Source code for ocgis.variable.geom

from collections import deque
from copy import deepcopy
from itertools import product

import numpy as np
from numpy.core.multiarray import ndarray
from ocgis import Variable, vm
from ocgis import constants
from ocgis import env
from ocgis.base import AbstractOcgisObject
from ocgis.base import get_dimension_names, get_variable_names, raise_if_empty
from ocgis.constants import KeywordArgument, HeaderName, VariableName, DimensionName, ConversionTarget, DriverKey, \
    WrappedState, AttributeName
from ocgis.environment import ogr
from ocgis.exc import EmptySubsetError, RequestableFeature, NoInteriorsError
from ocgis.spatial.base import AbstractSpatialVariable, create_split_polygons
from ocgis.util.addict import Dict
from ocgis.util.helpers import iter_array, get_trimmed_array_by_mask, get_swap_chain, find_index, \
    iter_exploded_geometries, get_iter
from ocgis.variable.base import get_dimension_lengths, ObjectType
from import Cartesian
from ocgis.variable.dimension import create_distributed_dimension, Dimension
from ocgis.variable.iterator import Iterator
from shapely import wkb
from shapely.geometry import Point, Polygon, MultiPolygon, mapping, MultiPoint, box
from shapely.geometry.base import BaseGeometry
from shapely.geometry.polygon import orient
from shapely.ops import cascaded_union
from shapely.prepared import prep

CreateGeometryFromWkb, Geometry, wkbGeometryCollection, wkbPoint = ogr.CreateGeometryFromWkb, ogr.Geometry, \
                                                                   ogr.wkbGeometryCollection, ogr.wkbPoint

GEOM_TYPE_MAPPING = {'Polygon': Polygon, 'Point': Point, 'MultiPoint': MultiPoint, 'MultiPolygon': MultiPolygon}

class GeometrySplitter(AbstractOcgisObject):
    _buffer_split = 1e-6

    def __init__(self, geometry):
        self.geometry = geometry

        if self.interior_count == 0:
            raise NoInteriorsError

    def interior_count(self):
            ret = len(self.geometry.interiors)
        except AttributeError:
            ret = 0
            for g in self.geometry:
                ret += len(g.interiors)
        return ret

    def create_split_vector_dict(self, interior):
        minx, miny, maxx, maxy = self.geometry.buffer(self._buffer_split).bounds
        col_key = 'cols'
        row_key = 'rows'
        ret = {}

        icx, icy = interior.centroid.x, interior.centroid.y

        ret[col_key] = (minx, icx, maxx)
        ret[row_key] = (miny, icy, maxy)

        return ret

    def create_split_polygons(self, interior):
        split_dict = self.create_split_vector_dict(interior)
        cols = split_dict['cols']
        rows = split_dict['rows']

        ul = box(cols[0], rows[0], cols[1], rows[1])
        ur = box(cols[1], rows[0], cols[2], rows[1])
        lr = box(cols[1], rows[1], cols[2], rows[2])
        ll = box(cols[0], rows[1], cols[1], rows[2])

        return ul, ur, lr, ll

    def split(self, is_recursing=False):
        geometry = self.geometry
        if is_recursing:
            assert isinstance(geometry, Polygon)
            ret = []
            for interior in self.iter_interiors():
                split_polygon = self.create_split_polygons(interior)
                for sp in split_polygon:
            if isinstance(geometry, MultiPolygon):
                itr = geometry
                itr = [geometry]

            ret = []
            for geometry_part in itr:
                    geometry_part_splitter = self.__class__(geometry_part)
                except NoInteriorsError:
                    split = geometry_part_splitter.split(is_recursing=True)
                    for element in split:

        return MultiPolygon(ret)

    def iter_interiors(self):
        for interior in self.geometry.interiors:
            yield interior

class GeometryProcessor(AbstractOcgisObject):
    :param geometry_iterable: Yields a Shapely geometry object or ``None``. This may yield ``None`` to assist in index
     tracking. For example, in a two-dimensional array of geometry objects a significant portion of these may be masked
     before a more complex subset operation.
    :param subset_geometry: The geometry used to subset ``geometry_iterable``.
    :param keep_touches: If ``True``, keep geometries that only touch the subset geometry.

    def __init__(self, geometry_iterable, subset_geometry, keep_touches=False):
        self.geometry_iterable = geometry_iterable
        self.subset_geometry = subset_geometry
        self.keep_touches = keep_touches

        self._is_used = False

    def iter_intersection(self):
        Yields a tuple similar to :meth:`ocgis.new_interface.geom.GeometryProcessor.iter_intersects`. However, if the
        current geometry does not intersect ``subset_geometry``, the geometry is ``None`` as opposed to a value.

        :return: tuple
        :raises: ValueError
        for idx, intersects_logical, geometry in self.iter_intersects():
            if intersects_logical:
                geometry = geometry.intersection(self.subset_geometry)
                geometry = None
            yield idx, intersects_logical, geometry

    def iter_intersects(self):
        Yields the enumerated index and ``True`` if the current geometry intersects ``subset_geometry``. ``False``
        otherwise. If the current geometry is ``None``, then ``False`` is always returned. The current geometry is also

        An example yielded tuple: ``(0, False, <Point>)``

        :return: tuple
        :raises: ValueError

        if self._is_used:
            raise ValueError('Iterator already used. Please re-initialize.')
            self._is_used = True

        subset_geometry = self.subset_geometry
        keep_touches = self.keep_touches
        prepared = prep(subset_geometry)
        prepared_intersects = prepared.intersects
        subset_geometry_touches = subset_geometry.touches

        for idx, geometry in self.geometry_iterable:
            yld = False
            # If the yielded geometry is None, then it should not be considered within the subset geometry.
            if geometry is not None:
                if prepared_intersects(geometry):
                    yld = True
                    if not keep_touches and subset_geometry_touches(geometry):
                        yld = False
            yield idx, yld, geometry

[docs]class GeometryVariable(AbstractSpatialVariable): """ A variable containing Shapely geometry object arrays. .. note:: Accepts all parameters to :class:`~ocgis.Variable`. Additional keyword arguments are: :param crs: (``=None``) The coordinate reference system for the geometries. :type crs: :class:`` :param str geom_type: (``='auto'``) See If ``'auto'``, the geometry type will be automatically determined from the object array. Providing a default prevents iterating over the object array to identify the geometry type. :param ugid: (``=None``) An integer array with same shape as the geometry variable. This array will be converted to a :class:`~ocgis.Variable`. :type ugid: :class:`numpy.ndarray` :param bool is_bbox: If ``True``, treat the polygon geometry as a bounding box geometry. """
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): kwargs = kwargs.copy() self._geom_type = kwargs.pop(KeywordArgument.GEOM_TYPE, 'auto') if kwargs.get(KeywordArgument.NAME) is None: kwargs[KeywordArgument.NAME] = VariableName.GEOMETRY_VARIABLE ugid = kwargs.pop(KeywordArgument.UGID, None) self.is_bbox = kwargs.pop('is_bbox', False) super(GeometryVariable, self).__init__(**kwargs) if ugid is not None: ugid_var = Variable(name=HeaderName.ID_SELECTION_GEOMETRY, value=[ugid], dimensions=self.dimensions) self.set_ugid(ugid_var) # If the parent field has no representative geometry, then this variable should be set as the representative # geometry. if self.parent.geom is None: self.parent.set_geom(self)
@property def area(self): """ :return: geometry areas as a float masked array :rtype: :class:`` """ if self.is_empty: fill = None else: r_value = self.get_masked_value() fill = np.ones(r_value.shape, dtype=env.NP_FLOAT) mask = self.get_mask() if mask is not None: mask = mask.copy() fill =, mask=mask) for slc, geom in iter_array(r_value, return_value=True):[slc] = geom.area return fill @property def dtype(self): """ :return: geometry variables are always of object type :rtype: type """ # Geometry arrays are always object arrays. return object @dtype.setter def dtype(self, value): # Geometry data types are always objects. Ignore any passed value. pass @property def geom_type(self): """ :return: geometry type for the variable :rtype: str """ # Geometry objects may change part counts during operations. It is better to scan and update the geometry types # to account for these operations. if self._geom_type == 'auto': self._geom_type = get_geom_type(self.get_value()) return self._geom_type @property def geom_type_global(self): """ :returns: global geometry type collective across the current :class:`~ocgis.OcgVM` :rtype: str :raises: :class:`~ocgis.exc.EmptyObjectError` """ raise_if_empty(self) geom_types = vm.gather(self.geom_type) if vm.rank == 0: for g in geom_types: if g.startswith('Multi'): break else: g = None return vm.bcast(g) @property def has_z(self): """ Return ``True`` if the variable has a z-coordinate. :rtype: bool """ if self.is_empty: ret = False else: ret = self.get_masked_value().compressed()[0].has_z return ret @property def weights(self): """ Weights are defined as: >>> self.area / self.area.max() Any geometries with zero area (points) are given an area of ``1.0`` for the purposes of weight calculation. :return: weights as a float masked array :rtype: :class:`` """ area = self.area[ == 0] = 1.0 return area / area.max()
[docs] def as_shapely(self): """ Convert to a Shapely geometry provided this is a singleton geometry variable. :rtype: :class:`shapely.geometry.base.BaseGeometry` """ f = self.get_value().flatten() assert f.size == 1 return f[0]
[docs] def convert_to(self, target=ConversionTarget.GEOMETRY_COORDS, **kwargs): """ Convert to a target type. The returned object is orphaned (does not share a parent with the source). Some common manipulations are shared between conversion targets. * Always orients polygons CCW. :param target: The target type. :type target: :attr:`ocgis.constants.ConversionTarget` :keyword dtype: ``(=None)`` Array data type for the coordinate variables. :keyword xname: ``(=constants.DEFAULT_NAME_COL_COORDINATES)`` Name of the x-coordinate variable. :keyword yname: ``(=constants.DEFAULT_NAME_ROW_COORDINATES)`` Name of the y-coordinate variable. :keyword zname: ``(=constants.DEFAULT_NAME_LVL_COORDINATES)`` Name of the z-coordinate variable. :keyword node_dim_name: ``(='n_node')`` Name of the node count dimension. :keyword element_index_name: ``(='element_index')`` Name of the element node connectivity variable. :keyword pack: ``(=True)`` If ``True``, de-duplicate coordinate vectors. :keyword repeat_last_node: ``(=False)`` If ``False``, do not repeat the last node coordinate for polygon geometries. :keyword max_element_coords: ``(=None)`` If provided, the maximum number of coordinates across all polygon geometries to convert. This fixes the column count for element node connectivity arrays. Otherwise, ragged arrays are used. :type max_element_coords: int :keyword multi_break_value: ``(=constants.OcgisConvention.MULTI_BREAK_VALUE)`` Value to use for indicating a multi-geometry break (indicates a separation of elements. Value must be negative. :type multi_break_value: int :keyword int node_threshold: ``(=None)`` Split polygons with nodes counts greater than this value into multi-polygons. :keyword bool split_interiors: ``(=False)`` If ``True``, split polygons with holes/interiors into multi-polygons. :keyword str driver: ``(driver=constants.DriverKey.NETCDF_UGRID)`` The driver to use for the output object. :keyword bool use_geometry_iterator: ``(=False)`` If ``True``, use a geometry iterator instead of loading all the geometries from source. :keyword int start_index: ``(=0)`` The start index to use for coordinate indexing. """ # TODO: IMPLEMENT: Line conversion. # TODO: IMPLEMENT: Storage method for holes/interiors. Interiors are currently only split not stored. # TODO: OPTIMIZE: Append/extend array creation. Try to use pre-determined sizes for all arrays where possible. raise_if_empty(self) from ocgis.spatial.geomc import PointGC, PolygonGC from ocgis.driver.registry import get_driver_class assert self.ndim == 1 kwargs = kwargs.copy() dtype = kwargs.pop(KeywordArgument.DTYPE, None) xname = kwargs.pop('xname', constants.DEFAULT_NAME_COL_COORDINATES) yname = kwargs.pop('yname', constants.DEFAULT_NAME_ROW_COORDINATES) zname = kwargs.pop('zname', constants.DEFAULT_NAME_LVL_COORDINATES) node_dim_name = kwargs.pop('node_dim_name', 'n_node') element_index_name = kwargs.pop('element_index_name', 'element_index') pack = kwargs.pop('pack', True) repeat_last_node = kwargs.pop('repeat_last_node', False) max_element_coords = kwargs.pop('max_element_coords', None) ocgis_convention = constants.OcgisConvention name_mbv = ocgis_convention.Name.MULTI_BREAK_VALUE multi_break_value = kwargs.pop(name_mbv, ocgis_convention.Value.MULTI_BREAK_VALUE) node_threshold = kwargs.pop('node_threshold', None) split_interiors = kwargs.pop('split_interiors', False) driver = get_driver_class(kwargs.pop('driver', None), default=DriverKey.NETCDF_UGRID) use_geometry_iterator = kwargs.pop('use_geometry_iterator', False) to_crs = kwargs.pop('to_crs', None) start_index = kwargs.pop('start_index', 0) assert len(kwargs) == 0 if to_crs is not None and not use_geometry_iterator: raise ValueError("'to_crs' only applies when using a geometry iterator") polygon_types = ('Polygon', 'MultiPolygon') geom_type = self.geom_type # Flag to indicate if we are processing multi-geometries. if geom_type.lower().startswith('multi'): is_multi = True else: is_multi = False if target == ConversionTarget.GEOMETRY_COORDS: if use_geometry_iterator: has_z_itr = self._request_dataset.driver.get_variable_value(self, as_geometry_iterator=True) for g in has_z_itr: has_z = g.has_z break geom_itr = self._request_dataset.driver.get_variable_value(self, as_geometry_iterator=True) else: has_z = self.has_z geom_itr = self.get_value().flat if geom_type == 'Point': if has_z: ndim = 3 else: ndim = 2 fill = np.zeros([self.size, ndim], dtype=dtype) for idx, geom in enumerate(geom_itr): fill[idx] = np.array(geom) xv = fill[:, 0] yv = fill[:, 1] if has_z: zv = fill[:, 2] else: zv = None elif geom_type in polygon_types: # This array holds indices pointing to coordinate arrays. Supplying "max_element_coords" sets the size # of each element's coordinate count. if max_element_coords is not None: element_index = np.zeros((self.size, max_element_coords), dtype=env.NP_INT) ocgis_dtype = env.NP_INT else: element_index = np.zeros(self.size, dtype=object) ocgis_dtype = ObjectType(env.NP_INT) # The start index for the element node connectivity array. cidx = start_index xv = deque() yv = deque() zv = deque() seqs = [xv, yv] if has_z: seqs.append(zv) if to_crs is not None: from_crs = for idx, geom in enumerate(geom_itr): if to_crs is not None: to_transform = GeometryVariable.from_shapely(geom, crs=from_crs) to_transform.update_crs(to_crs) geom = to_transform.get_value()[0] if geom.geom_type in polygon_types: try: gsplitter = GeometrySplitter(geom) except NoInteriorsError: pass else: if split_interiors: geom = gsplitter.split() is_multi = True else: raise ValueError('Interiors are not handled unless they are split.') if node_threshold is not None and get_node_count(geom) > node_threshold: geom = get_split_polygon_by_node_threshold(geom, node_threshold) is_multi = True fill_cidx = np.array([], dtype=env.NP_INT) for subidx, subgeom in enumerate(iter_exploded_geometries(geom)): # Insert a break value if we are on the second or greater component geometry of a # multi-geometry. if subidx > 0: fill_cidx = np.hstack((fill_cidx, np.array([multi_break_value], dtype=env.NP_INT))) subgeom = get_ccw_oriented_and_valid_shapely_polygon(subgeom) coords = np.array(subgeom.exterior.coords) if repeat_last_node: coords_shape = coords.shape[0] else: coords_shape = coords.shape[0] - 1 if pack: curr_element_index = np.zeros(coords_shape, dtype=env.NP_INT) for coords_row_idx in range(coords_shape): coords_row = coords[coords_row_idx, :].flatten() found_index = find_index(seqs, coords_row) if found_index is None: xv.append(coords_row[0]) yv.append(coords_row[1]) if has_z: zv.append(coords_row[2]) found_index = cidx cidx += 1 else: found_index += start_index curr_element_index[coords_row_idx] = found_index fill_cidx = np.hstack((fill_cidx, curr_element_index)) else: xv.extend(coords[0:coords_shape, 0].flatten().tolist()) yv.extend(coords[0:coords_shape, 1].flatten().tolist()) if has_z: zv.extend(coords[0:coords_shape, 2].flatten().tolist()) fill = np.arange(cidx, cidx + coords_shape, dtype=env.NP_INT) fill_cidx = np.hstack((fill_cidx, fill)) cidx += coords_shape if max_element_coords is None: element_index[idx] = fill_cidx else: element_index[idx, :] = fill_cidx if max_element_coords is None: element_index_dims = self.dimensions[0] else: element_index_dims = [self.dimensions[0], Dimension(name=DimensionName.UGRID_MAX_ELEMENT_COORDS, size=max_element_coords)] element_index = Variable(name=element_index_name, value=element_index, dimensions=element_index_dims, dtype=ocgis_dtype, attrs={AttributeName.START_INDEX: start_index}) # Indicate there are multi-geometries in the coordinates objects. if is_multi: element_index.attrs[name_mbv] = multi_break_value else: element_index.attrs.pop(name_mbv, None) else: msg = "Conversion for this geometry type is not implemented: '{}'".format(geom_type) raise RequestableFeature(message=msg) names = [xname, yname, zname] values = [xv, yv, zv] variables = [None] * 3 if geom_type == 'Point': dim = self.dimensions[0] elif geom_type in polygon_types: dim = create_distributed_dimension(len(xv), name=node_dim_name) else: raise NotImplementedError(geom_type) for idx in range(len(names)): if not has_z and idx == 2: break variables[idx] = Variable(name=names[idx], value=values[idx], dimensions=dim) if geom_type == 'Point': klass = PointGC elif geom_type in polygon_types: klass = PolygonGC else: raise NotImplementedError(geom_type) kwds = dict(z=variables[2],, driver=driver, start_index=start_index) if geom_type in polygon_types: kwds['cindex'] = element_index kwds['packed'] = pack if self.has_mask: kwds[KeywordArgument.MASK] = self.get_mask() ret = klass(variables[0], variables[1], **kwds) else: raise RequestableFeature('This conversion target is not supported: {}'.format(target)) return ret
@classmethod def from_shapely(cls, geom, **kwargs): kwargs = kwargs.copy() kwargs[KeywordArgument.VALUE] = [geom] if KeywordArgument.DIMENSIONS not in kwargs: kwargs[KeywordArgument.DIMENSIONS] = DimensionName.GEOMETRY_DIMENSION return cls(**kwargs)
[docs] def get_buffer(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Return a shallow copy of the geometry variable with geometries buffered. .. note:: Accepts all parameters to :meth:`shapely.geometry.base.BaseGeometry.buffer`. An additional keyword argument is: :keyword str geom_type: The geometry type for the new buffered geometry if known in advance. :rtype: :class:`~ocgis.GeometryVariable` :raises: :class:`~ocgis.exc.EmptyObjectError` """ raise_if_empty(self) # New geometry type for the buffered object. geom_type = kwargs.pop('geom_type', 'auto') ret = self.copy() new_value = np.empty_like(ret.get_value(), dtype=object) to_buffer = self.get_value() mask = self.get_mask() for idx, mask_value in iter_array(mask, return_value=True): if not mask_value: new_value[idx] = to_buffer[idx].buffer(*args, **kwargs) else: new_value[idx] = None ret.set_value(new_value) ret._geom_type = geom_type return ret
[docs] def get_intersects(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Perform an intersects spatial operations on the geometry variable. :keyword bool return_slice: (``=False``) If ``True``, return the _global_ slice that will guarantee no masked elements outside the subset geometry as the second element in the return value. :keyword bool cascade: (``=True``) If ``True`` (the default), set the mask following the spatial operation on all variables in the parent collection. :returns: shallow copy of the geometry variable :rtype: :class:`~ocgis.GeometryVariable` | ``(<geometry variable>, <slice>)`` :raises: :class:`~ocgis.exc.EmptySubsetError` """ raise_if_empty(self) return_slice = kwargs.pop(KeywordArgument.RETURN_SLICE, False) cascade = kwargs.pop(KeywordArgument.CASCADE, True) ret = self.copy() intersects_mask_value = ret.get_mask_from_intersects(*args, **kwargs) ret, ret_mask, ret_slice = get_masking_slice(intersects_mask_value, ret) if not ret.is_empty: ret.set_mask(ret_mask.get_value(), cascade=cascade, update=True) else: for var in list(ret.parent.values()): assert var.is_empty # TODO: need to implement fancy index-based slicing for the one-dimensional unstructured case. Difficult in parallel. # if self.ndim == 1: # # For one-dimensional data, assume it is unstructured and compress the returned data. # adjust = np.where(np.invert(ret.get_mask())) # ret_slc = adjust if return_slice: ret = (ret, ret_slice) return ret
[docs] def get_intersection(self, *args, **kwargs): """ .. note:: Accepts all parameters to :meth:`~ocgis.new_interface.geom.GeometryVariable.get_intersects`. Same return types. Additional arguments and/or keyword arguments are: :keyword bool inplace: (``=False``) If ``False`` (the default), deep copy the geometry array on the output before executing an intersection. If ``True``, modify the geometries in-place. :keyword bool intersects_check: (``=True``) If ``True`` (the default), first perform an intersects operation to limit the geometries tests for intersection. If ``False``, perform the intersection as is. """ inplace = kwargs.pop(KeywordArgument.INPLACE, False) intersects_check = kwargs.pop(KeywordArgument.INTERSECTS_CHECK, True) return_slice = kwargs.get(KeywordArgument.RETURN_SLICE, False) subset_geometry = args[0] if intersects_check: ret = self.get_intersects(*args, **kwargs) else: if inplace: ret = self else: ret = self.copy() if intersects_check: # If indices are being returned, this will be a tuple. if return_slice: obj = ret[0] else: obj = ret else: if return_slice: global_slice = [(slice(d.bounds_global[0], d.bounds_global[1]) for d in self.dimensions)] ret = (ret, global_slice) obj = ret else: obj = ret if not obj.is_empty: if not inplace: obj.set_value(deepcopy(obj.get_value())) obj_value = obj.get_masked_value() for idx, geom in iter_array(obj_value, return_value=True):[idx] = geom.intersection(subset_geometry) return ret
[docs] def get_iter(self, *args, **kwargs): """ :rtype: :class:`~ocgis.variable.iterator.Iterator` """ should_add = kwargs.pop(KeywordArgument.ADD_GEOM_UID, False) if should_add and self.ugid is not None: followers = [self.ugid] else: followers = [] return Iterator(self, followers=followers, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_mask_from_intersects(self, geometry_or_bounds, use_spatial_index=env.USE_SPATIAL_INDEX, keep_touches=False, original_mask=None): """ :param geometry_or_bounds: A Shapely geometry or bounds tuple used for the masking. :type geometry_or_bounds: :class:`shapely.geometry.base.BaseGeometry` | :class:`tuple` :param bool use_spatial_index: If ``True``, use a spatial index for the operation. :param bool keep_touches: If ``True``, keep geometries that only touch. :param original_mask: A hint mask for the spatial operation. ``True`` values will be skipped. :type original_mask: :class:`numpy.ndarray` :returns: boolean array with non-intersecting values set to ``True`` :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray` """ raise_if_empty(self) # Transform bounds sequence to a geometry. if not isinstance(geometry_or_bounds, BaseGeometry): geometry_or_bounds = box(*geometry_or_bounds) ret = geometryvariable_get_mask_from_intersects(self, geometry_or_bounds, use_spatial_index=use_spatial_index, keep_touches=keep_touches, original_mask=original_mask) return ret
[docs] def get_nearest(self, target, return_indices=False): """ :param target: The Shapely geometry to use for proximity. :type target: :class:`shapely.geometry.base.BaseGeometry` :param bool return_indices: If ``True``, also return the indices used for slicing the geometry variable. :return: shallow copy of the geometry variable and optionally slices :rtype: :class:`~ocgis.GeometryVariable` | ``(<geometry variable>, <slice>)`` """ target = target.centroid distances = {} for select_nearest_index, geom in iter_array(self.get_value(), return_value=True, mask=self.get_mask()): distances[target.distance(geom)] = select_nearest_index select_nearest_index = distances[min(distances.keys())] ret = self[select_nearest_index] if return_indices: ret = (ret, select_nearest_index) return ret
[docs] def get_report(self): if is None: projection = 'NA (no coordinate system)' sref = projection else: projection = sref = lines = ['Spatial Reference = {0}'.format(sref), 'Proj4 String = {0}'.format(projection), 'Geometry Type = {0}'.format(self.geom_type), 'Count = {0}'.format(self.size)] return lines
[docs] def get_spatial_index(self, target=None): """ :param target: If this is a boolean array, use this as the add target. Otherwise, use the compressed masked values. :type target: :class:`numpy.ndarray` :return: spatial index for the geometry variable :rtype: :class:`rtree.index.Index` """ # "rtree" is an optional dependency. from ocgis.spatial.index import SpatialIndex # Fill the spatial index with unmasked values only. si = SpatialIndex() # Use compressed masked values if target is not available. if target is None: target = self.get_masked_value().compressed() # Add the geometries to the index. r_add = si.add for idx, geom in iter_array(target, return_value=True): r_add(idx[0], geom) return si
[docs] def get_spatial_subset_operation(self, spatial_op, subset_geom, **kwargs): if spatial_op == 'intersects': ret = self.get_intersects(*[subset_geom], **kwargs) elif spatial_op == 'intersection': ret = self.get_intersection(*[subset_geom], **kwargs) else: raise NotImplementedError(spatial_op) return ret
[docs] def get_unioned(self, dimensions=None, union_dimension=None, spatial_average=None, root=0): """ Unions _unmasked_ geometry objects and applies spatial averaging weights to variables in the parent collection if requested. Collective across the current :class:`~ocgis.OcgVM`. :param dimensions: Dimensions to union. If ``None``, default to the object's dimensions. :type dimensions: tuple(:class:`ocgis.Dimension`, ...) | tuple(str, ...) :param union_dimension: The new dimension for the unioned geometry. :type union_dimension: :class:`ocgis.Dimension` | str :param spatial_average: The variables to spatially average. Other variables will be left untouched. :type spatial_average: tuple(:class:`ocgis.Variable`, ...) | tuple(str, ...) :param int root: If executing in parallel, the root rank to send all data. On non-root ranks, ``None`` will be returned. :rtype: :class:`ocgis.GeometryVariable` """ # Get dimension names and lengths for the dimensions to union. if dimensions is None: dimensions = self.dimensions dimension_names = get_dimension_names(dimensions) dimension_lengths = [len(self.parent.dimensions[dn]) for dn in dimension_names] # Get the variables to spatial average. if spatial_average is not None: variable_names_to_weight = get_variable_names(spatial_average) else: variable_names_to_weight = [] # Get the new dimensions for the geometry variable. The union dimension is always the last dimension. if union_dimension is None: from ocgis.variable.dimension import Dimension union_dimension = Dimension(constants.DimensionName.UNIONED_GEOMETRY, 1) new_dimensions = [] for dim in self.dimensions: if not in dimension_names: new_dimensions.append(dim) new_dimensions.append(union_dimension) # Configure the return variable. ret = self.copy() if spatial_average is None: ret = ret.extract() ret.set_mask(None) ret._value = None ret.set_dimensions(new_dimensions) ret.allocate_value() # Destination indices in the return variable are filled with non-masked, unioned geometries. for dst_indices in product(*[list(range(dl)) for dl in get_dimension_lengths(new_dimensions)]): dst_slc = {new_dimensions[ii].name: dst_indices[ii] for ii in range(len(new_dimensions))} # Select the geometries to union skipping any masked geometries. to_union = deque() for indices in product(*[list(range(dl)) for dl in dimension_lengths]): dslc = {dimension_names[ii]: indices[ii] for ii in range(len(dimension_names))} sub = self[dslc] sub_mask = sub.get_mask() if sub_mask is None: to_union.append(sub.get_value().flatten()[0]) else: if not sub_mask.flatten()[0]: to_union.append(sub.get_value().flatten()[0]) # Execute the union operation. processed_to_union = deque() for geom in to_union: if isinstance(geom, MultiPolygon) or isinstance(geom, MultiPoint): for element in geom: processed_to_union.append(element) else: processed_to_union.append(geom) unioned = cascaded_union(processed_to_union) # Pull unioned geometries and union again for the final unioned geometry. if vm.size > 1: unioned_gathered = vm.gather(unioned) if vm.rank == root: unioned = cascaded_union(unioned_gathered) # Fill the return geometry variable value with the unioned geometry. to_fill = ret[dst_slc].get_value() to_fill[0] = unioned # Spatial average shared dimensions. if spatial_average is not None: # Get source data to weight. for var_to_weight in filter(lambda ii: in variable_names_to_weight, list(self.parent.values())): # Holds sizes of dimensions to iterate. These dimension are not squeezed by the weighted averaging. range_to_itr = [] # Holds the names of dimensions to squeeze. names_to_itr = [] # Dimension names that are squeezed. Also the dimensions for the weight matrix. names_to_slice_all = [] for dn in var_to_weight.dimensions: if in self.dimension_names: names_to_slice_all.append( else: range_to_itr.append(len(dn)) names_to_itr.append( # Reference the weights on the source geometry variable. weights = self[{nsa: slice(None) for nsa in names_to_slice_all}].weights # Path if there are iteration dimensions. Checks for axes ordering in addition. if len(range_to_itr) > 0: # New dimensions for the spatially averaged variable. Unioned dimension is always last. Remove the # dimensions aggregated by the weighted average. new_dimensions = [dim for dim in var_to_weight.dimensions if not in dimension_names] new_dimensions.append(union_dimension) # Prepare the spatially averaged variable. target = ret.parent[] target.set_mask(None) target._value = None target.set_dimensions(new_dimensions) target.allocate_value() # Swap weight axes to make sure they align with the target variable. swap_chain = get_swap_chain(dimension_names, names_to_slice_all) if len(swap_chain) > 0: weights = weights.copy() for sc in swap_chain: weights = weights.swapaxes(*sc) # The main weighting loop. Can get quite intensive with many, large iteration dimensions. len_names_to_itr = len(names_to_itr) slice_none = slice(None) squeeze_out = [ii for ii, dim in enumerate(var_to_weight.dimensions) if in names_to_itr] should_squeeze = True if len(squeeze_out) > 0 else False np_squeeze = np.squeeze np_atleast_1d = np.atleast_1d np_ma_average = for nonweighted_indices in product(*[list(range(ri)) for ri in range_to_itr]): w_slc = {names_to_itr[ii]: nonweighted_indices[ii] for ii in range(len_names_to_itr)} for nsa in names_to_slice_all: w_slc[nsa] = slice_none data_to_weight = var_to_weight[w_slc].get_masked_value() if should_squeeze: data_to_weight = np_squeeze(data_to_weight, axis=tuple(squeeze_out)) weighted_value = np_atleast_1d(np_ma_average(data_to_weight, weights=weights)) target[w_slc].get_value()[:] = weighted_value else: target_to_weight = var_to_weight.get_masked_value() # Sort to minimize floating point sum errors. target_to_weight = target_to_weight.flatten() weights = weights.flatten() sindices = np.argsort(target_to_weight) target_to_weight = target_to_weight[sindices] weights = weights[sindices] weighted_value = np.atleast_1d(, weights=weights)) target = ret.parent[] target.set_mask(None) target._value = None target.set_dimensions(new_dimensions) target.set_value(weighted_value) # Collect areas of live ranks and convert to weights. if vm.size > 1: # If there is no area information (points for example, we need to use counts). if[0].max() == 0: weight_or_proxy = float(self.size) else: weight_or_proxy =[0] if vm.rank != root: vm.comm.send(weight_or_proxy, dest=root) else: live_rank_areas = [weight_or_proxy] for tner in vm.ranks: if tner != vm.rank: recv_area = vm.comm.recv(source=tner) live_rank_areas.append(recv_area) live_rank_areas = np.array(live_rank_areas) rank_weights = live_rank_areas / np.max(live_rank_areas) for var_to_weight in filter(lambda ii: in variable_names_to_weight, list(ret.parent.values())): dimensions_to_itr = [ for dim in var_to_weight.dimensions if !=] slc = { 0} for idx_slc in var_to_weight.iter_dict_slices(dimensions=dimensions_to_itr): idx_slc.update(slc) to_weight = var_to_weight[idx_slc].get_value().flatten()[0] if vm.rank == root: collected_to_weight = [to_weight] if not vm.rank == root: vm.comm.send(to_weight, dest=root) else: for tner in vm.ranks: if not tner == root: recv_to_weight = vm.comm.recv(source=tner) collected_to_weight.append(recv_to_weight) # Sort to minimize floating point sum errors. collected_to_weight = np.array(collected_to_weight) sindices = np.argsort(collected_to_weight) collected_to_weight = collected_to_weight[sindices] rank_weights = rank_weights[sindices] weighted = np.atleast_1d(, weights=rank_weights)) var_to_weight[idx_slc].get_value()[:] = weighted if vm.rank == root: return ret else: return
[docs] def prepare(self, archetype=None): """ Prepare the geometry variable for spatial operations by calling its coordinate system's :meth:`` method and returning a deep copy. If an archetype is provided, update the returned object's coordinate system and wrapped state to match the archetype's. If the current object has no crs or no modifications are required by the object, then a shallow copy is returned. :param archetype: The object to use for spatial property matching. :type archetype: :class:`ocgis.spatial.base.AbstractSpatialObject` :return: :class:`~ocgis.GeometryVariable` """ if self.size > 1: raise RequestableFeature('Preparations only work on a single geometry.') crs = dced = False if crs is not None or archetype is not None: if crs is not None: ret = self.deepcopy() dced = True ret = crs.prepare_geometry_variable(ret) # Update the coordinate system if it differs from the archetype. if archetype is not None: acrs = if acrs != crs: if not dced: ret = self.deepcopy() dced = True ret.update_crs(acrs) # Update spatial wrapping if it is still applicable. if acrs is not None: archetype_wrapped_state = archetype.wrapped_state if archetype_wrapped_state not in (WrappedState.UNKNOWN, None): if not dced: ret = self.deepcopy() dced = True acrs.wrap_or_unwrap(archetype_wrapped_state, ret) else: ret = self.copy() return ret
[docs] def update_crs(self, to_crs, from_crs=None): """ Update the coordinate system of the geometry variable in-place. :param to_crs: The destination CRS for the transformation. :type to_crs: :class:`` """ super(GeometryVariable, self).update_crs(to_crs, from_crs=from_crs) if from_crs is None: from_crs = members = [from_crs, to_crs] contains_cartesian = any([isinstance(ii, Cartesian) for ii in members]) if contains_cartesian: if isinstance(to_crs, Cartesian): inverse = False else: inverse = True from_crs.transform_geometry(to_crs, self, inverse=inverse) elif from_crs != to_crs: # Be sure and project masked geometries to maintain underlying geometries. r_value = self.get_value().reshape(-1) r_loads = wkb.loads r_create = ogr.CreateGeometryFromWkb to_sr = from_sr = the_mask = self.get_mask() if the_mask is not None: the_mask = the_mask.flatten() for idx, geom in enumerate(r_value.flat): try: # Get the well known binary representation of the geometry object. geom_wkb = geom.wkb except AttributeError: # The geometry may be masked in which case it has no binary whatever. Confirm the geometry is # masked or raise an exception. if the_mask is None or not the_mask[idx]: raise else: continue ogr_geom = r_create(geom_wkb) ogr_geom.AssignSpatialReference(from_sr) ogr_geom.TransformTo(to_sr) r_value[idx] = r_loads(ogr_geom.ExportToWkb()) # Even if coordinate systems are measured equivalent, for consistency the new crs is the destination CRS. = to_crs
[docs] def iter_records(self, use_mask=True): if use_mask: to_itr = self.get_masked_value().compressed() else: to_itr = self.get_value().flat r_geom_class = GEOM_TYPE_MAPPING[self.geom_type] for idx, geom in enumerate(to_itr): # Convert geometry to a multi-geometry if needed. if not isinstance(geom, r_geom_class): geom = r_geom_class([geom]) feature = {'properties': {}, 'geometry': mapping(geom)} yield feature
[docs] def set_ugid(self, variable, attr_link_name=constants.AttributeName.UNIQUE_GEOMETRY_IDENTIFIER): """ Same as :meth:`~ocgis.Variable.set_ugid`, except the unique identifier name has a default value. """ super(GeometryVariable, self).set_ugid(variable, attr_link_name=attr_link_name)
[docs] def set_value(self, value, **kwargs): if not isinstance(value, ndarray) and value is not None: if isinstance(value, BaseGeometry): itr = [value] shape = 1 else: itr = value shape = len(value) value = np.zeros(shape, dtype=self.dtype) for idx, element in enumerate(itr): value[idx] = element super(GeometryVariable, self).set_value(value, **kwargs)
def write_vector(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs = kwargs.copy() lself = self.copy() if lself.parent.geom is None: lself.parent.set_geom(lself) lself.parent.set_abstraction_geom(create_ugid=True, set_ugid_as_data=True) kwargs[KeywordArgument.DRIVER] = DriverKey.VECTOR lself.parent.write(*args, **kwargs) def _get_extent_(self): if self.size > 1: raise RequestableFeature('Extent not supported for more than one geometry.') return self.get_value().flatten()[0].bounds
def get_masking_slice(intersects_mask_value, target, apply_slice=True): """ Collective! :param intersects_mask_value: The mask to use for creating the slice indices. :type intersects_mask_value: :class:`numpy.ndarray`, dtype=bool :param target: The target slicable object to slice. :param bool apply_slice: If ``True``, apply the slice. """ raise_if_empty(target) if intersects_mask_value is None: local_slice = None else: if intersects_mask_value.all(): local_slice = None elif not intersects_mask_value.any(): shp = intersects_mask_value.shape local_slice = [(0, shp[0]), (0, shp[1])] else: _, local_slice = get_trimmed_array_by_mask(intersects_mask_value, return_adjustments=True) local_slice = [(l.start, l.stop) for l in local_slice] if local_slice is not None: offset_local_slice = [None] * len(local_slice) for idx in range(len(local_slice)): offset = target.dimensions[idx].bounds_local[0] offset_local_slice[idx] = (local_slice[idx][0] + offset, local_slice[idx][1] + offset) else: offset_local_slice = None gathered_offset_local_slices = vm.gather(offset_local_slice) if vm.rank == 0: gathered_offset_local_slices = [g for g in gathered_offset_local_slices if g is not None] if len(gathered_offset_local_slices) == 0: raise_empty_subset = True else: raise_empty_subset = False offset_array = np.array(gathered_offset_local_slices) global_slice = [None] * offset_array.shape[1] for idx in range(len(global_slice)): global_slice[idx] = (np.min(offset_array[:, idx, :]), np.max(offset_array[:, idx, :])) else: global_slice = None raise_empty_subset = None raise_empty_subset = vm.bcast(raise_empty_subset) if raise_empty_subset: raise EmptySubsetError global_slice = vm.bcast(global_slice) global_slice = tuple([slice(g[0], g[1]) for g in global_slice]) intersects_mask = Variable(name='mask_gather', value=intersects_mask_value, dimensions=target.dimensions, dtype=bool) if apply_slice: if vm.size_global > 1: ret = target.get_distributed_slice(global_slice) ret_mask = intersects_mask.get_distributed_slice(global_slice) else: ret = target.__getitem__(global_slice) ret_mask = intersects_mask.__getitem__(global_slice) else: ret = target ret_mask = intersects_mask return ret, ret_mask, global_slice def get_geom_type(data): geom_type = None for geom in data.flat: try: geom_type = geom.geom_type except AttributeError: # Assume this is not a geometry, but an underlying masked element. continue else: if geom_type.startswith('Multi'): break assert geom_type is not None return geom_type def get_grid_or_geom_attr(sc, attr): if sc.grid is None: ret = getattr(sc.geom, attr) else: ret = getattr(sc.grid, attr) return ret def get_ccw_oriented_and_valid_shapely_polygon(geom): try: assert geom.is_valid except AssertionError: geom = geom.buffer(0) assert geom.is_valid if not geom.exterior.is_ccw: geom = orient(geom) return geom def get_node_schema(geom): """Create a dictionary containing polygon metadata.""" ret = Dict() for ctr, ii in enumerate(get_iter(geom, dtype=Polygon)): ret[ctr].node_count = get_node_count(ii) ret[ctr].area = ii.area ret[ctr].geom = ii return ret def get_node_count(geom): node_count = 0 for ii in get_iter(geom, dtype=Polygon): node_count += len(ii.exterior.coords) return node_count def get_split_polygon_by_node_threshold(geom, node_threshold): """Split a polygon by a node threshold.""" node_schema = get_node_schema(geom) # Collect geometries with node counts higher than the threshold. to_split = [] for k, v in node_schema.items(): if v['node_count'] > node_threshold: to_split.append(k) # Identify split parameters for an element exceeding the node threshold. for ii in to_split: n = node_schema[ii] # Approximate number of splits need for each split element to be less than the node threshold. n.n_splits = int(np.ceil(n['node_count'] / node_threshold)) # This is the shape of the polygon grid to use for splitting the target element. n.split_shape = np.sqrt(n.n_splits) # There should be at least two splits. if n.split_shape == 1: n.split_shape += 1 n.split_shape = tuple([int(np.ceil(ns)) for ns in [n.split_shape] * 2]) # Get polygons to use for splitting. n.splitters = create_split_polygons(n['geom'], n.split_shape) # Create the individual splits: n.splits = [] for s in n.splitters: if n.geom.intersects(s): the_intersection = n.geom.intersection(s) for ti in get_iter(the_intersection, dtype=Polygon): n.splits.append(ti) # write_fiona(n.splits, '01-splits') # Collect the polygons to return as a multipolygon. the_multi = [] for v in node_schema.values(): if 'splits' in v: the_multi += v.splits else: the_multi.append(v.geom) return MultiPolygon(the_multi) def geometryvariable_get_mask_from_intersects(gvar, geometry, use_spatial_index=env.USE_SPATIAL_INDEX, keep_touches=False, original_mask=None): # Create the fill array and reference the mask. This is the output geometry value array. if original_mask is None: original_mask = gvar.get_mask(create=True) fill = original_mask.copy() fill.fill(True) ref_fill_mask = fill.reshape(-1) # Track global indices because spatial operations only occur on non-masked values. global_index = np.arange(original_mask.size) global_index =, mask=original_mask).compressed() # Select the geometry targets. If an original mask is provided, use this. It may be modified to limit the search # area for intersects operations. Useful for speeding up grid subsetting operations. geometry_target =, mask=original_mask).compressed() if use_spatial_index: si = gvar.get_spatial_index(target=geometry_target) # Return the indices of the geometries intersecting the target geometry, and update the mask accordingly. for idx in si.iter_intersects(geometry, geometry_target, keep_touches=keep_touches): ref_fill_mask[global_index[idx]] = False else: # Prepare the polygon for faster spatial operations. prepared = prep(geometry) # We are not keeping touches at this point. Remember the mask is an inverse. for idx, geom in iter_array(geometry_target, return_value=True): bool_value = False if prepared.intersects(geom): if not keep_touches and geometry.touches(geom): bool_value = True else: bool_value = True ref_fill_mask[global_index[idx]] = bool_value return fill