Source code for ocgis.variable.dimension

import numpy as np
import six

from ocgis import constants, vm
from ocgis.base import AbstractNamedObject, raise_if_empty
from ocgis.constants import DataType, KeywordArgument, MPIOps, MPITag, SourceIndexType
from ocgis.util.helpers import get_formatted_slice
from ocgis.vmachine.mpi import get_global_to_local_slice, get_nonempty_ranks

[docs]class Dimension(AbstractNamedObject): """ A dimension tracks the count of elements along an axis in a multi-dimensional array. All :class:`~ocgis.Variable` objects use dimensions. Dimensions are used to track global and local bounds when running and parallel. They also track source indices allowed data to be sliced without loading from source. See for an overview of dimensions. :param str name: The dimension's name. :param int size: The dimension's size. Set to ``None`` if this dimension is unlimited. :param size_current: The dimension's current size. The current size is needed to track sizes if the dimension is unlimited. :param src_idx: An one-dimensional, integer array containing the source indices for a "dimensioned" element. If ``'auto'``, generate the index array automatically from the dimension size (not applicable for unlimited dimensions). :type src_idx: :class:`numpy.ndarray` | ``str`` :param bool dist: If ``True``, this dimension is distributed. Used by :class:`ocgis.OcgDist` to generate the parallel distribution. :param bool is_empty: If ``True``, the dimension is empty on the current rank. :param source_name: See :class:`~ocgis.base.AbstractNamedObject`. :param aliases: See :class:`~ocgis.base.AbstractNamedObject`. :param uid: See :class:`~ocgis.base.AbstractNamedObject`. **Example Code:** >>> # Create standard dimension. >>> dim = Dimension('the_dim', size=5) >>> assert dim.size == 5 and len(dim) == 5 >>> # Create an unlimited dimension. >>> udim = Dimension('unlimited_dim', size_current=10) >>> assert udim.size is None and len(udim) == 10 and udim.size_current == 10 """
[docs] def __init__(self, name, size=None, size_current=None, src_idx=None, dist=False, is_empty=False, source_name=constants.UNINITIALIZED, aliases=None, uid=None): if isinstance(src_idx, six.string_types): if src_idx != 'auto' and size is None and size_current is None: raise ValueError('Unsized dimensions should not have source indices.') if src_idx != 'auto': raise ValueError('"src_idx" argument not recognized: {}'.format(src_idx)) if is_empty and not dist: raise ValueError('Undistributed dimensions may not be empty.') super(Dimension, self).__init__(name, aliases=aliases, source_name=source_name, uid=uid) self.__src_idx__ = None self._bounds_global = None self._bounds_local = None self._size = size self._size_current = size_current self.dist = dist self._is_empty = is_empty if not self.is_empty: self.set_size(self.size or self.size_current, src_idx=src_idx) else: self.convert_to_empty()
[docs] def __eq__(self, other): return self.eq(other)
[docs] def __getitem__(self, slc): """ Dimensions may be sliced like other sliceable Python objects. A shallow copy of the dimension is created before slicing. Use :meth:`~ocgis.Dimension.get_distributed_slice` for parallel slicing. :param slc: A :class:`slice`-like object. :rtype: :class:`~ocgis.Dimension` :raises: IndexError >>> dim = Dimension('five', 5) >>> sub = dim[2:4] >>> assert len(sub) == 2 >>> assert id(dim) != id(sub) """ # We cannot slice zero length dimensions. if len(self) == 0: raise IndexError('Zero-length dimensions are not slicable.') slc = get_formatted_slice(slc, 1)[0] ret = self.copy() # Slicing work is done here. self.__getitem_main__(ret, slc) return ret
def __len__(self): if self.size is None: ret = self.size_current else: ret = self.size if ret is None: ret = 0 return ret
[docs] def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other)
[docs] def __repr__(self): template = "{0}(name='{1}', size={2}, size_current={3}, dist={4}, is_empty={5})" msg = template.format(self.__class__.__name__,, self.size, self.size_current, self.dist, self.is_empty) return msg
@property def bounds_global(self): """ Get or set the global bounds for the dimension across all non-empty ranks. ===== ================ Index Description ===== ================ 0 The lower bound. 1 The upper bound. ===== ================ :rtype: ``tuple(int, int)`` """ if self._bounds_global is None: ret = (0, len(self)) else: ret = self._bounds_global return ret @bounds_global.setter def bounds_global(self, value): if value is not None: value = tuple(value) assert len(value) == 2 self._bounds_global = value @property def bounds_local(self): """ Get or set the rank-local bounds for the dimension. ===== ================ Index Description ===== ================ 0 The lower bound. 1 The upper bound. ===== ================ :rtype: ``tuple(int, int)`` """ if self._bounds_local is None: ret = (0, len(self)) else: ret = self._bounds_local return ret @bounds_local.setter def bounds_local(self, value): if value is not None: value = tuple(value) assert len(value) == 2 self._bounds_local = value @property def is_empty(self): """ :return: ``True`` if the dimension is empty. Allows for the creation of empty objects. :rtype: bool """ return self._is_empty @property def is_unlimited(self): """ :return: ``True`` if the dimension is unlimited. :rtype: bool """ if self.size is None: ret = True else: ret = False return ret @property def size(self): """ :return: The dimension's size. :rtype: ``int`` | ``None`` if unlimited """ return self._size @property def size_current(self): """ :return: The current size of the dimension. Needed to track sizes for unlimited dimensions. :rtype: int """ if self._size_current is None: ret = self.size else: ret = self._size_current return ret @property def size_global(self): """ :return: The global size of the dimension. :rtype: int """ ret = self.bounds_global[1] - self.bounds_global[0] return ret @property def _src_idx(self): return self.__src_idx__ @_src_idx.setter def _src_idx(self, value): si_type = identify_source_index_type(value) if si_type is not None: if si_type == SourceIndexType.FANCY: if len(value) != len(self): msg = 'Source index length must equal the dimension length when using array-based indexing.' raise ValueError(msg) else: value = tuple(value) if len(value) != 2: msg = 'Only two elements allowed for bounds-based source indexing.' raise ValueError(msg) if (value[1] - value[0]) != len(self): msg = 'Bounds-based source indexing extent must equal the dimension length.' raise ValueError(msg) self.__src_idx__ = value @property def _src_idx_type(self): return identify_source_index_type(self._src_idx)
[docs] def convert_to_empty(self): """ Convert the dimension to an empty dimension. :raises: ValueError """ if not self.dist: raise ValueError('Only distributed dimensions may be converted to empty.') self._bounds_local = (0, 0) self._bounds_global = (0, 0) self._src_idx = None self._is_empty = True self._size = 0 self._size_current = 0
[docs] def eq(self, other, check_src_idx=True): """ Return ``True`` if dimensions are equal. :param other: The other dimension. :type other: :class:`~ocgis.Dimension` :param bool check_src_idx: If ``True``, assert dimension source indices are equal. :rtype: bool """ ret = True skip = ('__src_idx__', '_aliases', '_source_name', '_bounds_local', '_bounds_global') for k, v in list(self.__dict__.items()): if k in skip: continue else: if v != other.__dict__[k]: ret = False break # Validate the source indices are equal. Only do this if the other pieces returned equal. if ret and check_src_idx: if self._src_idx is None and other._src_idx is not None: ret = False else: if not np.all(self._src_idx == other._src_idx): ret = False return ret
[docs] def get_distributed_slice(self, slc): """ Slice the dimension in parallel. The sliced dimension object is a shallow copy. The returned dimension may be empty. :param slc: A :class:`slice`-like object or a fancy slice. If this is a fancy slice, ``slc`` must be processor-local. If the fancy slice uses integer indices, the indices must be local. In other words, a fancy ``slc`` is not manipulated or redistributed prior to slicing. :rtype: :class:`~ocgis.Dimension` :raises: :class:`~ocgis.exc.EmptyObjectError` """ raise_if_empty(self) slc = get_formatted_slice(slc, 1)[0] is_fancy = not isinstance(slc, slice) if not is_fancy and slc == slice(None): ret = self.copy() # Use standard slicing for non-distributed dimensions. elif not self.dist: ret = self[slc] else: if is_fancy: local_slc = slc else: local_slc = get_global_to_local_slice((slc.start, slc.stop), self.bounds_local) if local_slc is not None: local_slc = slice(*local_slc) # Slice does not overlap local bounds. The dimension is now empty with size 0. if local_slc is None: ret = self.copy() ret.convert_to_empty() dimension_size = 0 # Slice overlaps so do a slice on the dimension using the local slice. else: ret = self[local_slc] dimension_size = len(ret) assert dimension_size >= 0 dimension_sizes = vm.gather(dimension_size) if vm.rank == 0: sum_dimension_size = 0 for ds in dimension_sizes: try: sum_dimension_size += ds except TypeError: pass bounds_global = (0, sum_dimension_size) else: bounds_global = None bounds_global = vm.bcast(bounds_global) if not ret.is_empty: ret.bounds_global = bounds_global # Normalize the local bounds on live ranks. inner_live_ranks = get_nonempty_ranks(ret, vm) with vm.scoped('bounds normalization', inner_live_ranks): if not vm.is_null: if vm.rank == 0: adjust = len(ret) else: adjust = None adjust = vm.bcast(adjust) for current_rank in vm.ranks: if vm.rank == current_rank: if vm.rank != 0: ret.bounds_local = [b + adjust for b in ret.bounds_local] adjust += len(ret) vm.barrier() adjust = vm.bcast(adjust, root=current_rank) return ret
[docs] def set_size(self, value, src_idx=None): """ Set the dimension's size. :param value: The new size of the dimension. Allows setting to ``None`` to convert to an unlimited dimension. :type value: ``int`` | ``None`` :param src_idx: The new source index. If ``'auto'``, create a default source index. :raises: ValueError """ if value is not None: if isinstance(src_idx, six.string_types) and src_idx == 'auto': src_idx = create_src_idx(0, value, dtype=DataType.DIMENSION_SRC_INDEX, si_type=SourceIndexType.BOUNDS) elif value is None: src_idx = None else: pass self._bounds_local = None self._size_current = value if not self.is_unlimited: self._size = value self._src_idx = src_idx if self.dist: # A size definition is required. if self.size is None and self.size_current is None: msg = 'Distributed dimensions require a size definition using "size" or "size_current".' raise ValueError(msg)
[docs] def to_xarray(self): """ Convert this object to a type understood by ``xarray``. :rtype: str """ return
def __getitem_main__(self, ret, slc): length_self = len(self) try: length = len(slc) except TypeError: # Likely a slice object. try: length = slc.stop - slc.start except TypeError: # Likely a NoneType slice. if slc.start is None: if slc.stop is not None and slc.stop > 0: length = length_self elif slc.stop is None: length = length_self else: length = length_self + slc.stop elif slc.stop is None: if slc.start > 0: length = length_self - slc.start else: length = abs(slc.start) else: raise else: # If the slice length is greater than the current length, keep the length the same. if length > length_self: length = length_self else: try: # Check for boolean slices. if slc.dtype == bool: length = slc.sum() except AttributeError: # Likely a list/tuple. pass if length < 0: # This is using negative indexing. Subtract from the current length. length += length_self # Slice the source index. If the source index is None, a value of None will be returned by the slice operation. src_idx = slice_source_index(slc, ret._src_idx) ret.set_size(length, src_idx=src_idx)
def create_distributed_dimension(size, **kwargs): """ Create a distributed dimension using a local size. Function is collective across the current VM. :param int size: The local size of the dimension. If ``0``, the created dimension will be empty. :param dict kwargs: Additional arguments to the creation of the dimension. A dimension name is required. Size, distribution, and empty keyword arguments are overloaded. :rtype: :class:`~ocgis.Dimension` """ assert KeywordArgument.NAME in kwargs kwargs = kwargs.copy() dimension_name = kwargs.pop(KeywordArgument.NAME) size_global = vm.reduce(size, MPIOps.SUM) size_global = vm.bcast(size_global) tag = MPITag.CREATE_DIST_DIM if vm.rank == 0: start_idx = 0 for idx, rank in enumerate(vm.ranks): dest_rank = rank + 1 if dest_rank == vm.size: break else: if vm.rank == rank: vm.comm.send(start_idx + size, dest=dest_rank, tag=tag) elif vm.rank == dest_rank: start_idx = vm.comm.recv(source=rank, tag=tag) bounds_local = (start_idx, start_idx + size) is_empty = size == 0 kwargs[KeywordArgument.SIZE] = size kwargs[KeywordArgument.DIST] = True kwargs[KeywordArgument.IS_EMPTY] = is_empty ret = Dimension(dimension_name, **kwargs) ret.bounds_global = (0, size_global) ret.bounds_local = bounds_local return ret def create_src_idx(start, stop, dtype=np.int32, si_type=SourceIndexType.BOUNDS): if si_type == SourceIndexType.BOUNDS: ret = (start, stop) elif si_type == SourceIndexType.FANCY: ret = np.arange(start, stop, dtype=dtype) else: raise NotImplementedError(si_type) return ret def identify_source_index_type(src_idx): if src_idx is None: ret = None elif isinstance(src_idx, np.ndarray): ret = SourceIndexType.FANCY else: ret = SourceIndexType.BOUNDS return ret def slice_source_index(slc, src_idx): if isinstance(slc, slice) and slc == slice(None): pass else: si_type = identify_source_index_type(src_idx) # Source index can be None if the dimension has zero length. if si_type is not None: if si_type == SourceIndexType.FANCY: src_idx = src_idx.__getitem__(slc) else: offset = src_idx[0] if isinstance(slc, np.ndarray): if slc.dtype == bool: slc = np.where(slc)[0] src_idx = slc + offset else: new_si = np.array(src_idx) - offset start, stop = slc.start, slc.stop if start < 0: new_si[0] = new_si[1] + start elif start > new_si[0]: new_si[0] = start if stop < 0: new_si[1] = new_si[1] + stop elif stop < new_si[1]: new_si[1] = stop new_si += offset src_idx = tuple(new_si) else: src_idx = None return src_idx