Source code for

import abc
import itertools
import tempfile
from copy import deepcopy

import numpy as np
import six
from import from_string, to_string
from ocgis import constants
from ocgis.base import AbstractInterfaceObject, raise_if_empty, AbstractOcgisObject
from ocgis.constants import MPIWriteMode, WrappedState, WrapAction, KeywordArgument, CFName, OcgisUnits, \
    ConversionFactor, DimensionMapKey, DMK, OcgisConvention
from ocgis.environment import osr
from ocgis.exc import ProjectionCoordinateNotFound, ProjectionDoesNotMatch, CRSNotEquivalenError, \
    WrappedStateEvalTargetMissing, CRSDepthNotImplemented
from ocgis.spatial.wrap import GeometryWrapper, CoordinateArrayWrapper
from ocgis.util.helpers import iter_array, get_iter
from shapely.geometry import Point, Polygon, box
from shapely.geometry.base import BaseMultipartGeometry
from shapely.geometry.multipolygon import MultiPolygon

SpatialReference = osr.SpatialReference

[docs]@six.add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta) class AbstractCRS(AbstractInterfaceObject): """ Base class for all OCGIS coordinate systems. Intended to allow differentiation between standard PROJ.4 coordinate systems and specialized OCGIS-supported coordinate systems. :param angular_units: Angular units for the coordinate system. :type angular_units: :attr:`ocgis.constants.OcgisUnits` :param linear_units: Linear units for the coordinate system. :type linear_units: :attr:`ocgis.constants.OcgisUnits` """ _cf_attributes = None _cf_attributes_to_remove = ('units', 'standard_name') _default_towgs84 = None _fuzzy_value = None _string_max_length_global = None def __init__(self, angular_units=OcgisUnits.DEGREES, linear_units=None): self._angular_units = angular_units self._linear_units = linear_units @property def angular_units(self): return self._angular_units @property def dist(self): """Here for variable compatibility.""" return False @property def linear_units(self): return self._linear_units @property def attrs(self): return {} @property def has_initialized_parent(self): return False @property def is_empty(self): return False @abc.abstractproperty def is_geographic(self): """ :return: ``True`` if the coordinate system is considered geographic. :rtype: bool """ @abc.abstractproperty def is_wrappable(self): """ :return: ``True`` if the coordinate system may be globally wrapped or unwrapped. A wrappable CRS will use degree units on ranges 0 to 360 and -180 to 180. :rtype: bool """ @property def is_orphaned(self): return True @property def ndim(self): return 0 @property def units(self): raise NotImplementedError def as_variable(self): from ocgis.variable.base import Variable var = Variable( return var def convert_to_empty(self): pass def create_dimension_map(self, group_metadata, strict=False): from ocgis import DimensionMap return DimensionMap()
[docs] def format_spatial_object(self, spatial_obj, is_transform=False): """ :param spatial_obj: The spatial object to format. :type spatial_obj: <varying> :param bool is_transform: If ``True``, this is a coordinate system transformation format call. CF attributes should be removed. If ``False``, this is for a write and attributes should be left as is or overwritten if explicitly defined by the coordinate system. """ # No changes to geometry variables. from ocgis.variable.geom import GeometryVariable if isinstance(spatial_obj, GeometryVariable): return # Allows grids to be modified in addition to fields. if hasattr(spatial_obj, 'data_variables'): for data_variable in spatial_obj.data_variables: data_variable.attrs[CFName.GRID_MAPPING] = # Add CF attributes to coordinate variables. if self._cf_attributes is None and is_transform: targets = spatial_obj.coordinate_variables for target in targets: for attr_key in self._cf_attributes_to_remove: target.attrs.pop(attr_key, None) elif self._cf_attributes is not None: def _update_attr_(target, name, value, clobber=False): attrs = target.attrs if name not in attrs or (name in attrs and clobber): attrs[name] = value updates = {} for c in spatial_obj.coordinate_variables: i = spatial_obj.dimension_map.inquire_is_xyz(c) if i != DMK.LEVEL and i is not None: updates[c] = self._cf_attributes[i] for target, name_values in updates.items(): if target is not None: for k, v in name_values.items(): _update_attr_(target, k, v)
[docs] @classmethod def fuzzy_check(cls, value): """ Coordinate system definitions are often changing in interpreters. This function allows coordinate system definitions to vary slightly, but still be created appropriately. This returns ``True`` if there is a fuzzy match. :param dict value: The coordinate system dictionary definition. :return: bool """ req = cls._fuzzy_value ret = True for k, v in req.items(): if k not in value: ret = False break else: if v != value[k]: ret = False break if ret: if cls._default_towgs84 is not None and 'towgs84' in value: ret = value['towgs84'] == cls._default_towgs84 return ret
[docs] @classmethod def get_wrap_action(cls, state_src, state_dst): """ :param int state_src: The wrapped state of the source dataset. (:class:`ocgis.constants.WrappedState`) :param int state_dst: The wrapped state of the destination dataset. (:class:`ocgis.constants.WrappedState`) :returns: The wrapping action to perform on ``state_src``. (:class:`ocgis.constants.WrapAction`) :rtype: int :raises: NotImplementedError, ValueError """ possible = [WrappedState.WRAPPED, WrappedState.UNWRAPPED, WrappedState.UNKNOWN] has_issue = None if state_src not in possible: has_issue = 'source' if state_dst not in possible: has_issue = 'destination' if has_issue is not None: msg = 'The wrapped state on "{0}" is not recognized.'.format(has_issue) raise ValueError(msg) # the default action is to do nothing. ret = None # if the wrapped state of the destination is unknown, then there is no appropriate wrapping action suitable for # the source. if state_dst == WrappedState.UNKNOWN: ret = None # if the destination is wrapped and src is unwrapped, then wrap the src. elif state_dst == WrappedState.WRAPPED: if state_src == WrappedState.UNWRAPPED: ret = WrapAction.WRAP # if the destination is unwrapped and the src is wrapped, the source needs to be unwrapped. elif state_dst == WrappedState.UNWRAPPED: if state_src == WrappedState.WRAPPED: ret = WrapAction.UNWRAP else: raise NotImplementedError(state_dst) return ret
[docs] def get_wrapped_state(self, target): """ :param target: Return the wrapped state of a field. This function only checks grid centroids and geometry exteriors. Bounds/corners on the grid are excluded. :type target: :class:`~ocgis.Field` """ # TODO: Wrapped state should operate on the x-coordinate variable vectors or geometries only. # TODO: This should be a method on grids and geometry variables. from ocgis.collection.field import Field from ocgis.spatial.base import AbstractXYZSpatialContainer from ocgis import vm raise_if_empty(self) # If this is not a wrappable coordinate system, wrapped state is undefined. if not self.is_wrappable: ret = None else: if isinstance(target, Field): grid = target.grid if grid is not None: target = grid else: target = target.geom if target is None: raise WrappedStateEvalTargetMissing elif target.is_empty: ret = None elif isinstance(target, AbstractXYZSpatialContainer): ret = self._get_wrapped_state_from_array_(target.x.get_value()) else: stops = (WrappedState.WRAPPED, WrappedState.UNWRAPPED) ret = WrappedState.UNKNOWN geoms = target.get_masked_value().flat _is_masked = _get_ws = self._get_wrapped_state_from_geometry_ for geom in geoms: if not _is_masked(geom): flag = _get_ws(geom) if flag in stops: ret = flag break rets = vm.gather(ret) if vm.rank == 0: rets = set(rets) if WrappedState.WRAPPED in rets: ret = WrappedState.WRAPPED elif WrappedState.UNWRAPPED in rets: ret = WrappedState.UNWRAPPED else: ret = list(rets)[0] else: ret = None ret = vm.bcast(ret) return ret
[docs] def prepare_geometry_variable(self, subset_geom, rhs_tol=10.0, inplace=True): """ Prepared a geometry variable for subsetting. This method: * Appropriately wraps subset geometries for spherical coordinate systems. :param subset_geom: The geometry variable to prepare. :type subset_geom: :class:`~ocgis.GeometryVariable` :param float rhs_tol: The amount, in matching coordinate system units, to buffer the right hand selection geometry. :param bool inplace: If ``True``, modify the object in-place. """ # TODO: This should work with arbitrary geometries not just bounding boxes. assert subset_geom.size == 1 if self.is_wrappable and subset_geom.is_bbox and subset_geom.wrapped_state == WrappedState.UNWRAPPED: if not inplace: subset_geom = subset_geom.deepcopy() svalue = subset_geom.get_value() buffered_bbox = svalue[0].bounds if buffered_bbox[0] < 0.: bbox_rhs = list(deepcopy(buffered_bbox)) bbox_rhs[0] = buffered_bbox[0] + 360. bbox_rhs[2] = 360. + rhs_tol bboxes = [buffered_bbox, bbox_rhs] else: bboxes = [buffered_bbox] bboxes = [box(*b) for b in bboxes] if len(bboxes) > 1: svalue[0] = MultiPolygon(bboxes) return subset_geom
[docs] def set_string_max_length_global(self, value=None): """Here for variable compatibility."""
[docs] def to_xarray(self, **kwargs): """ Convert the CRS variable to a :class:`xarray.DataArray`. This *does not* traverse the parent's hierararchy. Use the conversion method on the variable's parent to convert all variables in the collection. :rtype: :class:`xarray.DataArray` """ from xarray import DataArray return DataArray(attrs=self.attrs,, data=[])
def wrap_or_unwrap(self, action, target, force=False): from ocgis.variable.geom import GeometryVariable from ocgis.spatial.grid import Grid if action not in (WrapAction.WRAP, WrapAction.UNWRAP): raise ValueError('"action" not recognized: {}'.format(action)) if target.wrapped_state != action or force: if action == WrapAction.WRAP: attr = 'wrap' else: attr = 'unwrap' if isinstance(target, GeometryVariable): w = GeometryWrapper() func = getattr(w, attr) target_value = target.get_value() for idx, target_geom in iter_array(target_value, use_mask=True, return_value=True, mask=target.get_mask()): target_value.__setitem__(idx, func(target_geom)) elif isinstance(target, Grid): ca = CoordinateArrayWrapper() func = getattr(ca, attr) func(target.x.get_value()) target.remove_bounds() if target.has_allocated_point: getattr(target.get_point(), attr)() if target.has_allocated_polygon: getattr(target.get_polygon(), attr)() else: raise NotImplementedError(target) @classmethod def _get_wrapped_state_from_array_(cls, arr): """ :param arr: Input n-dimensional array. :type arr: :class:`numpy.ndarray` :returns: Wrapped state enumeration value from :class:`~ocgis.constants.WrappedState`. :rtype: int """ gt_m180 = arr > constants.MERIDIAN_180TH lt_pm = arr < 0 if np.any(lt_pm): ret = WrappedState.WRAPPED elif np.any(gt_m180): ret = WrappedState.UNWRAPPED else: ret = WrappedState.UNKNOWN return ret @classmethod def _get_wrapped_state_from_geometry_(cls, geom): """ :param geom: The input geometry. :type geom: :class:`~shapely.geometry.point.Point`, :class:`~shapely.geometry.point.Polygon`, :class:`~shapely.geometry.multipoint.MultiPoint`, :class:`~shapely.geometry.multipolygon.MultiPolygon` :returns: A string flag. See class level ``_flag_*`` attributes for values. :rtype: str :raises: NotImplementedError """ if isinstance(geom, BaseMultipartGeometry): itr = geom else: itr = [geom] app = np.array([]) for element in itr: if isinstance(element, Point): element_arr = [np.array(element)[0]] elif isinstance(element, Polygon): element_arr = np.array(element.exterior.coords)[:, 0] else: raise NotImplementedError(type(element)) app = np.append(app, element_arr) return cls._get_wrapped_state_from_array_(app) @staticmethod def _place_prime_meridian_array_(arr): """ Replace any 180 degree values with the value of :attribute:`ocgis.constants.MERIDIAN_180TH`. :param arr: The target array to modify inplace. :type arr: :class:`numpy.array` :rtype: boolean :class:`numpy.array` """ from ocgis import constants # find the values that are 180 select = arr == 180 # replace the values that are 180 with the constant value, select, constants.MERIDIAN_180TH) # return the mask used for the replacement return select
[docs]@six.add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta) class AbstractProj4CRS(AbstractCRS): """ Base class for coordinate systems that may be transformed using PROJ.4. """
[docs] @classmethod def load_from_metadata(cls, group_metadata): """ Create a coordinate system object using group metadata. :param dict group_metadata: The metdata to interpret. This should be for the current group only. :return: :class:`~ocgis.CRS` """ names = [] vmeta = group_metadata['variables'] for k, v in vmeta.items(): vattrs = v.get('attrs', {}) if vattrs.get(OcgisConvention.Name.OCGIS_ROLE) == OcgisConvention.Value.ROLE_COORDSYS: if vattrs.get(OcgisConvention.Name.PROJ4) is not None: names.append(k) len_names = len(names) if len_names > 1: raise ValueError('Multiple coordinate system variables found: {}'.format(names)) elif len_names == 0: raise ProjectionDoesNotMatch else: v = vmeta[names[0]] ret = CRS(name=v['name'], proj4=v['attrs'][OcgisConvention.Name.PROJ4]) return ret
[docs]class CoordinateReferenceSystem(AbstractProj4CRS, AbstractInterfaceObject): """ Defines a coordinate system objects. One of ``value``, ``proj4``, or ``epsg`` is required. :param value: A dictionary representation of the coordinate system with PROJ.4 paramters as keys. :type value: dict :param proj4: A PROJ.4 string. :type proj4: str :param epsg: An EPSG code. :type epsg: int :param name: A custom name for the coordinate system. :type name: str """
[docs] def __init__(self, value=None, proj4=None, epsg=None, name=OcgisConvention.Name.COORDSYS): = name # Allows operations on data variables to look through an empty dimension list. Alleviates instance checking. self.dimensions = tuple() self.dimension_names = tuple() self.has_bounds = False self._epsg = epsg # Some basic overloaded for WGS84. if epsg == 4326: value = WGS84().value # Add a special check for init keys in value dictionary. if value is not None: if 'init' in value and list(value.values())[0].startswith('epsg'): epsg = int(list(value.values())[0].split(':')[1]) value = None if value is None: if proj4 is not None: value = from_string(proj4) elif epsg is not None: sr = SpatialReference() sr.ImportFromEPSG(epsg) value = from_string(sr.ExportToProj4()) else: msg = 'A value dictionary, PROJ.4 string, or EPSG code is required.' raise ValueError(msg) else: # Remove unicode to avoid strange issues with proj and fiona. for k, v in value.items(): if isinstance(v, six.string_types): value[k] = str(v) else: try: value[k] = v.tolist() # this may be a numpy arr that needs conversion except AttributeError: continue sr = SpatialReference() sr.ImportFromProj4(to_string(value)) self.value = from_string(sr.ExportToProj4()) try: assert self.value != {} except AssertionError: msg = 'Empty CRS: The conversion to PROJ.4 may have failed. The CRS value is: {0}'.format(value) raise ValueError(msg)
[docs] def __eq__(self, other): try: if == 1: ret = True else: # Try a value comparison. if self.value == other.value: ret = True else: # Try without the "wktext" flag. new_values = [self.value.copy(), other.value.copy()] for n in new_values: n.pop('wktext', None) ret = new_values[0] == new_values[1] except AttributeError: # likely a nonetype of other object type if other is None or not isinstance(other, self.__class__): ret = False else: raise return ret
[docs] def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other)
# def __repr__(self): # msg = [str(type(self))] # elements = [] # elements.append("name = {}".format( # elements.append("value = {}".format(self.value)) # elements = [' {}'.format(e) for e in elements] # msg.extend(elements) # return '\n'.join(msg) @property def dtype(self): return None @property def has_allocated_value(self): return False @property def is_geographic(self): return bool( @property def is_wrappable(self): return self.is_geographic @property def linear_units(self): return @property def proj4(self): if self._epsg == 4326: ret = WGS84().proj4 else: ret = return ret @property def sr(self): sr = SpatialReference() sr.ImportFromProj4(to_string(self.value)) return sr @property def shape(self): return tuple([0]) @property def size(self): return 0 def as_variable(self, with_proj4=True): ret = super(CoordinateReferenceSystem, self).as_variable() if with_proj4: ret.attrs['proj4'] = self.proj4 return ret def convert_to_empty(self): pass def extract(self, *args, **kwargs): return self def get_mask(self): return None
[docs] def load(self, *args, **kwargs): """Compatibility with variable.""" pass
[docs] def write_to_rootgrp(self, rootgrp, with_proj4=True, **kwargs): """ Write the coordinate system to an open netCDF file. :param rootgrp: An open netCDF dataset object for writing. :type rootgrp: :class:`netCDF4.Dataset` :param bool with_proj4: If ``True``, write the PROJ.4 string to the coordinate system variable in an attribute called "proj4". :returns: The netCDF variable object created to hold the coordinate system metadata. :rtype: :class:`netCDF4.Variable` """ variable = rootgrp.createVariable(, 'S1') if with_proj4: setattr(variable, OcgisConvention.Name.PROJ4, self.proj4) setattr(variable, OcgisConvention.Name.OCGIS_ROLE, OcgisConvention.Value.ROLE_COORDSYS) return variable
def write(self, *args, **kwargs): write_mode = kwargs.pop('write_mode', MPIWriteMode.NORMAL) # Let subclasses determine if proj4 should be written. with_proj4 = kwargs.pop('with_proj4', None) # Fill operations set values on variables. Coordinate system variables have no inherent values constructed only # from attributes. if write_mode != MPIWriteMode.FILL: if with_proj4 is not None: ret = self.write_to_rootgrp(*args, **kwargs) else: ret = self.write_to_rootgrp(*args) return ret
[docs]class CRS(CoordinateReferenceSystem): """Here for convenience."""
@six.add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta) class AbstractSphericalCoordinateReferenceSystem(AbstractOcgisObject): _cf_attributes = {DimensionMapKey.X: {CFName.UNITS: 'degrees_east', CFName.STANDARD_NAME: CFName.StandardName.LONGITUDE}, DimensionMapKey.Y: {CFName.UNITS: 'degrees_north', CFName.STANDARD_NAME: CFName.StandardName.LATITUDE}} is_wrappable = True is_geographic = True def format_spatial_object(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.angular_units == OcgisUnits.RADIANS: msg = '{} are not acceptable units for field formatting. Must be {}.' msg = msg.format(OcgisUnits.RADIANS, OcgisUnits.DEGREES) raise ValueError(msg) super(AbstractSphericalCoordinateReferenceSystem, self).format_spatial_object(*args, **kwargs) def transform_coordinates(self, other_crs, x, y, z, inverse=False): """ Transform coordinate arrays to match ``other_crs``. If ``inverse`` is ``True``, then ``other_crs`` is considered the defining coordinate system for the input vectors. Coordinate arrays must have matching dimensions. .. note:: If ``z`` is a scalar, the transformed ``z`` value is not returned. :param other_crs: :class:`` :param x: The x-coordinate array. :type x: :class:`numpy.ndarray` :param y: The y-coordinate array. :type y: :class:`numpy.ndarray` :param z: The z-coordinate array. :type z: :class:`numpy.ndarray` :param bool inverse: If ``True``, the coordinate system of the input variables is ``other_crs`` and the transform CRS is the object. """ if not isinstance(other_crs, Cartesian): raise CRSNotEquivalenError(self, other_crs) if inverse: z_out = np.sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2 + z ** 2) x_out = np.arctan2(y, x) y_out = np.arcsin(z / z_out) if self.angular_units == OcgisUnits.DEGREES: x_out *= ConversionFactor.RAD_TO_DEG y_out *= ConversionFactor.RAD_TO_DEG else: if self.angular_units == OcgisUnits.DEGREES: x = x.copy() y = y.copy() select = x > 180. if select.any(): raise ValueError('x-coordinate must be wrapped if degrees.') x *= ConversionFactor.DEG_TO_RAD y *= ConversionFactor.DEG_TO_RAD x_out = z * np.cos(y) * np.cos(x) y_out = z * np.cos(y) * np.sin(x) z_out = z * np.sin(y) return x_out, y_out, z_out def transform_geometry(self, other_crs, geom, inverse=False): from ocgis import GeometryVariable assert isinstance(geom, GeometryVariable) assert geom.geom_type == 'Polygon' assert geom.shape == (1,) if not inverse: if geom.wrapped_state == WrappedState.UNWRAPPED: raise ValueError('Geometry coordinates may not be unwrapped.') sgeom = geom.get_value()[0] coords = np.array(sgeom.exterior) if not sgeom.has_z: new_coords = np.ones((coords.shape[0], 3), dtype=coords.dtype) new_coords[:, 0:2] = coords else: new_coords = coords x = new_coords[:, 0] y = new_coords[:, 1] z = new_coords[:, 2] x_out, y_out, z_out = self.transform_coordinates(other_crs, x, y, z, inverse=inverse) x[:] = x_out y[:] = y_out z[:] = z_out new_geom = Polygon(new_coords) geom.get_value()[0] = new_geom def transform_grid(self, other_crs, grid, inverse=False): """ Transform a grid's coordinate system. :param other_crs: See :meth:`` :param grid: The grid to transform in-place. :type grid: :class:`ocgis.Grid` :param inverse: See :meth:`` """ if not inverse: wrapped_state = grid.wrapped_state if wrapped_state == WrappedState.UNWRAPPED: raise ValueError('x-coordinates may not be wrapped') if not grid.has_z: raise ValueError('A z-/level-coordinate is required') grid.expand() x = grid.x.get_value() y = grid.y.get_value() z = grid.z.get_value() x_out, y_out, z_out = self.transform_coordinates(other_crs, x, y, z, inverse=inverse) if grid.has_bounds: xb = grid.x.bounds.get_value() yb = grid.y.bounds.get_value() zb = grid.z.bounds.get_value() xb_out, yb_out, zb_out = self.transform_coordinates(other_crs, xb, yb, zb, inverse=inverse) ################################################################################################################ # Set values grid.x.set_value(x_out) grid.y.set_value(y_out) grid.z.set_value(z_out) if grid.has_bounds: grid.x.bounds.set_value(xb_out) grid.y.bounds.set_value(yb_out) grid.z.bounds.set_value(zb_out) class Spherical(AbstractSphericalCoordinateReferenceSystem, CoordinateReferenceSystem): """ A spherical model of the Earth's surface with equivalent semi-major and semi-minor axes. :param semi_major_axis: The radius of the spherical model. The default value is taken from the PROJ.4 (v4.8.0) source code (src/pj_ellps.c). :type semi_major_axis: float :param units: Either degrees or radians. :type units: :class:`ocgis.constants.OcgisUnits` """ _default_towgs84 = '0,0,0,0,0,0,0' _fuzzy_value = {'a': 6370997, 'b': 6370997, 'proj': 'longlat'} def __init__(self, semi_major_axis=6370997.0, angular_units=OcgisUnits.DEGREES): value = {'proj': 'longlat', 'towgs84': self._default_towgs84, 'no_defs': '', 'a': semi_major_axis, 'b': semi_major_axis} CoordinateReferenceSystem.__init__(self, value=value, name='latitude_longitude') AbstractCRS.__init__(self, angular_units=angular_units) self.semi_major_axis = semi_major_axis class Cartesian(AbstractCRS): """ A regular Cartesian coordinate system. """ name = 'cartesian' is_geographic = True is_wrappable = False def as_variable(self): ret = super(Cartesian, self).as_variable() if self.linear_units is not None: ret[CFName.UNITS] = str(self.linear_units) return ret def transform_geometry(self, other_crs, geom, inverse=False): if not isinstance(other_crs, (Spherical, Tripole)): raise CRSNotEquivalenError(self, other_crs) return other_crs.transform_geometry(self, geom, inverse=True) def transform_grid(self, other_crs, grid, inverse=False): if not isinstance(other_crs, (Spherical, Tripole)): raise CRSNotEquivalenError(self, other_crs) return other_crs.transform_grid(self, grid, inverse=True) class Tripole(AbstractSphericalCoordinateReferenceSystem, AbstractCRS): """ A spherical representation of the Earth's surface having three poles (singularities). :param spherical: The spherical basis for the tripole coordinate system. :type spherical: :class:`` """ name = 'tripole' def __init__(self, spherical=None): if spherical is None: spherical = Spherical() self.spherical = spherical AbstractCRS.__init__(self, linear_units=spherical.linear_units, angular_units=spherical.angular_units) class WGS84(CoordinateReferenceSystem): """ A representation of the Earth using the WGS84 datum (i.e. EPSG code 4326). """ _cf_attributes = {DimensionMapKey.X: {CFName.UNITS: 'degrees_east', CFName.STANDARD_NAME: 'longitude'}, DimensionMapKey.Y: {CFName.UNITS: 'degrees_north', CFName.STANDARD_NAME: 'latitude'}} _default_towgs84 = '0,0,0,0,0,0,0' _fuzzy_value = {'datum': 'WGS84', 'proj': 'longlat'} def __init__(self): value = {'no_defs': True, 'datum': 'WGS84', 'proj': 'longlat', 'towgs84': '0,0,0,0,0,0,0'} try: super(WGS84, self).__init__(value=value, name='WGS84_EPSG_4326') except: value['ellps'] = value['datum'] super(WGS84, self).__init__(value=value, name='WGS84_EPSG_4326') def __eq__(self, other): ret = super(WGS84, self).__eq__(other) if not ret: # Versions handle values differently in GDAL/PROJ.4. try: ret = other.value == {'proj': 'longlat', 'datum': 'WGS84', 'no_defs': True} except AttributeError: ret = False return ret @property def proj4(self): return '+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +no_defs ' @six.add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta) class CFCoordinateReferenceSystem(CoordinateReferenceSystem): _find_projection_coordinates = True # Alternative grid mapping names to check. Should be a tuple in subclasses. _fuzzy_grid_mapping_names = None # Default map parameter values. map_parameters_defaults = {} def __init__(self, **kwds): self.projection_x_coordinate = kwds.pop('projection_x_coordinate', None) self.projection_y_coordinate = kwds.pop('projection_y_coordinate', None) # Always provide a default name for the CF-based coordinate systems. name = kwds.pop('name', self.grid_mapping_name) check_keys = list(kwds.keys()) for key in list(kwds.keys()): check_keys.remove(key) if len(check_keys) > 0: raise ValueError('The keyword parameter(s) "{0}" was/were not provided.') self.map_parameters_values = kwds crs = {'proj': self.proj_name} for k in list(self.map_parameters.keys()): if k in self.iterable_parameters: v = getattr(self, self.iterable_parameters[k])(kwds[k]) crs.update(v) else: try: crs.update({self.map_parameters[k]: kwds[k]}) except KeyError: # Attempt to load any default map parameter values. crs.update({self.map_parameters[k]: self.map_parameters_defaults[k]}) super(CFCoordinateReferenceSystem, self).__init__(value=crs, name=name) @abc.abstractproperty def grid_mapping_name(self): str @abc.abstractproperty def iterable_parameters(self): dict @abc.abstractproperty def map_parameters(self): dict @abc.abstractproperty def proj_name(self): str def format_standard_parallel(self, value): if isinstance(value, np.ndarray): value = value.tolist() ret = {} try: it = iter(value) except TypeError: it = [value] for ii, v in enumerate(it, start=1): ret.update({self.map_parameters['standard_parallel'].format(ii): v}) return ret @classmethod def get_fuzzy_names(cls): ret = list(get_iter(cls.grid_mapping_name)) if cls._fuzzy_grid_mapping_names is not None: ret += list(get_iter(cls._fuzzy_grid_mapping_names)) return tuple(ret) @classmethod def load_from_metadata(cls, var, meta, strict=True): def _get_projection_coordinate_(target, meta): key = 'projection_{0}_coordinate'.format(target) for k, v in list(meta['variables'].items()): if 'standard_name' in v['attrs']: if v['attrs']['standard_name'] == key: return k raise ProjectionCoordinateNotFound(key) r_var = meta['variables'][var] try: # Look for the grid_mapping attribute on the target variable. r_grid_mapping = meta['variables'][r_var['attrs']['grid_mapping']] except KeyError: # Attempt to match the class's grid mapping name across variables if strictness allows. if not strict: r_grid_mapping = None fuzzy_names = cls.get_fuzzy_names() for var_name, var_meta in list(meta['variables'].items()): if var_meta.get('name', var_name) in fuzzy_names: r_grid_mapping = var_meta break if r_grid_mapping is None: raise ProjectionDoesNotMatch else: raise ProjectionDoesNotMatch try: grid_mapping_name = r_grid_mapping['attrs']['grid_mapping_name'] except KeyError: raise ProjectionDoesNotMatch if grid_mapping_name != cls.grid_mapping_name: raise ProjectionDoesNotMatch # get the projection coordinates if not turned off by class attribute. if cls._find_projection_coordinates: pc_x, pc_y = [_get_projection_coordinate_(target, meta) for target in ['x', 'y']] else: pc_x, pc_y = None, None kwds = r_grid_mapping['attrs'].copy() kwds.pop('grid_mapping_name', None) kwds['projection_x_coordinate'] = pc_x kwds['projection_y_coordinate'] = pc_y # add the correct name to the coordinate system kwds['name'] = r_grid_mapping['name'] cls._load_from_metadata_finalize_(kwds, var, meta) return cls(**kwds) @classmethod def _load_from_metadata_finalize_(cls, kwds, var, meta): pass def write_to_rootgrp(self, rootgrp, with_proj4=False, **kwargs): variable = super(CFCoordinateReferenceSystem, self).write_to_rootgrp(rootgrp, with_proj4=with_proj4) variable.grid_mapping_name = self.grid_mapping_name for k, v in self.map_parameters_values.items(): if v is None: v = '' setattr(variable, k, v) return variable class CFSpherical(Spherical, CFCoordinateReferenceSystem): grid_mapping_name = 'latitude_longitude' iterable_parameters = None map_parameters = None proj_name = None def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.map_parameters_values = {} Spherical.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) @classmethod def load_from_metadata(cls, var, meta, strict=False, depth=1): variables = meta['variables'] if depth == 1: variable_attrs = variables[var].get('attrs', {}) r_grid_mapping = variable_attrs.get('grid_mapping') r_grid_mapping_name = variable_attrs.get('grid_mapping_name') if cls.grid_mapping_name in (r_grid_mapping, r_grid_mapping_name): return cls() else: raise ProjectionDoesNotMatch elif depth == 2: # Check for standard names on variables as spherical is often not defined in the metadata file. found = {} for k, v in cls._cf_attributes.items(): sn = v[CFName.STANDARD_NAME] found[sn] = [] for vname, vmeta in variables.items(): if vmeta['attrs'].get(CFName.STANDARD_NAME) == sn: found[sn].append(vname) # There should be only one variable found for each standard name. counts = [len(v) for v in found.values()] if any([c > 1 for c in counts]) or any([c == 0 for c in counts]): raise ProjectionDoesNotMatch else: return cls() else: raise CRSDepthNotImplemented(depth) class CFAlbersEqualArea(CFCoordinateReferenceSystem): grid_mapping_name = 'albers_conical_equal_area' iterable_parameters = {'standard_parallel': 'format_standard_parallel'} map_parameters = {'standard_parallel': 'lat_{0}', 'longitude_of_central_meridian': 'lon_0', 'latitude_of_projection_origin': 'lat_0', 'false_easting': 'x_0', 'false_northing': 'y_0'} proj_name = 'aea' class CFLambertConformal(CFCoordinateReferenceSystem): grid_mapping_name = 'lambert_conformal_conic' iterable_parameters = {'standard_parallel': 'format_standard_parallel'} map_parameters = {'standard_parallel': 'lat_{0}', 'longitude_of_central_meridian': 'lon_0', 'latitude_of_projection_origin': 'lat_0', 'false_easting': 'x_0', 'false_northing': 'y_0', 'units': 'units'} map_parameters_defaults = {'false_easting': 0, 'false_northing': 0} proj_name = 'lcc' @classmethod def _load_from_metadata_finalize_(cls, kwds, var, meta): kwds['units'] = meta['variables'][kwds['projection_x_coordinate']]['attrs'].get('units') class CFPolarStereographic(CFCoordinateReferenceSystem): grid_mapping_name = 'polar_stereographic' map_parameters = {'standard_parallel': 'lat_ts', 'latitude_of_projection_origin': 'lat_0', 'straight_vertical_longitude_from_pole': 'lon_0', 'false_easting': 'x_0', 'false_northing': 'y_0', 'scale_factor': 'k_0'} proj_name = 'stere' iterable_parameters = {} def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): if 'scale_factor' not in kwds: kwds['scale_factor'] = 1.0 super(CFPolarStereographic, self).__init__(*args, **kwds) class CFNarccapObliqueMercator(CFCoordinateReferenceSystem): grid_mapping_name = 'transverse_mercator' map_parameters = {'latitude_of_projection_origin': 'lat_0', 'longitude_of_central_meridian': 'lonc', 'scale_factor_at_central_meridian': 'k_0', 'false_easting': 'x_0', 'false_northing': 'y_0', 'alpha': 'alpha'} proj_name = 'omerc' iterable_parameters = {} def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): if 'alpha' not in kwds: kwds['alpha'] = 360 super(CFNarccapObliqueMercator, self).__init__(*args, **kwds) class CFRotatedPole(CFCoordinateReferenceSystem): grid_mapping_name = 'rotated_latitude_longitude' iterable_parameters = {} map_parameters = {'grid_north_pole_longitude': None, 'grid_north_pole_latitude': None} proj_name = 'omerc' _find_projection_coordinates = False _fuzzy_grid_mapping_names = ('rotated_pole', 'rotated_lat_lon') _template = '+proj=ob_tran +o_proj=latlon +o_lon_p={lon_pole} +o_lat_p={lat_pole} +lon_0=180 +ellps={ellps}' def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): super(CFRotatedPole, self).__init__(*args, **kwds) # this is the transformation string used in the proj operation self._trans_proj = self._template.format(lon_pole=kwds['grid_north_pole_longitude'], lat_pole=kwds['grid_north_pole_latitude'], ellps=constants.PROJ4_ROTATED_POLE_ELLPS) def update_with_rotated_pole_transformation(self, grid, inverse=False): """ :type grid: :class:`~ocgis.Grid` :param bool inverse: If ``True``, this is an inverse transformation. :rtype: :class:`~ocgis.Grid` """ assert or isinstance(, CFRotatedPole) grid.remove_bounds() grid.expand() rlon, rlat = get_lonlat_rotated_pole_transform(grid.x.get_value().flatten(), grid.y.get_value().flatten(), self._trans_proj, inverse=inverse) grid.x.set_value(rlon.reshape(*grid.shape)) grid.y.set_value(rlat.reshape(*grid.shape)) def write_to_rootgrp(self, rootgrp, **kwargs): """ .. note:: See :meth:``. """ variable = super(CFRotatedPole, self).write_to_rootgrp(rootgrp, **kwargs) if kwargs.get(KeywordArgument.WITH_PROJ4, False): variable.proj4 = '' variable.proj4_transform = self._trans_proj return variable def create_crs(value, **kwargs): """ Create a coordinate system object from a dictionary definition. This will create a spherical coordinate system object, for example, if there is a fuzzy match with that coordinate system. :param dict value: The coordinate system's dictionary definition. :param dict kwargs: Optional keyword arguments to the coordinate system's creation. :return: :class:`` """ if value is None: ret = None else: if isinstance(value, AbstractCRS): value = value.value to_check = np.array([Spherical, WGS84], dtype=object) match = np.zeros(len(to_check), dtype=bool) for idx, t in enumerate(to_check): match[idx] = t.fuzzy_check(value) found = to_check[match] if found.size > 1: raise ValueError('Multiple coordinate systems found: {}'.format(found)) elif found.size == 0: ret = CoordinateReferenceSystem(value=value, **kwargs) else: ret = found[0]() return ret def get_lonlat_rotated_pole_transform(lon, lat, transform, inverse=False, is_vectorized=False): """ Transform longitude and latitude coordinates to/from their rotated pole representation. :param lon: Vector of longitude coordinates. :param lat: Vector of latitude coordinates. :param str transform: The PROJ.4 transform string. :param inverse: If ``True``, coordinates are in spherical longitude/latitude and should be transformed to rotated pole. :return: A tuple with the first element being transformed longitude and the second element being transformed latitude. :rtype: tuple """ import csv import subprocess class ProjDialect(csv.excel): lineterminator = '\n' delimiter = '\t' f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w') try: writer = csv.writer(f, dialect=ProjDialect) if is_vectorized: for lon_idx, lat_idx in itertools.product(*[list(range(lon.shape[0])), list(range(lat.shape[0]))]): writer.writerow([lon[lon_idx], lat[lat_idx]]) else: for idx in range(lon.shape[0]): writer.writerow([lon[idx], lat[idx]]) f.flush() cmd = transform.split(' ') cmd.append( if inverse: program = 'invproj' else: program = 'proj' cmd = [program, '-f', '"%.6f"', '-m', '57.2957795130823'] + cmd capture = subprocess.check_output(cmd) finally: f.close() capture = capture.decode() coords = capture.split('\n') new_coords = [] for ii, coord in enumerate(coords): coord = coord.replace('"', '') coord = coord.split('\t') try: coord = list(map(float, coord)) # likely empty string except ValueError: if coord[0] == '': continue else: raise new_coords.append(coord) rlon_rlat = np.array(new_coords) rlon = rlon_rlat[:, 0] rlat = rlon_rlat[:, 1] return rlon, rlat