Source code for ocgis.util.helpers

import datetime
import itertools
import os
import sys
import tempfile
from collections import OrderedDict
from copy import deepcopy
from pprint import pprint
from tempfile import mkdtemp

import fiona
import numpy as np
import six
from import from_epsg
from numpy.core.multiarray import ndarray
from import MaskedArray
from ocgis import netcdftime
from ocgis.constants import MPITag
from ocgis.exc import SingleElementError, ShapeError, AllElementsMaskedError
from shapely.geometry import Point
from shapely.geometry.base import BaseGeometry, BaseMultipartGeometry
from shapely.geometry.geo import mapping
from shapely.geometry.polygon import Polygon
from shapely.wkb import loads as wkb_loads

class ProgressBar(object):
    def __init__(self, title):
        sys.stdout.write(title + ": [" + "-" * 40 + "]" + chr(8) * 41)
        self.px = 0

    def progress(self, x):
        x = x * 40 // 100
        sys.stdout.write("#" * (x - self.px))
        self.px = x

    def endProgress(self):
        sys.stdout.write("#" * (40 - self.px))

[docs]def add_shapefile_unique_identifier(in_path, out_path, name=None, template=None): """ >>> add_shapefile_unique_identifier('/path/to/foo.shp', '/path/to/new_foo.shp') '/path/to/new_foo.shp' :param str in_path: Full path to the input shapefile. :param str out_path: Full path to the output shapefile. :param str name: The name of the unique identifer. If ``None``, defaults to :attr:`ocgis.constants.OCGIS_UNIQUE_GEOMETRY_IDENTIFIER`. :param str template: The integer attribute to copy as the unique identifier. :returns: Path to the copied shapefile with the addition of a unique integer attribute called ``name``. :rtype: str """ from ocgis.util.shp_process import ShpProcess out_folder, key = os.path.split(out_path) sp = ShpProcess(in_path, out_folder) key = os.path.splitext(key)[0] sp.process(key=key, ugid=template, name=name) return out_path
def format_bool(value): """ Format a string to boolean. :param value: The value to convert. :type value: int or str """ try: ret = bool(int(value)) except ValueError: value = value.lower() if value in ['t', 'true']: ret = True elif value in ['f', 'false']: ret = False else: raise ValueError('String not recognized for boolean conversion: {0}'.format(value)) return ret def arange_from_bool_ndarray(arr, start=0): """ Create a collapsed range from ``start`` to the sum of ``True`` elements in ``arr`` plus one. :param arr: The boolean array to use as a filter for the range creation. :type arr: :class:`numpy.ndarray` :param int start: The start index for the range array. :return: An integer range array. :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray` """ npw = np.where(arr)[0] npw += start return npw def arange_from_dimension(dim, start=0, dtype=None, dist=True): """ Create a sequential integer range similar to ``numpy.arange``. Call is collective across the current :class:`~ocgis.OcgVM` if ``dist=True`` (the default). :param dim: The dimension to use for creating the range. :type dim: :class:`~ocgis.Dimension` :param int start: The starting value for the range. :param dtype: The data type for the output array. :param bool dist: If ``True``, create range as a distributed array with a collective VM call. If ``False``, create the array locally. :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray` """ if dtype is None: from ocgis import env dtype = env.NP_INT local_size = len(dim) if dist: from ocgis import vm for rank in vm.ranks: dest_rank = rank + 1 if dest_rank == vm.size: break else: if vm.rank == rank: data = np.array([start + local_size], dtype=dtype) buf = [data, vm.get_mpi_type(dtype)] vm.comm.Send(buf, dest=dest_rank, tag=MPITag.ARANGE_FROM_DIMENSION) elif vm.rank == dest_rank: data = np.zeros(1, dtype=dtype) buf = [data, vm.get_mpi_type(dtype)] vm.comm.Recv(buf, source=rank, tag=MPITag.ARANGE_FROM_DIMENSION) start = data[0] else: pass vm.barrier() ret = np.arange(start, start + local_size, dtype=dtype) return ret def dict_first(target): for element in target: return element def get_added_slice(slice1, slice2): ''' :param slice slice1: :param slice slice2: :raises AssertionError: :returns slice: ''' assert (slice1.step == None) assert (slice2.step == None) def _add_(a, b): a = a or 0 b = b or 0 return (a + b) start = _add_(slice1.start, slice2.start) stop = _add_(slice1.stop, slice2.stop) return (slice(start, stop)) def get_bbox_poly(minx, miny, maxx, maxy): rtup = (miny, maxy) ctup = (minx, maxx) return make_poly(rtup, ctup) def get_by_key_list(src, keys): found = False ret = None for key in keys: if key in src: if found: raise ValueError('Key already found in source.') else: found = True ret = src[key] return ret
[docs]def get_bounds_from_1d(centroids): """ :param centroids: Vector representing center coordinates from which to interpolate bounds. :type centroids: :class:`numpy.ndarray` :returns: A *n*-by-2 array with *n* equal to the shape of ``centroids``. >>> import numpy as np >>> centroids = np.array([1,2,3]) >>> get_bounds_from_1d(centroids) np.array([[0, 1],[1, 2],[2, 3]]) :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray` :raises: NotImplementedError, ValueError """ mids = get_bounds_vector_from_centroids(centroids) # loop to fill the bounds array bounds = np.zeros((centroids.shape[0], 2), dtype=centroids.dtype) for ii in range(mids.shape[0]): try: bounds[ii, 0] = mids[ii] bounds[ii, 1] = mids[ii + 1] except IndexError: break return bounds
def get_bounds_vector_from_centroids(centroids): """ :param centroids: Vector representing center coordinates from which to interpolate bounds. :type centroids: :class:`numpy.ndarray` :returns: Vector representing upper and lower bounds for centroids with edges extrapolated. :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray` with shape ``centroids.shape[0]+1`` :raises: NotImplementedError, ValueError """ if len(centroids) < 2: raise ValueError('Centroid arrays must have length >= 2.') # will hold the mean midpoints between coordinate elements mids = np.zeros(centroids.shape[0] - 1, dtype=centroids.dtype) # this is essentially a two-element span moving average kernel for ii in range(mids.shape[0]): try: mids[ii] = np.mean(centroids[ii:ii + 2]) # if the data type is datetime.datetime raise a more verbose error message except TypeError: if isinstance(centroids[ii], datetime.datetime): raise NotImplementedError('Bounds interpolation is not implemented for datetime.datetime objects.') else: raise # account for edge effects by averaging the difference of the midpoints. if there is only a single value, use the # different of the original values instead. if len(mids) == 1: diff = np.diff(centroids) else: diff = np.mean(np.diff(mids)) # appends for the edges shifting the nearest coordinate by the mean difference mids = np.append([mids[0] - diff], mids) mids = np.append(mids, [mids[-1] + diff]) return mids def get_by_sequence(dictionary, key_sequence, default=None): target = dictionary for key in get_iter(key_sequence): try: target = target[key] except KeyError: target = default break return target def get_date_list(start, stop, days): ret = [] delta = datetime.timedelta(days=days) check = start while check <= stop: ret.append(check) try: check += delta except TypeError: # Probably an older netcdftime object check = datetime.datetime(check.year, check.month,, check.hour, check.second, check.microsecond) check += delta check = netcdftime.datetime(check.year, check.month,, check.hour, check.second, check.microsecond) return ret def get_default_or_apply(target, f, default=None): if target is None: ret = default else: ret = f(target) return ret def create_exact_field_value(longitude, latitude): """ Create an exact field from spherical coordinates. Expects units of degrees - function will convert to radians. """ longitude = np.atleast_1d(longitude) latitude = np.atleast_1d(latitude) select = longitude < 0 if np.any(select): longitude = deepcopy(longitude) longitude[select] += 360. longitude_radians = longitude * 0.0174533 latitude_radians = latitude * 0.0174533 exact = 2.0 + np.cos(latitude_radians) ** 2 + np.cos(2.0 * longitude_radians) return exact def create_ocgis_corners_from_esmf_corners(ecorners): """ :param ecorners: An array of ESMF corners. :type ecorners: :class:`numpy.ndarray` :return: :class:`numpy.ndarray` """ assert ecorners.ndim == 2 # ESMF corners have an extra row and column. base_shape = [xx - 1 for xx in ecorners.shape] grid_corners = np.zeros(base_shape + [4], dtype=ecorners.dtype) # Upper left, upper right, lower right, lower left - this is an ideal order. Actual order may differ later. slices = [(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1), (1, 0)] for ii, jj in itertools.product(list(range(base_shape[0])), list(range(base_shape[1]))): row_slice = slice(ii, ii + 2) col_slice = slice(jj, jj + 2) corners = ecorners[row_slice, col_slice] for kk, slc in enumerate(slices): grid_corners[ii, jj, kk] = corners[slc] return grid_corners def create_zero_padded_integer(integer, nzeros): sint = str(integer) nstr_zeros = nzeros - len(sint) if nstr_zeros <= 0: ret = sint else: ret = '0' * nstr_zeros ret += sint return ret def get_extrapolated_corners_esmf(arr): """ :param arr: Array of centroids. :type arr: :class:`numpy.ndarray` :returns: A two-dimensional array of extrapolated corners with dimension ``(arr.shape[0]+1, arr.shape[1]+1)``. :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray` """ assert not isinstance(arr, MaskedArray) # if this is only a single element, we cannot make corners if all([element == 1 for element in arr.shape]): msg = 'At least two elements required to extrapolate corners.' raise SingleElementError(msg) # if one of the dimensions has only a single element, the fill approach is different if any([element == 1 for element in arr.shape]): ret = get_extrapolated_corners_esmf_vector(arr.reshape(-1)) if arr.shape[1] == 1: ret = ret.swapaxes(0, 1) return ret # the corners array has one additional row and column corners = np.zeros((arr.shape[0] + 1, arr.shape[1] + 1), dtype=arr.dtype) # fill the interior of the array first with a 2x2 moving window. then do edges. for ii in range(arr.shape[0] - 1): for jj in range(arr.shape[1] - 1): window_values = arr[ii:ii + 2, jj:jj + 2] corners[ii + 1, jj + 1] = np.mean(window_values) # flag to determine if rows are increasing in value row_increasing = get_is_increasing(arr[:, 0]) # flag to determine if columns are increasing in value col_increasing = get_is_increasing(arr[0, :]) # the absolute difference of row and column elements row_diff = np.mean(np.abs(np.diff(arr[:, 0]))) col_diff = np.mean(np.abs(np.diff(arr[0, :]))) # fill the rows accounting for increasing flag for ii in range(1, corners.shape[0] - 1): if col_increasing: corners[ii, 0] = corners[ii, 1] - col_diff corners[ii, -1] = corners[ii, -2] + col_diff else: corners[ii, 0] = corners[ii, 1] + col_diff corners[ii, -1] = corners[ii, -2] - col_diff # fill the columns accounting for increasing flag for jj in range(1, corners.shape[1] - 1): if row_increasing: corners[0, jj] = corners[1, jj] - row_diff corners[-1, jj] = corners[-2, jj] + row_diff else: corners[0, jj] = corners[1, jj] + row_diff corners[-1, jj] = corners[-2, jj] - row_diff # fill the extreme corners accounting for increasing flag for row_idx in [0, -1]: if col_increasing: corners[row_idx, 0] = corners[row_idx, 1] - col_diff corners[row_idx, -1] = corners[row_idx, -2] + col_diff else: corners[row_idx, 0] = corners[row_idx, 1] + col_diff corners[row_idx, -1] = corners[row_idx, -2] - col_diff return corners def get_extrapolated_corners_esmf_vector(vec): """ :param vec: A vector. :type vec: :class:`numpy.ndarray` :returns: A two-dimensional corners array with dimension ``(2, vec.shape[0]+1)``. :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray` :raises: ShapeError """ if len(vec.shape) > 1: msg = 'A vector is required.' raise ShapeError(msg) corners = np.zeros((2, vec.shape[0] + 1), dtype=vec.dtype) corners[:] = get_bounds_vector_from_centroids(vec) return corners def get_formatted_slice(slc, n_dims): def _format_singleton_(single_slc): # Avoid numpy typing by attempting to convert to an integer. Floats will be mangled, but whatever. try: do_int_conversion = True if hasattr(single_slc, 'dtype') and single_slc.dtype == bool: do_int_conversion = False if do_int_conversion: single_slc = int(single_slc) except: pass if isinstance(single_slc, int): ret = slice(single_slc, single_slc + 1) elif isinstance(single_slc, slice): ret = single_slc elif isinstance(single_slc, np.ndarray): ret = get_optimal_slice_from_array(single_slc) elif isinstance(single_slc, (list, tuple)): if len(single_slc) == 1 and isinstance(single_slc[0], slice): ret = single_slc[0] elif len(single_slc) == 1 and isinstance(single_slc[0], ndarray): ret = get_optimal_slice_from_array(single_slc[0]) else: ret = get_optimal_slice_from_array(np.array(single_slc, ndmin=1)) elif single_slc is None: ret = slice(None) else: raise NotImplementedError(single_slc, n_dims) return ret slice_none = slice(None) if isinstance(slc, slice) and slc == slice_none: if n_dims == 1: ret = slc else: ret = [slice_none] * n_dims elif slc is None and n_dims == 1: ret = slice_none elif n_dims == 1: ret = _format_singleton_(slc) elif n_dims > 1: try: assert len(slc) == n_dims except (TypeError, AssertionError): raise IndexError("Only {0}-d slicing allowed.".format(n_dims)) ret = list(map(_format_singleton_, slc)) else: raise NotImplementedError((slc, n_dims)) if isinstance(ret, list): ret = tuple(ret) if not isinstance(ret, tuple): ret = (ret,) return ret def get_is_date_between(lower, upper, month=None, year=None): """ :param lower: The lower boundary time coordinate. :type lower: :class:`datetime.datetime` :param upper: The upper boundary time coordinate. :type upper: :class:`datetime.datetime` :param int month: The month to check. :param int year: The year to check. :returns: ``True`` if the check value occurs in the interval. :rtype: bool """ if month is not None: attr = 'month' to_test = month else: attr = 'year' to_test = year part_lower, part_upper = getattr(lower, attr), getattr(upper, attr) if part_lower != part_upper: if part_lower > part_upper: # in the case of a year overlap, increment the upper into another year by adding 12 months part_upper += 12 ret = np.logical_and(to_test >= part_lower, to_test < part_upper) else: ret = np.logical_and(to_test >= part_lower, to_test <= part_upper) return ret def get_is_increasing(vec): """ :param vec: A vector array. :type vec: :class:`numpy.ndarray` :returns: ``True`` if the array is increasing from index 0 to -1. ``False`` otherwise. :rtype: bool :raises: SingleElementError, ShapeError """ if vec.shape == (1,): raise SingleElementError('Increasing can only be determined with a minimum of two elements.') if len(vec.shape) > 1: msg = 'Only vectors allowed.' raise ShapeError(msg) if vec[0] < vec[-1]: ret = True else: ret = False return ret def get_iter(element, dtype=None): """ :param element: The element comprising the base iterator. If the element is a ``basestring`` or :class:`numpy.ndarray` then the iterator will return the element and stop iteration. :type element: varying :param dtype: If not ``None``, use this argument as the argument to ``isinstance``. If ``element`` is an instance of ``dtype``, ``element`` will be placed in a list and passed to ``iter``. :type dtype: type or tuple """ if dtype is not None: if isinstance(element, dtype): element = (element,) if isinstance(element, tuple(list(six.string_types) + [np.ndarray])): it = iter([element]) else: try: it = iter(element) except TypeError: it = iter([element]) return it def get_none_or_1d(target): if target is None: ret = None else: ret = np.atleast_1d(target) return ret def get_none_or_2d(target): if target is None: ret = None else: ret = np.atleast_2d(target) return ret def get_none_or_slice(target, slc): if target is None: ret = None else: ret = target[slc] return ret def get_esmf_corners_from_ocgis_corners(ocorners, fill=None): """ :param ocorners: Corners array with dimension (m, n, 4). :type ocorners: :class:`` :returns: An ESMF corners array with dimension (n + 1, m + 1). :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray` """ if fill is None: shp = np.flipud(ocorners.shape[0:2]) fill = np.zeros([element + 1 for element in shp], dtype=ocorners.dtype) range_row = list(range(ocorners.shape[0])) range_col = list(range(ocorners.shape[1])) if isinstance(ocorners, MaskedArray): _corners = else: _corners = ocorners for ii, jj in itertools.product(range_row, range_col): ref = fill[jj:jj + 2, ii:ii + 2] ref[0, 0] = _corners[ii, jj, 0] ref[1, 0] = _corners[ii, jj, 1] ref[1, 1] = _corners[ii, jj, 2] ref[0, 1] = _corners[ii, jj, 3] return fill def get_optimal_slice_from_array(arr, check_diff=True): if arr.dtype == bool: ret = arr else: if check_diff and np.any(np.diff(arr) > 1): ret = arr else: arr_min, arr_max = arr.min(), arr.max() ret = slice(arr_min, arr_max + 1) return ret def get_ordered_dicts_from_records_array(arr): """ Convert a NumPy records array to an ordered dictionary. :param arr: The records array to convert with shape (m,). :type arr: :class:`numpy.core.multiarray.ndarray` :rtype: list[:class:`collections.OrderedDict`] """ ret = [] _names = arr.dtype.names for ii in range(arr.shape[0]): fill = OrderedDict() row = arr[ii] for name in _names: fill_value = row[name] # A masked value of True in the records array indicates a NULL value in OGR files. if fill_value = None fill[name] = fill_value ret.append(fill) return ret def get_reduced_slice(arr): arr_min, arr_max = arr.min(), arr.max() ret = slice(arr_min, arr_max + 1) return ret
[docs]def get_sorted_uris_by_time_dimension(uris, variable=None): """ Sort a sequence of NetCDF URIs by the maximum time extent in ascending order. :param uris: The sequence of NetCDF URIs to sort. :type uris: list[str] >>> uris = ['/path/to/', 'path/to/'] :param str variable: The target variable for sorting. If ``None`` is provided, then the variable will be autodiscovered. :returns: A sequence of sorted URIs. :rtype: list[str] """ from ocgis import RequestDataset to_sort = {} for uri in uris: rd = RequestDataset(uri=uri, variable=variable) to_sort[rd.get().temporal.extent_datetime[1]] = rd.uri sorted_keys = sorted(to_sort) ret = [to_sort[sk] for sk in sorted_keys] return ret
def get_swap_chain(actual, desired): """ :param sequence actual: The current names. :param sequence desired: The desired names. :return: Tuple of tuples containing swap indices to achieve the desired names ordering. :rtype: tuple(tuple(), ...) """ assert set(actual) == set(desired) swap_ops = [] running_archetype = deepcopy(actual) for swap_src in range(len(actual)): if running_archetype[swap_src] != desired[swap_src]: swap_dst = running_archetype.index(desired[swap_src]) the_swap = (swap_src, swap_dst) original_value = running_archetype[swap_src] running_archetype[the_swap[0]] = running_archetype[swap_dst] running_archetype[the_swap[1]] = original_value swap_ops.append((swap_src, swap_dst)) return tuple(swap_ops) def get_trimmed_array_by_mask(arr, return_adjustments=False): """" Returns a slice of the masked array ``arr`` with masked rows and columns removed. :param arr: An array. :type arr: :class:`` or bool :class:`numpy.ndarray` :param bool return_adjustments: If ``True``, return a dictionary with values of index adjustments that may be added to a slice object. :raises NotImplementedError: :returns: :class:`` or (:class:`', {'row':slice(...),'col':slice(...)}) """ assert arr.ndim <= 2 has_col = False try: _mask = arr.mask except AttributeError: # Likely a boolean array. if arr.dtype == np.dtype(bool): _mask = arr else: raise NotImplementedError('Array type is not implemented.') if _mask.all(): raise AllElementsMaskedError # Row 0 to end. start_row = 0 for idx_row in range(arr.shape[0]): if not _mask[idx_row, ...].all(): start_row = idx_row break # Row end to 0. row_count = _mask.shape[0] stop_row = row_count for idx_row in range(row_count): row_to_test = row_count - (idx_row + 1) if not _mask[row_to_test, ...].all(): stop_row = row_to_test + 1 break if arr.ndim == 2: has_col = True # col 0 to end. start_col = 0 for idx_col in range(arr.shape[1]): if not _mask[:, idx_col].all(): start_col = idx_col break # col end to 0. col_count = _mask.shape[1] stop_col = col_count for idx_col in range(col_count): col_to_test = col_count - (idx_col + 1) if not _mask[:, col_to_test].all(): stop_col = col_to_test + 1 break slc = [slice(start_row, stop_row)] if has_col: slc.append(slice(start_col, stop_col)) ret = arr.__getitem__(tuple(slc)) if return_adjustments: ret = (ret, tuple(slc)) return ret def get_tuple(value): """ :returns: A tuple constructed from ``value``. If ``value`` is a string or ``None``, a one-element tuple containing value will be returned. :rtype: tuple """ if isinstance(value, six.string_types) or value is None: ret = (value,) else: ret = tuple(value) return ret def is_auto_dtype(dtype): try: is_auto = dtype == 'auto' except TypeError: # NumPy does interesting things with data type comparisons. is_auto = False return is_auto def is_crs_variable(obj): from import AbstractCRS return isinstance(obj, AbstractCRS) def is_geometry(obj): return isinstance(obj, BaseGeometry) def itersubclasses(cls, _seen=None): """ itersubclasses(cls) Generator over all subclasses of a given class, in depth first order. >>> list(itersubclasses(int)) == [bool] True >>> class A(object): pass >>> class B(A): pass >>> class C(A): pass >>> class D(B,C): pass >>> class E(D): pass >>> >>> for cls in itersubclasses(A): ... print(cls.__name__) B D E C >>> # get ALL (new-style) classes currently defined >>> [cls.__name__ for cls in itersubclasses(object)] #doctest: +ELLIPSIS ['type', ...'tuple', ...] """ if not isinstance(cls, type): raise TypeError('itersubclasses must be called with ' 'new-style classes, not %.100r' % cls) if _seen is None: _seen = set() try: subs = cls.__subclasses__() except TypeError: # fails only when cls is type subs = cls.__subclasses__(cls) for sub in subs: if sub not in _seen: _seen.add(sub) yield sub for sub in itersubclasses(sub, _seen): yield sub def iter_array(arr, use_mask=True, return_value=False, mask=None): try: shp = arr.shape # assume array is not a numpy array except AttributeError: arr = np.array(arr, ndmin=1) shp = arr.shape iter_args = [list(range(0, ii)) for ii in shp] if use_mask and not and mask is None: use_mask = False else: try: if mask is None: mask = arr.mask # if the mask is not being used, to skip some objects, set the arr to the underlying data value after # referencing the mask. if not use_mask and arr = # array is not masked except AttributeError: pass for ii in itertools.product(*iter_args): if use_mask: try: if mask[ii]: continue else: idx = ii # occurs with singleton dimension of masked array except IndexError: if mask: continue else: idx = ii else: idx = ii if return_value: ret = (idx, arr[ii]) else: ret = idx yield ret def locate(pattern, root=os.curdir, followlinks=True): """ Locate all files matching supplied filename pattern in and below supplied root directory. """ for path, dirs, files in os.walk(os.path.abspath(root), followlinks=followlinks): for filename in [x for x in files if x == pattern]: yield os.path.join(path, filename) def pprint_dict(target): def _convert_(input): ret = input if isinstance(ret, dict): ret = dict(input) for k, v in ret.items(): ret[k] = _convert_(v) return ret to_print = _convert_(target) print('') pprint(to_print) def project_shapely_geometry(geom, from_sr, to_sr): from ocgis.environment import ogr CreateGeometryFromWkb = ogr.CreateGeometryFromWkb if from_sr.IsSame(to_sr) == 1: ret = geom else: ogr_geom = CreateGeometryFromWkb(geom.wkb) ogr_geom.AssignSpatialReference(from_sr) ogr_geom.TransformTo(to_sr) ret = wkb_loads(ogr_geom.ExportToWkb()) return ret def reduce_multiply(sequence): ret = 1. for s in sequence: ret *= s return ret def reindex_and_minimize_variables_global(idxvar, datavar, start_index=0): """ Reindex ``idxvar`` to start-based index ``start_index`` and minimize elements in ``datavar`` based on its index presence in ``idxvar``. :param idxvar: N-dimensional, integer variable containing indices. :type idxvar: :class:`~ocgis.Variable` :param datavar: One-dimensional variable containing data for indices in ``idxvar``. :param int start_index: The start index to use for the first element in ``idxvar``. :return: A two-element tuple with the first element being the re-indexed ``idxvar`` and the second element being the minimized data indexed by the new ``idxvar``. :rtype: tuple """ raise NotImplementedError('work in progress') def create_index_array(src, dst, dtype=int, indices=None): """ Index the values in ``src`` inside ``dst``. Returns an integer index array that will create the values in ``src`` if used to slice ``dst``. :param src: Array containing source values to index. :type src: :class:`numpy.ndarray` :param dst: Array containing the value database to index into. :type dst: :class:`numpy.ndarray` :param dtype: Output data type for the index array. :type dtype: `NumPy integer type` :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray` """ src = np.array(src) dst = np.array(dst) ret = np.zeros_like(src, dtype=dtype) for idx, src_value in enumerate(src.flat): select = src_value == dst idx_dst = np.where(select)[0][0] if indices is not None: a = indices[idx_dst] else: a = idx_dst ret[idx] = a return ret def create_index_variable_global(name, src, dst, dtype=int, start=0): """ Create an index variable in parallel. Similar to :meth:`~ocgis.util.helpers.create_index_array` except :class:`~ocgis.Variable` objects are used and returned instead of :class:`numpy.ndarray` objects. This method will accept empty objects for both ``src`` and ``dst``. If ``src`` is empty on the calling rank, then ``None`` will be returned. :param str name: Name of the output global index variable. """ raise NotImplementedError('work in progress') global_index = dst.create_ugid_global('global_index', start=start) for src_value in src.get_value().flat: tkk # barrier_print(global_index.get_value()) # tkk index_array = create_index_array(src.get_value(), dst.get_value(), dtype=dtype, indices=global_index.get_value()) ret = src.__class__(name=name, value=index_array, dimensions=src.dimensions) return ret def set_name_attributes(name_mapping): """ Set the name attributes on the keys of ``name_mapping``. :param dict name_mapping: The keys are objects with a name attribute to set to its value if the attribute is ``None``. """ for target, name in name_mapping.items(): if target is not None and is None: = name def create_unique_global_array(arr): """ Create a distributed NumPy array containing unique elements. If the rank has no unique items, an array with zero elements will be returned. This call is collective across the current VM. :param arr: Input array for unique operation. :type arr: :class:`numpy.ndarray` :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray` :raises: ValueError """ from ocgis import vm if arr is None: raise ValueError('Input must be a NumPy array.') unique_local = np.unique(arr) vm.barrier() local_bounds = min(unique_local), max(unique_local) lb_global = vm.gather(local_bounds) lb_global = vm.bcast(lb_global) # Find the vm ranks the local rank cares about. It cares if unique values have overlapping unique bounds. overlaps = [] for rank, lb in enumerate(lb_global): if rank == vm.rank: continue contains = [] for lb2 in local_bounds: if lb[0] <= lb2 <= lb[1]: to_app = True else: to_app = False contains.append(to_app) if any(contains) or (local_bounds[0] <= lb[0] and local_bounds[1] >= lb[1]): overlaps.append(rank) # Send out the overlapping sources. tag_overlap = MPITag.OVERLAP_CHECK tag_select_send_size = MPITag.SELECT_SEND_SIZE vm.barrier() # NumPy and MPI types. np_type = unique_local.dtype mpi_type = vm.get_mpi_type(np_type) for o in overlaps: if vm.rank != o and vm.rank < o: dest_rank_bounds = lb_global[o] select_send = np.logical_and(unique_local >= dest_rank_bounds[0], unique_local <= dest_rank_bounds[1]) u_src = unique_local[select_send] select_send_size = u_src.size _ = vm.comm.Isend([np.array([select_send_size], dtype=np_type), mpi_type], dest=o, tag=tag_select_send_size) _ = vm.comm.Isend([u_src, mpi_type], dest=o, tag=tag_overlap) # Receive and process conflicts to reduce the unique local values. if vm.rank != 0: for o in overlaps: if vm.rank != o and vm.rank > o: select_send_size = np.array([0], dtype=np_type) req_select_send_size = vm.comm.Irecv([select_send_size, mpi_type], source=o, tag=tag_select_send_size) req_select_send_size.wait() select_send_size = select_send_size[0] u_src = np.zeros(select_send_size.astype(int), dtype=np_type) req = vm.comm.Irecv([u_src, mpi_type], source=o, tag=tag_overlap) req.wait() utokeep = np.ones_like(unique_local, dtype=bool) for uidx, u in enumerate(unique_local.flat): if u in u_src: utokeep[uidx] = False unique_local = unique_local[utokeep] vm.barrier() return unique_local def update_or_pass(target, key, value): """ :param dict target: The target dictionary to update. :param key: The dictionary's key to update. :param value: The dictionary's value to use for the update if the key is not present in `target`. """ if key not in target: target[key] = value def validate_time_subset(time_range, time_region): """ Ensure ``time_range`` and ``time_region`` overlap. If one of the values is ``None``, the function always returns ``True``. Function will return `False` if the two time range descriptions do not overlap. :param time_range: Sequence with two datetime elements. :type time_range: sequence :param time_region: Dictionary with two keys ``'month'`` and ``'year'`` each containing an integer sequence corresponding to the respective time parts. For example: >>> time_region = {'month':[1,2],'year':[2013]} If a 'month' or 'year' key is missing, the key will be added with a default of ``None``. :type time_region: dict :rtype: bool """ def _between_(target, lower, upper): if target >= lower and target <= upper: ret = True else: ret = False return ret def _check_months_(targets, months): check = [target in months for target in targets] if all(check): ret = True else: ret = False return ret def _check_years_(targets, min_range_year, max_range_year): if all([_between_(year_bound, min_range_year, max_range_year) for year_bound in targets]): ret = True else: ret = False return ret # By default we return that it does not validate. ret = False # If any of the parameters are none, then it will validate True. if any([t is None for t in [time_range, time_region]]): ret = True else: # Ensure time region has the necessary keys. copy_time_region = deepcopy(time_region) for key in ['month', 'year']: if key not in copy_time_region: copy_time_region[key] = None # Pull basic date information from the time range. min_range_year, max_range_year = time_range[0].year, time_range[1].year delta = datetime.timedelta(days=29, hours=12) months = set() current = time_range[0] while current <= time_range[1]: current += delta months.update([current.month]) if len(months) == 12: break # Construct boundaries from time region. first, the case of only months. if copy_time_region['month'] is not None and copy_time_region['year'] is None: month_bounds = min(copy_time_region['month']), max(copy_time_region['month']) ret = _check_months_(month_bounds, months) # Case of only years. elif copy_time_region['month'] is None and copy_time_region['year'] is not None: year_bounds = min(copy_time_region['year']), max(copy_time_region['year']) ret = _check_years_(year_bounds, min_range_year, max_range_year) # Case with both years and months. else: month_bounds = min(copy_time_region['month']), max(copy_time_region['month']) year_bounds = min(copy_time_region['year']), max(copy_time_region['year']) ret_months = _check_months_(month_bounds, months) ret_years = _check_years_(year_bounds, min_range_year, max_range_year) if all([ret_months, ret_years]): ret = True return ret def write_geom_dict(dct, path=None, filename=None, epsg=4326, crs=None): """ :param dct: :type dct: dict >>> dct = {1: Point(1, 2), 2: Point(3, 4)} :param path: :type path: str :param filename: :type filename: str """ filename = filename or 'out' path = path or os.path.join(mkdtemp(), '{0}.shp'.format(filename)) crs = crs or from_epsg(epsg) driver = 'ESRI Shapefile' schema = {'properties': {'UGID': 'int'}, 'geometry': list(dct.values())[0].geom_type} with, 'w', driver=driver, crs=crs, schema=schema) as source: for k, v in dct.items(): rec = {'properties': {'UGID': k}, 'geometry': mapping(v)} source.write(rec) return path def make_poly(rtup, ctup): """ rtup = (row min, row max) ctup = (col min, col max) """ return Polygon(((ctup[0], rtup[0]), (ctup[0], rtup[1]), (ctup[1], rtup[1]), (ctup[1], rtup[0]))) def get_temp_path(suffix='', name=None, nest=False, only_dir=False, wd=None, dir_prefix=None): """Return absolute path to a temporary file.""" if dir_prefix is not None: if not dir_prefix.endswith('_'): dir_prefix = dir_prefix + '_' else: dir_prefix = '' def _get_wd_(): if wd is None: return tempfile.gettempdir() else: return wd if nest: f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() f.close() dir = os.path.join(_get_wd_(), dir_prefix + os.path.split([-1]) os.mkdir(dir) else: dir = _get_wd_() if only_dir: ret = dir else: if name is not None: ret = os.path.join(dir, name + suffix) else: f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=suffix, dir=dir) f.close() ret = return str(ret) def get_group(ddict, keyseq, has_root=True, create=False, last=None): keyseq = deepcopy(keyseq) if last is None: last = {} if keyseq is None: keyseq = [None] elif isinstance(keyseq, six.string_types): keyseq = [keyseq] if keyseq[0] is not None: keyseq.insert(0, None) curr = ddict len_keyseq = len(keyseq) for ctr, key in enumerate(keyseq, start=1): if key is None: if has_root: curr = curr[None] else: # Allow dimension maps to not have groups. Return empty dictionaries for groups that do not exist in the # dimension map. # curr = curr.get('groups', {}).get(key, {}) if create: curr = get_or_create_dict(curr, 'groups', {}) if ctr == len_keyseq: default = last else: default = {} curr = get_or_create_dict(curr, key, default) else: curr = curr['groups'][key] return curr def get_or_create_dict(dct, key, default): if key not in dct: dct[key] = default return dct[key] def find_index(seqs, to_find): """ Find the first matching index of a sequence of scalar values in ``to_find`` that match the first unique index in the sequence of arrays in ``seq``. :param seqs: A sequence of :class:`numpy.ndarray` objects with the same length as ``to_find``. :type seqs: sequence :param to_find: A sequence of scalar objects to search ``seqs`` for. :type to_find: sequence :return: The integer index value for ``to_find``'s location in ``seqs``. :rtype: int """ seqs = [np.array(s) for s in seqs] selects = [] for seq_idx, seq in enumerate(seqs): selects.append(seq == to_find[seq_idx]) reduced = None for idx, curr_select in enumerate(selects): if reduced is None: reduced = curr_select else: reduced = np.logical_and(reduced, curr_select) try: found_idx = np.where(reduced)[0][0] except IndexError: found_idx = None return found_idx def iter_exploded_geometries(geom): """Yield single-part Shapely geometry objects.""" if isinstance(geom, BaseMultipartGeometry): itr = iter(geom) else: itr = [geom] for element1 in itr: if isinstance(element1, BaseMultipartGeometry): for element2 in iter_exploded_geometries(element1): yield element2 else: yield element1