT_NAME_CORNERS_DIMENSION]) if has_corners: var_x.set_bounds(vocorner_x) var_y.set_bounds(vocorner_y) return ogrid def get_esmf_field_from_ocgis_field(ofield, esmf_field_name=None, **kwargs): """ :param ofield: The OCGIS field to convert to an ESMF field. :type ofield: :class:`ocgis.Field` :param str esmf_field_name: An optional ESMF field name. If ``None``, use the name of the data variable on ``ofield``. :param dict kwargs: Any keyword arguments to :func:`ocgis.regrid.base.create_esmf_grid`. :return: An ESMF field object. :rtype: :class:`ESMF.api.field.Field` :raises: ValueError """ # ESMF fields only support a single field value. if len(ofield.data_variables) > 1: msg = 'Only one data variable may be converted.' raise ValueError(msg) # It is possible to create an ESMF field w/out a target variable. if len(ofield.data_variables) == 1: target_variable = ofield.data_variables[0] if esmf_field_name is None: esmf_field_name = else: target_variable = None # Create the ESMF grid. egrid = create_esmf_grid(ofield.grid, **kwargs) egrid_dimnames = egrid._ocgis['dimnames'] ndbounds = [] if target_variable is not None: tv_dimnames = deepcopy(target_variable.dimension_names) if ofield.time is not None: time_dimname = ofield.time.dimensions[0].name else: time_dimname = None new_order = list(egrid_dimnames) for d in tv_dimnames: if d not in new_order and d != time_dimname: new_order.append(d) ndbounds.append(len(target_variable.dimensions_dict[d])) if time_dimname is not None: new_order.append(time_dimname) ndbounds.append(len(ofield.time.dimensions[0])) if len(ndbounds) == 0: ndbounds = None #################################################################################################################### # Choose the ESMF data type. if target_variable is not None: other = np.dtype(target_variable.dtype) if other == np.float32: other = np.float32 elif other == np.float64: other = np.float64 tks = {np.float32: ESMF.TypeKind.R4, np.float64: ESMF.TypeKind.R8} tk = tks[other] else: tk = ESMF.TypeKind.R4 #################################################################################################################### efield = ESMF.Field(egrid, name=esmf_field_name, ndbounds=ndbounds, typekind=tk) efield._ocgis = {} efield._ocgis['dimension_map'] = deepcopy(ofield.dimension_map) efield._ocgis['ocgis_grid'] = ofield.grid if target_variable is not None: efield._ocgis['dimnames_backref'] = deepcopy(target_variable.dimensions) efield._ocgis['dimnames'] = tuple(new_order) with broadcast_scope(target_variable, new_order):[:] = target_variable.get_value() else: efield._ocgis['dimnames'] = egrid_dimnames return efield def esmf_grid_has_corners(egrid): return egrid.has_corners def get_ocgis_field_from_esmf_field(efield, field=None): """ :param efield: The ESMPy field object to convert to an OCGIS field. :type efield: :class:`ESMF.Field` :param field: If provided, use this as the template field for OCGIS field creation. :type field: :class:`~ocgis.Field` :return: :class:`~ocgis.Field` """ ometa = efield._ocgis dimnames = ometa.get('dimnames') dimnames_backref = ometa.get('dimnames_backref') ogrid = ometa.get('ocgis_grid') if ogrid is None: ogrid = get_ocgis_grid_from_esmf_grid(efield.grid) ovar = None if dimnames is not None and is not None: ovar = Variable(,, dimensions=dimnames, broadcast_variable(ovar, get_dimension_names(dimnames_backref)) ovar.set_dimensions(dimnames_backref, force=True) if field is None: field = Field(grid=ogrid) else: field.set_grid(ogrid) if ovar is not None: field.add_variable(ovar, is_data=True, force=True) if ogrid.has_mask: field.grid.set_mask(ogrid.get_mask(), cascade=True) return field def get_crs_from_esmf(esmf_object): """ Get the coordinate system associated with an ESMF object. Works with ESMF fields and grids. """ mp = {ESMF.CoordSys.SPH_DEG: Spherical()} try: grid = esmf_object.grid except AttributeError: grid = esmf_object coord_sys = grid.coord_sys try: ret = mp[coord_sys] except KeyError: msg = 'ESMF coordinate system ("coord_sys") flag {} not supported.'.format(coord_sys) raise ValueError(msg) return ret
[docs]def create_esmf_grid(ogrid, regrid_method='auto', value_mask=None): """ Create an ESMF :class:`~ESMF.driver.grid.Grid` object from an OCGIS :class:`ocgis.Grid` object. :param ogrid: The target OCGIS grid to convert to an ESMF grid. :type ogrid: :class:`~ocgis.Grid` :param regrid_method: If ``'auto'`` or :attr:`ESMF.api.constants.RegridMethod.CONSERVE`, use corners/bounds from the grid object. If :attr:`ESMF.api.constants.RegridMethod.CONSERVE`, the corners/bounds must be present on the grid. :param value_mask: If an ``bool`` :class:`numpy.array` with same shape as ``ogrid``, use a logical *or* operation with the OCGIS field mask when creating the input grid's mask. Values of ``True`` in ``value_mask`` are assumed to be masked. If ``None`` is provided (the default) then the mask will be set using the spatial mask on ``ogrid``. :type value_mask: :class:`numpy.array` :rtype: :class:`ESMF.driver.grid.Grid` """ assert isinstance(ogrid, Grid) assert create_crs( == Spherical() pkwds = get_periodicity_parameters(ogrid) # Fill ESMPy grid coordinate values. ############################################################################### dimensions = ogrid.parent.dimensions get_dimension = ogrid.dimension_map.get_dimension y_dimension = get_dimension(DMK.Y, dimensions=dimensions) x_dimension = get_dimension(DMK.X, dimensions=dimensions) # ESMPy has index 0 = x-coordinate and index 1 = y-coordinate. if vm.size == 1: max_index = np.array([x_dimension.size, y_dimension.size], dtype=np.int32) else: max_index = np.array([x_dimension.size_global, y_dimension.size_global], dtype=np.int32) pkwds['coord_sys'] = ESMF.CoordSys.SPH_DEG pkwds['staggerloc'] = ESMF.StaggerLoc.CENTER pkwds['max_index'] = max_index egrid = ESMF.Grid(**pkwds) # msg = (egrid.lower_bounds, egrid.upper_bounds) # ocgis_lh(msg, level=logging.WARN, logger='ocli.chunked_rwg', force=True) egrid._ocgis['dimnames'] = (, egrid._ocgis['dimnames_backref'] = get_dimension_names(ogrid.dimensions) egrid._ocgis['dimension_map'] = deepcopy(ogrid.dimension_map) ogrid_dimnames = (, is_yx_order = get_dimension_names(ogrid.dimensions) == ogrid_dimnames ovalue_stacked = ogrid.get_value_stacked() row = egrid.get_coords(1, staggerloc=ESMF.StaggerLoc.CENTER) orow = ovalue_stacked[0, ...] if is_yx_order: orow = np.swapaxes(orow, 0, 1) row[:] = orow col = egrid.get_coords(0, staggerloc=ESMF.StaggerLoc.CENTER) ocol = ovalue_stacked[1, ...] if is_yx_order: ocol = np.swapaxes(ocol, 0, 1) col[:] = ocol #################################################################################################################### # Use a logical or operation to merge with value_mask if present if value_mask is not None: # convert to boolean to make sure value_mask = value_mask.astype(bool) # do the logical or operation selecting values value_mask = np.logical_or(value_mask, ogrid.get_mask(create=True)) else: value_mask = ogrid.get_mask() # Follows SCRIP convention where 1 is unmasked and 0 is masked. if value_mask is not None: esmf_mask = np.invert(value_mask).astype(np.int32) esmf_mask = np.swapaxes(esmf_mask, 0, 1) egrid.add_item(ESMF.GridItem.MASK, staggerloc=ESMF.StaggerLoc.CENTER, from_file=False) egrid.mask[0][:] = esmf_mask # Attempt to access corners if requested. if regrid_method == 'auto' and ogrid.has_bounds: regrid_method = ESMF.RegridMethod.CONSERVE if regrid_method == ESMF.RegridMethod.CONSERVE: # Conversion to ESMF objects requires an expanded grid (non-vectorized). # TODO: Create ESMF grids from vectorized OCGIS grids. expand_grid(ogrid) # Convert to ESMF corners from OCGIS corners. corners_esmf = np.zeros([2] + [element + 1 for element in max_index], dtype=col.dtype) get_esmf_corners_from_ocgis_corners(ogrid.y.bounds.get_value(), fill=corners_esmf[0, :, :]) get_esmf_corners_from_ocgis_corners(ogrid.x.bounds.get_value(), fill=corners_esmf[1, :, :]) # adding corners. first tell the grid object to allocate corners egrid.add_coords(staggerloc=[ESMF.StaggerLoc.CORNER]) # get the coordinate pointers and set the coordinates grid_corner = egrid.coords[ESMF.StaggerLoc.CORNER] # Note indexing is reversed for ESMF v. OCGIS. In ESMF, the x-coordinate (longitude) is the first # coordinate. If this is periodic, the last column corner wraps/connect to the first. This coordinate must # be removed. if pkwds['num_peri_dims'] is not None: grid_corner[0][:] = corners_esmf[1][0:-1, :] grid_corner[1][:] = corners_esmf[0][0:-1, :] else: grid_corner[0][:] = corners_esmf[1] grid_corner[1][:] = corners_esmf[0] return egrid
def get_periodicity_parameters(grid): """ Get characteristics of a grid's periodicity. This is only applicable for grids with a spherical coordinate system. There are two classifications: 1. A grid is periodic (i.e. it has global coverage). Periodicity is determined only with the x/longitude dimension. 2. A grid is non-periodic (i.e. it has regional coverage). Call is collective across the current VM. :param grid: :class:`~ocgis.Grid` :return: A dictionary containing periodicity parameters. :rtype: dict """ # Check if grid may be flagged as "periodic" by determining if its extent is global. Use the centroids and the grid # resolution to determine this. is_periodic = False col = grid.x.get_value() resolution = grid.resolution_x min_col, max_col = col.min(), col.max() # Work only with unwrapped coordinates. if min_col < 0: select = col < 0 if select.any(): max_col = np.max(col[col < 0]) + 360. select = col >= 0 if select.any(): min_col = np.min(col[col >= 0]) # Check the min and max column values are within a tolerance (the grid resolution) of global (0 to 360) edges. if (0. - resolution) <= min_col <= (0. + resolution): min_periodic = True else: min_periodic = False if (360. - resolution) <= max_col <= (360. + resolution): max_periodic = True else: max_periodic = False # Determin global periodicity. min_periodic = vm.gather(min_periodic) max_periodic = vm.gather(max_periodic) if vm.rank == 0: min_periodic = any(min_periodic) max_periodic = any(max_periodic) if min_periodic and max_periodic: is_periodic = True else: is_periodic = False is_periodic = vm.bcast(is_periodic) # If the grid is periodic, set the appropriate parameters. if is_periodic: num_peri_dims = 1 periodic_dim = 0 pole_dim = 1 else: num_peri_dims, pole_dim, periodic_dim = [None] * 3 ret = {'num_peri_dims': num_peri_dims, 'pole_dim': pole_dim, 'periodic_dim': periodic_dim} return ret
[docs]def iter_esmf_fields(ofield, regrid_method='auto', value_mask=None, split=True): """ For all data or a single time coordinate, yield an ESMF :class:`~ESMF.driver.field.Field` from the input OCGIS field ``ofield``. Only one realization and level are allowed. :param ofield: The input OCGIS Field object. :type ofield: :class:`ocgis.Field` :param regrid_method: See :func:`~ocgis.regrid.base.create_esmf_grid`. :param value_mask: See :func:`~ocgis.regrid.base.create_esmf_grid`. :param bool split: If ``True``, yield a single extra dimension slice from the source field. If ``False``, yield all data. When ``False``, OCGIS uses ESMF's ``ndbounds`` argument to field creation. Use ``True`` if there are memory limitations. Use ``False`` for faster performance. :rtype: tuple(str, :class:`ESMF.driver.field.Field`, int) The returned tuple elements are: ===== ================================= =================================================================================================== Index Type Description ===== ================================= =================================================================================================== 0 str The variable name currently being converted. 1 :class:`~ESMF.driver.field.Field` The ESMF Field object. 2 int The current time index of the yielded ESMF field. If ``split=False``, This will be ``slice(None)``. ===== ================================= =================================================================================================== :raises: AssertionError """ try: archetype = ofield.data_variables[0] # Archetype data variable except IndexError: # Use the grid if no data variables are available archetype = ofield.grid dimension_names = archetype.dimension_names # Archetype dimension names # Spatial coordinate dimensions spatial_coordinate_dimensions = OrderedDict([(, dim) for dim in ofield.grid.dimensions]) # Extra dimension objects extra_dimensions = OrderedDict([(, dim) for dim in archetype.dimensions if not in spatial_coordinate_dimensions]) # These dimensions may become singleton and need to be squeezed. It does not include spatial coordinate dimensions. to_squeeze = [ii for ii, dim in enumerate(dimension_names) if dim in extra_dimensions.keys()] # ESMF dimension names in Fortran order esmf_dimensions = list(deepcopy(dimension_names)) esmf_dimensions.reverse() esmf_dimensions = tuple(esmf_dimensions) # If there are no extra dimensions, then there is no need to split fields. if len(extra_dimensions) == 0: split = False if value_mask is None: # Retrieve the mask from the first variable if archetype.has_masked_values: slc = {k: 0 for k in extra_dimensions.keys()} sub = archetype[slc] value_mask = sub.get_mask() if len(extra_dimensions) > 0: value_mask = np.squeeze(value_mask, axis=tuple(to_squeeze)) # Create the ESMF grid egrid = create_esmf_grid(ofield.grid, regrid_method=regrid_method, value_mask=value_mask) if split: # Not extra dimensions ndbounds = None else: # Size of the extra dimensions ndbounds = [len(dim) for dim in extra_dimensions.values()] ndbounds.reverse() # Reverse for Fortran ordering # We need to regrid each data variable for variable in ofield.data_variables: variable = variable.extract() # Yank the variable from its collection variable_name = # Reference the variable name with broadcast_scope(variable, esmf_dimensions): # The OCGIS and ESMF ordering must align if split: # The ESMF dimensions to squeeze (not spatial coordinate dimensions) esmf_to_squeeze = [ii for ii, dim in enumerate(esmf_dimensions) if dim in extra_dimensions] # The extra dimension iterator to generate slices iargs = (list(extra_dimensions.keys()), [len(dim) for dim in extra_dimensions.values()]) for current_slice in iter_dict_slices(*iargs): sub = variable[current_slice] efield_data = sub.v() # Squeeze out the extra dimensions in the outgoing ESMF field data if len(esmf_to_squeeze) > 0: efield_data = np.squeeze(efield_data, axis=tuple(esmf_to_squeeze)) # Create the ESMF source field and insert the data into it efield = ESMF.Field(egrid, name=variable_name)[:] = efield_data yield variable_name, efield, current_slice else: # Create the ESMF field with ungridded dimensions efield = ESMF.Field(egrid, name=variable_name, ndbounds=ndbounds) current_slice = None # The current slice is None since we are doing the regrid in bulk[:] = variable.v() # Fill the field data yield variable_name, efield, current_slice
def check_fields_for_regridding(source, destination, regrid_method='auto'): """ Perform a standard series of checks on regridding inputs. :param source: The source field. :type source: :class:`ocgis.Field` :param destination: The destination field. :type destination: :class:`ocgis.Field` :param regrid_method: If ``'auto'``, attempt to do conservative regridding if bounds/corners are available on both fields. Otherwise, do bilinear regridding. This may also be an ESMF regrid method flag. :type regrid_method: str or :attr:`ESMF.api.constants.RegridMethod` :raises: RegriddingError, CornersInconsistentError """ # Check field objects are used. for element in [source, destination]: if not isinstance(element, Field): raise RegriddingError('OCGIS field objects only for regridding.') # Check their are grids on source and destination. Only structured grids are supported at this time. for element in [source, destination]: if element.grid is None: raise RegriddingError('Fields must have grids to do regridding.') # Check coordinate systems ######################################################################################### for element in [source, destination]: if != Spherical(): msg_a = 'Only spherical coordinate systems allowed for regridding.' raise RegriddingError(msg_a) if != msg = 'Source and destination coordinate systems must be equal.' raise RegriddingError(msg) # Check corners are available on all inputs ######################################################################## if regrid_method == ESMF.RegridMethod.CONSERVE: has_corners_source = source.grid.has_bounds has_corners_destination = destination.grid.has_bounds if not has_corners_source or not has_corners_destination: msg = 'Corners are not available on all sources and destination. Consider changing "regrid_method".' raise CornersInconsistentError(msg)
[docs]def regrid_field(source, destination, regrid_method='auto', value_mask=None, split=True, fill_value=None, weights_in=None, weights_out=None): """ Regrid ``source`` data to match the grid of ``destination``. :param source: The source field. :type source: :class:`ocgis.Field` :param destination: The destination field. :type destination: :class:`ocgis.Field` :param regrid_method: See :func:`~ocgis.regrid.base.create_esmf_grid`. :param value_mask: See :func:`~ocgis.regrid.base.iter_esmf_fields`. :type value_mask: :class:`numpy.ndarray` :param bool split: See :func:`~ocgis.regrid.base.iter_esmf_fields`. :param fill_value: Destination fill value used to fill the destination field before regridding. If ``None``, then the default fill value for the destination field data type will be used. :type fill_value: int | float :rtype: :class:`ocgis.Field` :param weights_in: Optional path to an input weights file. The route handle will be created from weights in this file. Assumes a SCRIP-like structure for the input weight file. :type weights_in: str :param weights_out: Optional path to an output weight file. Does NOT do any regridding - just writes the weights. :type weights_out: str """ # This function runs a series of asserts to make sure the sources and destination are compatible. check_fields_for_regridding(source, destination, regrid_method=regrid_method) dst_grid = destination.grid # Reference the destination grid # Spatial coordinate dimensions for the destination grid dst_spatial_coordinate_dimensions = OrderedDict([(, dim) for dim in dst_grid.dimensions]) # Spatial coordinate dimensions for the source grid src_spatial_coordinate_dimensions = OrderedDict([(, dim) for dim in source.grid.dimensions]) try: archetype = source.data_variables[0] # Reference an archetype data variable. except IndexError: # There may be no data variables. Use the grid as reference instead. archetype = source.grid # Extra dimensions (like time or level) to iterate over or use for ndbounds depending on the split protocol extra_dimensions = OrderedDict([(, dim) for dim in archetype.dimensions if not in dst_spatial_coordinate_dimensions and not in src_spatial_coordinate_dimensions]) # If there are no extra dimensions, then there is no need to split fields. if len(extra_dimensions) == 0: split = False if split: # There are no extra, ungridded dimensions for ESMF to use. ndbounds = None else: # These are the extra, ungridded dimensions for ESMF to use (ndbounds). ndbounds = [len(dim) for dim in extra_dimensions.values()] ndbounds.reverse() # Fortran order is used by ESMF # Regrid each source. ocgis_lh(logger='iter_regridded_fields', msg='starting source regrid loop', level=logging.DEBUG) build = True # Flag for first loop fills = {} # Holds destination field fill variables. # TODO: OPTIMIZE: The source and destination field objects should be reused and refilled when split=False # Main field iterator for use in the regridding loop for variable_name, src_efield, current_slice in iter_esmf_fields(source, regrid_method=regrid_method, value_mask=value_mask, split=split): # We need to generate new variables given the change in shape if variable_name not in fills: # Create the destination data variable dimensions. These are a combination of the extra dimensions and # spatial coordinate dimensions. if len(extra_dimensions) > 0: new_dimensions = list(extra_dimensions.values()) else: new_dimensions = [] new_dimensions += list(dst_grid.dimensions) # Reverse the dimensions for the creation as we are working in Fortran ordering with ESMF. new_dimensions.reverse() # Create the destination fill variable and cache it source_variable = source[variable_name] new_variable = Variable(name=variable_name, dimensions=new_dimensions, dtype=source_variable.dtype, fill_value=source_variable.fill_value, attrs=source_variable.attrs) fills[variable_name] = new_variable # Only build the ESMF/OCGIS destination grids and fields once. if build: # Build the destination grid once. ocgis_lh(logger='iter_regridded_fields', msg='before create_esmf_grid', level=logging.DEBUG) esmf_destination_grid = create_esmf_grid(destination.grid, regrid_method=regrid_method, value_mask=value_mask) # Check for corners on the destination grid. If they exist, conservative regridding is possible. if regrid_method == 'auto': if esmf_grid_has_corners(esmf_destination_grid) and esmf_grid_has_corners(src_efield.grid): regrid_method = ESMF.RegridMethod.CONSERVE else: regrid_method = None # Prepare the regridded sourced field. This amounts to exchanging the grids between the objects. regridded_source = source.copy() regridded_source.grid.extract(clean_break=True) regridded_source.set_grid(destination.grid.extract()) # Destination ESMF field dst_efield = ESMF.Field(esmf_destination_grid, name='destination', ndbounds=ndbounds) fill_variable = fills[variable_name] # Reference the destination data variable object if fill_value is None: fv = fill_variable.fill_value # The fill value used for the variable data type else: fv = fill_value # Fill the ESMF destination field with that fill value to help track masks # Construct the regrid object. Weight generation actually occurs in this call. ocgis_lh(logger='iter_regridded_fields', msg='before ESMF.Regrid', level=logging.DEBUG) if build: # Only create the regrid object once. It may be reused if split=True. if weights_in is None: if weights_out is None: create_rh = False else: create_rh = True # Create the weights and ESMF route handle from the grids regrid = ESMF.Regrid(src_efield, dst_efield, unmapped_action=ESMF.UnmappedAction.IGNORE, regrid_method=regrid_method, src_mask_values=[0], dst_mask_values=[0], filename=weights_out, create_rh=create_rh) else: # Create ESMF route handle with weights read from file regrid = ESMF.RegridFromFile(src_efield, dst_efield, weights_in) build = False ocgis_lh(logger='iter_regridded_fields', msg='after ESMF.Regrid', level=logging.DEBUG) # If we are just writing the weights file, bail out after it is written. if weights_out is not None: destroy_esmf_objects([regrid, src_efield, dst_efield, esmf_destination_grid]) return # Perform the regrid operation. "zero_region" only fills values involved with regridding. ocgis_lh(logger='iter_regridded_fields', msg='before regrid', level=logging.DEBUG) regridded_esmf_field = regrid(src_efield, dst_efield, zero_region=ESMF.Region.SELECT) e_data = # Regridded data values # These are the unmapped values coming out of the ESMF regrid operation. unmapped_mask = e_data[:] == fv # If all data is masked, raise an exception. if unmapped_mask.all(): # Destroy ESMF objects. destroy_esmf_objects([regrid, dst_efield, esmf_destination_grid]) msg = 'All regridded elements are masked. Do the input spatial extents overlap?' raise RegriddingError(msg) if current_slice is not None: # Create an OCGIS variable to use for setting on the destination. We want to use label-based slicing since # arbitrary dimensions are possible with the extra dimensions. First, set defaults for the spatial # coordinate slices. for k in dst_spatial_coordinate_dimensions.keys(): current_slice[k] = slice(None) # The spatial coordinate dimension names for ESMF in Fortran order e_data_dimensions = deepcopy(list(dst_spatial_coordinate_dimensions.keys())) e_data_dimensions.reverse() # The extra dimension names for ESMF in Fortran order e_data_dimensions_extra = deepcopy(list(extra_dimensions.keys())) e_data_dimensions_extra.reverse() # Wrap the ESMF data in an OCGIS variable e_data_var = Variable(name='e_data', value=e_data, dimensions=e_data_dimensions, mask=unmapped_mask) # Expand the new variable's dimension to account for the extra dimensions reshape_dims = list(e_data_var.dimensions) + [Dimension(name=n, size=1) for n in e_data_dimensions_extra] e_data_var.reshape(reshape_dims) # Set the destination fill variable with the ESMF regridded data fill_variable[current_slice] = e_data_var else: # ESMF and OCGIS dimensions align at this point, so just insert the data fill_variable.v()[:] = e_data # Create a new variable collection and add the variables to the output field. for v in list(fills.values()): regridded_source.add_variable(v, is_data=True, force=True) # Destroy ESMF objects. if weights_out is None: destroy_esmf_objects([regrid, dst_efield, src_efield, esmf_destination_grid]) else: destroy_esmf_objects([dst_efield, src_efield, esmf_destination_grid]) # Broadcast ESMF (Fortran) ordering to Python (C) ordering. dst_names = [ for dim in new_dimensions] dst_names.reverse() for data_variable in regridded_source.data_variables: broadcast_variable(data_variable, dst_names) return regridded_source
def destroy_esmf_objects(objs): for obj in objs: obj.destroy() def update_esmf_kwargs(target): if 'regrid_method' not in target: target['regrid_method'] = ESMF.RegridMethod.CONSERVE else: rmap = {'CONSERVE': ESMF.RegridMethod.CONSERVE, 'BILINEAR': ESMF.RegridMethod.BILINEAR, 'NEAREST_STOD': ESMF.RegridMethod.NEAREST_STOD, 'PATCH': ESMF.RegridMethod.PATCH} regrid_method = target['regrid_method'] try: target['regrid_method'] = rmap[regrid_method] except KeyError: raise ValueError('Chunked regridding does not support "{}".'.format(regrid_method)) if 'unmapped_action' not in target: target['unmapped_action'] = ESMF.UnmappedAction.IGNORE else: rmap = {'IGNORE': ESMF.UnmappedAction.IGNORE, 'ERROR': ESMF.UnmappedAction.ERROR} unmapped_action = target['unmapped_action'] try: target['unmapped_action'] = rmap[unmapped_action] except KeyError: raise ValueError('Chunked regridding does not support "{}".'.format(unmapped_action)) # Never create a route handle for weight generation only. target['create_rh'] = False def create_esmf_field(*args): grid = create_esmf_grid_fromfile(*args) # TODO: Method to specify "meshloc" at API level if isinstance(grid, ESMF.Mesh): meshloc = ESMF.MeshLoc.ELEMENT else: meshloc = None return ESMF.Field(grid=grid, meshloc=meshloc), grid def create_esmf_grid_fromfile(filename, grid, esmf_kwargs): """ This call is collective across the VM and must be called by each rank. The underlying call to ESMF must be using the global VM. """ from ocgis import vm filetype = grid.driver.get_esmf_fileformat() klass = grid.driver.get_esmf_grid_class() if klass == ESMF.Grid: # Corners are only needed for conservative regridding. if esmf_kwargs.get('regrid_method') == ESMF.RegridMethod.BILINEAR: add_corner_stagger = False else: add_corner_stagger = True # If there is a spatial mask, pass this information to grid creation. root = vm.get_live_ranks_from_object(grid)[0] with vm.scoped_by_emptyable('masked values', grid): if not vm.is_null: if grid.has_masked_values_global: add_mask = True varname = else: add_mask = False varname = None else: varname, add_mask = [None] * 2 varname = vm.bcast(varname, root=root) add_mask = vm.bcast(add_mask, root=root) ret = klass(filename=filename, filetype=filetype, add_corner_stagger=add_corner_stagger, is_sphere=False, add_mask=add_mask, varname=varname) else: meshname = str(grid.dimension_map.get_variable(DMK.ATTRIBUTE_HOST)) ret = klass(filename=filename, filetype=filetype, meshname=meshname) return ret def create_esmf_regrid(**kwargs): return ESMF.Regrid(**kwargs) def smm(index_path, wd=None, data_variables='auto'): """ Run a chunked sparse matrix multiplication. :param str index_path: Path to chunked operation's index file. :param str wd: Path to the directory containing the chunk files. :param list data_variables: Optional list of data variables. Otherwise, auto-discovery is used. """ # Assume the current working directory if wd is None: wd = '' # Turn on auto-discovery if data_variables == 'auto': v = None else: v = data_variables # Get the attribute host index_field = RequestDataset(index_path).get() gs_index_v = index_field[GridChunkerConstants.IndexFile.NAME_INDEX_VARIABLE] # Collect the source filenames src_filenames = gs_index_v.attrs[GridChunkerConstants.IndexFile.NAME_SOURCE_VARIABLE] src_filenames = index_field[src_filenames] src_filenames = src_filenames.join_string_value() # Collect the destination file names dst_filenames = gs_index_v.attrs[GridChunkerConstants.IndexFile.NAME_DESTINATION_VARIABLE] dst_filenames = index_field[dst_filenames] dst_filenames = dst_filenames.join_string_value() # Collect the weight filenames wgt_filenames = gs_index_v.attrs[GridChunkerConstants.IndexFile.NAME_WEIGHTS_VARIABLE] wgt_filenames = index_field[wgt_filenames] wgt_filenames = wgt_filenames.join_string_value() # Main loop for executing the SMM for ii in range(src_filenames.size): ocgis_lh(msg="Running SMM {} of {}".format(ii + 1, src_filenames.size), level=10, logger='regrid.base') src_path = os.path.join(wd, src_filenames[ii]) src_field = RequestDataset(src_path, variable=v, decomp_type=DecompositionType.ESMF).create_field() src_field.load() dst_path = os.path.join(wd, dst_filenames[ii]) dst_field = RequestDataset(dst_path, decomp_type=DecompositionType.ESMF).create_field() dst_field.load() from ocgis.regrid.base import RegridOperation from ESMF.api.constants import RegridMethod # HACK: Note that weight filenames are stored with their full path. # HACK: Always use a bilinear regridding method to allows for the identity sparse matrix in the case of # equal grids. regrid_options = {'split': False, 'weights_in': wgt_filenames[ii], 'regrid_method': RegridMethod.BILINEAR} ro = RegridOperation(src_field, dst_field, regrid_options=regrid_options) regridded = ro.execute() regridded.write(dst_path)